Reflecting on 50 years of Moore's Law, announcing extended museum hours, and more!
E-newsletter | April 2015 
Moore's Law @ 50
Moore's Law @ 50

Gordon Moore's iconic prediction turns 50 this Sunday, April 19. We're marking the occasion all week on the Distillations blog with insights from historians and computer scientists, items from CHF's collections, and an excerpt from the soon-to-be-released biography Moore's Law: The Life of Gordon Moore, Silicon Valley's Quiet Revolutionary


And coming on Friday: the online premiere of a 14-minute film centered on an exclusive interview with Moore himself.

Young and Positive

The United States has 50,000 new HIV cases per year, and 40% of these cases occur in people under age 29. While new drugs have turned HIV into a manageable chronic disease, stigmas and daily challenges remain. We explored these issues in a recently released documentary video. more

The Museum at CHF

Starting this month, we're opening our doors to more visitors than ever! The Museum at CHF will be open every Saturday in April--and Saturdays and Sundays from May through September. 


"We're delighted to be able to share the museum's exhibitions and stories about the human side of science with visitors on the weekends," says museum director Erin McLeary. "The museum is part of a rich and dynamic neighborhood, and we hope our new hours make this area an even better destination for lovers of history and science." 


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Ambler, Pennsylvania, is a vibrant commuter town 20 miles from Philadelphia, with an idyllic main street, a close-knit community, and a history intertwined with the legacy of Keasbey and Mattison, a manufacturer of asbestos-containing products. 


Over the past two years we've been connecting with Ambler's residents to collect their stories and enrich them with images, sound, and live performance. Discover Ambler's history, and join us in imagining its future in a newly launched web exhibit. more


Measles is a vaccine-preventable disease, but it is on the rise in the United States. At least 85,000 dietary supplements are available on supermarket shelves with little assurance of their safety and effectiveness. What drives these health trends? Guests on our most recent podcast suggest that faith, a desire for easy answers, and a lack of trust in medical science come into play. more

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