September 2014 

Think About It 

President's Message



Tish Stuart, CFRE

President, AFP Eastern OK Chapter

I hope you did not labor during the Labor Day weekend! 
Congratulations to  Lindsay Goble-Jordan, who has earned the CFRE designation!  Lindsay is the only person in Oklahoma to become a CFRE so far this year, and I am proud she is from our Eastern OK Chapter.  Lindsay is the Senior Director of Development for the Alzheimer's Association - OK Chapter (Tulsa).  We will be presenting her with an honorarium to celebrate this milestone in her career. 
I am excited that several of our members will be applying to become Certified Fund Raising Executives® (CFREs) this year.  Monica Chance organized a study group for it.  If you need fundraising training and/or CFRE preparation, our 1 ½ day course will be September 12 & 13. See the announcement or go to the website for more info.
Proposed Bartlesville Network
On August 22nd Kathy Wright, COO of the Institute for Conversational Fundraising coordinated a lunch meeting for people interested in having AFP professional opportunities in Bartlesville.  Jane Dunbar - Treasurer, Monica Champ - CFRE & Fundraising Training Chair and I joined 22 people to talk about having AFP programs, webinars, and networking events as a satellite group for our Eastern OK Chapter. 
This concept works for several other AFP chapters around the country. Our board and Bartlesville representatives would have a written agreement regarding organizational and financial responsibilities.  Bartlesville network participants would still attend our annual conference and other chapter activities in Tulsa.  Kathy Wright is surveying the people who are interested to see how many would become AFP members.  This Bartlesville Network proposal will be considered at our September 4th board meeting.   
Chapter Business
The Committee on Directorship (AFP's new name for Nominating Committee) has been recruiting the slate of 2015 officers.  If you want to serve as a chair or committee member please contact Amy Miller- committee chair, Tom Taylor II or me. 
Also, we will vote on the proposed chapter bylaws  at our September 4th meeting.  The draft was sent to you on August 4th
It is a pleasure to work with our chapter officers and committee chairs.  The Executive Committee met last week to finish updating the strategic plan/work plan to finish this year and take us into next year.  We hope to finalize it soon and post it on the website. 
National Philanthropy Day® Conference and Awards Luncheon
I hope you have scheduled yourself to participate in the conference and luncheon set for Friday, November 7th at The Mayo Hotel. Dana Wilkes, Tom Taylor, II and Drew France are working on the conference content with Janetta Cravens, Jill vanEgmond and Katie Spaulding of our Professional Partner, the Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits (OCNP).  I mentioned this before, but I hope you will invite others in your organization as well as key board members to attend the conference (approximately 8:00 am - 3:00 pm) AND the NPD Awards Luncheon (approximately 11:30-1:15 pm).     
Please join us for the always-entertaining Mark Loeber of The Advancement Group's presentation on Baby Boomers and planned giving at the September 4th chapter meeting.  This Baby Boomer can't wait to hear it!


You're Invited

September Luncheon: Planned Giving Solutions for Boomers


Thursday, September 4, 2014

1:30 PM - 1:15 PM

Tulsa Garden Center

2535 South Peoria 

Tulsa, Oklahoma 74114


Mark Loeber, CEO and Founder of The Advancement Group will discuss the continually changing economic landscape that is shaking the financial and family foundations of Baby Boomers. Gain insight and understanding in regard to what Boomers are thinking and learn how planned giving can help solve their family and financial challenges.



September Webinar: Creative Design for Fundraising Campaigns


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Tulsa Area United Away

1430 South Boulder Avenue, Bailey Room 

Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119


 Click here to register! 

National Philanthropy Day



Plans for National Philanthropy Day® are gearing up, so mark your calendars for Friday, November 7 and be on the lookout for registration info in the coming weeks! NPD Award winners will be announced soon as well! 


The conference and luncheon will again be held at The Mayo Hotel in downtown Tulsa, and this year the event is put on in partnership with our friends at the Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits.  



Our keynote speaker this year is Gerard P. Clancy, M.D., President-The University of Oklahoma, Tulsa, Professor-Department of Psychiatry, Endowed Chair-Morningcrest Health Care Foundation Chair in Leadership.


In 2011, Dr. Clancy served as Chairman of the Board of the Tulsa Regional Chamber of Commerce. In that work, he led a task force of area leaders to create a common vision for regional economic development. He is the Campaign Chair for the 2014 LIVE UNITED Tulsa Area United Way campaign, and he is Incoming Chairman of the Board of the Tulsa Area United Way.  


We look forward to hearing Dr. Clancy's perspective on fundraising and leadership from his wealth of knowledge and experience!

Fundraising Training & CFRE Review Course


We are excited to present the "new and improved" CFRE Workshop again this year. This years' workshop begins at one of two luncheons, your choice of a location in Tulsa (American Red Cross offices, 10151 E. 11thStreet) on August 15th or Bartlesville (Bartlesville Public Library) on August 22nd, and the remainder of the workshop at Bailey Education Foundation in Owasso on Friday, September 12th from 8:30am - 4:30pm and Saturday, September 13th from 9:00am - 3:00pm.

Our focus this year is not only preparation for the Certified Fund Raising Exam, but will also include strategies for completing the application. The workshop also provides practical fundraising training for individuals new to the profession. Following the CFRE Workshop, a study group will be meeting regularly prior to taking the test during the October 18-December 6, 2014 testing period. Applications to take the exam will be due September 30, 2014. Please visit the website, for testing dates and locations.

The revised AFP CFRE Review Course offers development professionals an opportunity to review the main components of a complete fundraising program. It is an intensive two-day program that provides an overview of skills, techniques and program components based on fundraising experience at the five-year level. Unlike earlier versions of the course, the revised course is organized around the domains of the CFRE examination rather than specific fundraising strategies. In addition, the participant manual will contain test taking tips and sample exam questions provided by CFRE International.

Participants receive:

Participant manual Approximately 14 hours of instruction (for which you will receive credit on your application)
A certificate of completion at the end of the course

New and Improved Topics include 8 modules:

 Why Philanthropy? An Overview of Fundraising & Its Concepts 
Current & Prospective Donor Research
Marketing and Communications for Fundraising & Development

Developing a Comprehensive Solicitation Program

Building and Sustaining Relationships

Securing the Gift

Volunteer Involvement


There is a separate application and fee for the CFRE Exam which must be received by CFRE International at least 2 months (60 days) prior to the exam date. Application is available at CFRE International at or 703-820-5555.
Friday, September 12, 2014 - Saturday, September 13, 2014
Bailey Education Foundation on the Campus of Bailey Medical Center

10502 North 110th E Ave, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055
Guest:     $490.00

Member:  $390.00
To register, click here.

Questions or concerns can be directed to:

Margaret Wish, Chapter Administrator

Other Opportunities
Creating Sustainable Funding For Your Nonprofit
In this session, Benevon Intructor and Coach, Marcy McNeal will give you an overview of the Benevon Model-a systematic process for engaging and developing relationships with mission-focused individual donors. You will learn how to implement mission focused, permission-based fundraising; how to make your organization more visible in your community and how to identify and cultivate individual donors who are passionate about your mission.
  • Date: Monday, September 8, 2014
  • Time: 2:00-3:00pm
  • Location: The Parent Child Center of Tulsa, 1421 S. Boston Ave., Tulsa, OK 74119
  • RSVP:
  • Cost: Free to attend, but please RSVP as space is limited
  • Who Should Attend: Key organizational leadership, including board members, executive director or CEO, development director, and volunteers
  • Questions: Contact Mercedes Robinson at 206-428-2150 or

Benevon trains and coaches nonprofit organizations to implement a mission-based system for raising sustainable funding from individual donors. This system ends the suffering about fundraising and builds passionate and committed lifelong donors. The Benevon Model was developed by founder Terry Axelrod, author of seven books and several DVDs, including her most recent book, The Benevon Model: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting it Right. For more information, click here.


Board Members Make All the Difference: From Good to Great

Thursday, October 30, 2014, 8:00-4:30pm

Presented by Dr. Jerold Panas,,

Methodist Manor at their location

4134 East 31 Street, Tulsa, OK 74135


An Invitation from Oklahoma Methodist Manor and Charlene Fabian, CFRE

Registration, $100, which includes lunch


Jerry Panas is known for his outstanding professional expertise and presentations. This one-day workshop is for board members, executive directors and fundraising professionals who want to move their organization's mission forward with leadership and a strong staff and board partnership. Dr. Panas will lead you through the board's role in the cultivation of prospective major gift donors, step-by-step action from getting the appointment to stewardship, and he will demonstrate why an inspiration to boldness is important for board members and staff. He will also talk about board members' roles in captial campaigns.


Charlene Fabian, CFRE, and a former Outstanding Fundraising Professional honored by our AFP chapter, wants us to have this opportunity to participate. Space is limited. For more information contact Charlene at 918-346-6639 or


Build Your Bookshelf
Breakthrough Thinking for Nonprofit Organizations 

In an era where trends emerge quickly through social media and technology advances, we must constantly work to stay up-to-date and relevant. Breakthrough Thinking for Nonprofit Organizations: Creative Strategies for Extraordinary Results by Bernard Ross is an excellent resource along this topic. It is a guide of "how-to" advice backed up by case studies to help you think creatively and strategically on your next fundraising project.  


AFP Eastern OK's Presenting Strategic Partner

Member Moments
AFP Eastern Oklahoma member Kent Stroman, CFRE will be speaking at the annual Grant Professionals Association conference in Portland, Oregon in mid-October on the topic of "Building Bridges to Funder Relationships."

Monica Champ has returned to the American Red Cross Tulsa Regional Chapter as Major Gifts Officer.

Caroline Holmes is the new Director of Development for Domestic Violence Intervention Services/Call Rape, and she recently married Eric Devonshire!

Kate Silvey is the Trust Development Coordinator for the Tulsa Library Trust, which supports the Tulsa City County Libraries.

Congratulations to Kim Goddard and everyone at Broken Arrow Neighbors for surpassing their capital campaign goal and raising $1,152,564 to construct, furnish, and endow a new facility. Broken Arrow Neighbors is an interfaith organization that provides "assistance with dignity," basic needs, and emergency assistance to more than 11,000 financially disadvantaged people in the Broken Arrow area.

Amanda Summers joined Broken Arrow Public Schools as Director of Community and Fund Development, and will also work for the Broken Arrow Public Schools Foundation. Her new phone number is 918-259-5713

Congratulations to each of these members on their exciting endeavors!

**Member Moments is a new addition to our newsletter where we will highlight exciting announcements, new jobs, accomplishments, and facts about our members! If you'd like to submit news for the Member Moments, please email Taylor Shorb at

Get the Most Out of the AFP Website
The AFP website has a wealth of information in the Members Only area. As a reminder, here are the steps to follow to take advantage of this great resource:
  • Click on Members Only at the top right
  • Click Log in and enter your username and password (if you don't know these, there are also links to find out and reset your password)
  • From here, you are able to access the Professional Library, Bylaws, and more!
In This Issue
Think About It
September Luncheon & Webinar
CFRE Review Course
Other Opportunities
Build Your Bookshelf
Member Moments
Job Listings
Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter View our profile on LinkedIn 
Job Listings
New Members

Laura Crosby

Partnerships and Events Manager

City Year Tulsa


Erin Feller 

Development Officer

Northeastern State University

Please take note of our chapter's new PO Box!

AFP Eastern Oklahoma Chapter

PO Box 33103

Tulsa, OK 74153

Our Sponsors

Strategic Partner

Supporting Partner
Hardesty Family Foundation logo

Business Partners
ICF logo

Steven Michaels Photography logo

Litgistix logo

GuRuStu logo
2014 Board of Directors



Tish Stuart 


Chapter Administrator

Margaret Wish 



Jane Dunbar 



Jocelyn McCarver 


Immediate Past President

Amy Miller 



Suzy Sharp 


VP of Education

Steffanie Bonner 


VP of Advancing Philanthropy

Susan Garcia 


VP of Community Relations

Allison Walden 


VP of Member Services

Kate Silvey 


President Elect

Tom Taylor 

Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter View our profile on LinkedIn  
AFP Eastern Oklahoma Chapter | P.O. Box 33103 | Tulsa, OK 74153 | (918) 978-9718