February 2014 
The lifeblood of nonprofit work



Volunteers can be a huge asset to your organization! Not only are they committing their time but they are witnessing your organization fulfill its mission. Their experience can translate into more clients, volunteers or even donors if they feel valued and enjoy their time.  


In this Tulsa World article, Volunteer Tulsa Director Brenda Michael-Haggard explains the monetary value of volunteers in our community:


"Oklahoma ranks 26th in volunteer rates at 27.7 percent and 27th with 35.3 volunteer hours per resident annually. In 2012, Tulsa had an average volunteer rate of 28.4 percent compared to 28.1 percent in Oklahoma City and better than the national average of 26.5, according to the latest statistics from Volunteering and Civic Life in America, a detailed report on volunteering trends, civic life and demographics in all 50 states.


Last year volunteers logged in an estimated 200,000 hours of service locally. At the estimated hourly rate of $18.28 in Oklahoma, that equates to more than $3.6 million in volunteer services, said Brenda Michael-Haggard, executive director of Volunteer Tulsa." 


Read More at Tulsa World


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Feb. Luncheon This Thursday
Learn about the Tulsa Community Foundation

Thursday, Feb. 6, 2014
11:30 AM - 1:15 PM  
Tulsa Garden Center 2435 South Peoria
Walk-ins $30 (pre-registration closed)
As the largest community foundation in the nation, Tulsa Community Foundation (TCF) knows that our local nonprofit agencies represent the heart of philanthropy and the front line of making our community a better place to live. 
Mr. Lakin will be speaking about the various programs TCF offers our area nonprofits, its impact on the Tulsa community and how donors can utilize TCF services. 
Mentoring Moment
Milliennials are mentors too



The Harvard Business Review recently posted an article titled "You're Probably Wrong About Millennials" on their blog, written by Dan Schawbel, Gen Y career and workplace expert.   

The article gets right to its point, stating that "managers routinely complain about their Gen Y employees as entitled, disloyal, and lazy- and as a result, conflicts arise." 


These stereotypes of the younger workforce cause a lack of collaboration and lead to high employee turnover, which is expensive for for-profit and non-profit businesses alike. 


Schawbel says "the first step is to drop generational stereotypes and give Gen Y employees a chance to prove themselves," and that "Gen Ys are work horses and have a persistent hunger to discover new experiences, take advantage of opportunities and push the boundaries." 


If we think back to our December luncheon about volunteers, this is precisely in line with what TYPROs' Executive Director Shagah Zakerion said about millennials wanting to jump in and be actively involved in projects.


Schawbel goes on to explain that "the real opportunity to bring both generations together is mentoring programs that connect Gen Y talent to senior leaders." Our chapter mentoring program wants to do just that. Many mentoring pairs in our chapter have mutually benefitted from the mentoring program over the past year, and it's not too late to get involved. 


Contact Kate Davis today if you are interested in this fantastic opportunity our chapter offers!


Every month the AFP chapter will feature a real-life experience of an AFP member that speaks to the value and authenticity of mentorship. If you're interested in participating in the mentorship program as a mentor or a mentee, please contact Kate Davis


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Social Media Survey Results


Based on your feedback in our recent newsletter/social media survey, we will begin to focus more attention on celebrating our members' accomplishments and the great work we are all doing in the Tulsa community!
Build Your Bookshelf
Critical Issues in Fund Raising

Critical Issues in Fundraising, edited by Dwight F. Burlingame



In a time when nonprofit fundraising is continuously evolving, Critical Issues in Fund Raising, an AFP/Wiley Development Series book edited by Dwight F. Burlingame, is an invaluable resource. 


In this book, nonprofit practitioners and researchers discuss topics such as donor motivation, donor diversity, ethics, cost effectiveness, government regulation, and more. 


While this book was published more than a decade ago, its content is futuristic and still very relevant today. 

In This Issue
Oklahoma Volunteers
Feb. Luncheon
Mentoring Moment
Survey Results
Build Your Bookshelf
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Job Listings

Development Coordinator

Tulsa Zoo Management, Inc.


Grant Administrator

DVIS/Call Rape


Major Gifts and Grants Manager

Tulsa Zoo Management, Inc.


Grant Writer



Administrative Assistant

Owasso Community Resources


Director of Development

Engineering and Natural Sciences

The University of Tulsa

Our Sponsors

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Hardesty Family Foundation logo

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2014 Board of Directors



Tish Stuart


Chapter Administrator

Margaret Wish



Jane Dunbar



Jocelyn McCarver


Immediate Past President

Amy Miller



Suzy Sharp


VP of Education

Steffanie Bonner


VP of Advancing Philanthropy

Susan Garcia


VP of Community Relations

Allison Walden


VP of Member Services

Kate Silvey


President Elect

Tom Taylor

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Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter View our profile on LinkedIn  
AFP Eastern Oklahoma Chapter | P.O. Box 2974 | Tulsa, OK 74101-2974 | (918) 978-9718