There's Still Time to Give
Every Member Campaign
 Last month we highlighted AFP's Every Member Campaign, and this is a reminder to make your contribution to the cause and field we are all so invested in: fundraising.
By giving to the Every Member Campaign, we invest in our chapter and its services, such as the wonderful free monthly webinars, program tool kits, and scholarships. Furthermore, if we meet our chapter fundraising goal we will receive a partnership grant worth 25% of our goal!
Last year our grant funded the Youth in Philanthropy art project in schools around Tulsa. This is a great opportunity for us to advance our chapter and philanthropy in the community. Our goal this year is to raise $2,950 by December 31, 2013.
Together, we can reach that goal!
September Luncheon
Non-Profit Sector's Role in Public Policy, Economic, Social and Cultural Life
The nonprofit sector plays an increasingly important role in public policy development, locally and beyond. Presenter M. Susan Savage's background in the nonprofit world--both governmental and non-governmental--gives her the perspective to know how important this sector is to the economic, social, and cultural well-being of communities. Join her at the September luncheon to learn how nonprofits navigate this trend in our politically charged society.
Susan Savage
About the Speaker
M. Susan Savage is a native Tulsan who was elected as the city's first woman mayor in 1992. She became Tulsa's most-tenured mayor at the end of her term in 2002, at which time was appointed as Oklahoma's Secretary of State by Governor Brad Henry from 2003 until January of 2011.
Savage has been recognized locally, statewide and nationally as a leader in international relations, human relations, environmental stewardship, economic expansion, and for her effectiveness in delivering government services.
WHEN Thursday, September 5, 2013 11:30 AM - 1:15 PM
Tulsa Garden Center 2435 South Peoria, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74114 FEE Guest Luncheon: $30.00 Member Luncheon: $20.00 Questions or concerns can be directed to:
Margaret Wish, Chapter Administrator
TYPros Community Partner Program
 Applications are now open for the coveted TYPros Community Partner! Every year this organization partners with one nonprofit throughout the year, collaborating on events and projects, and also to raise money and volunteer. As we all know these are invaluable resources for all nonprofits, and to have them available from Tulsa's most talented young professionals is a fantastic opportunity! The lucky 2013 Community Partner is the Arts and Humanities Council of Tulsa, which has received 1,500 volunteer hours and over $10,000 so far. To get started, follow these tips offered by TYPros: - Tie your mission to TYPros' mission: TYPros is attracting and retaining young professionals by affecting what young professionals care about. Why is your mission important to that demographic?
- Have young professional-friendly opportunities: Young professionals are developing their careers and often can't take time off work for volunteer opportunities. Although some day events will work, young professionals want to know about evening and weekend opportunities.
- Prepare some partnership ideas: TYPros has thousands of members ready to spend time with and raise money for the Community Partner organization-tell them how! TYPros will bring ideas to the table as well, but you know your needs best.
Applications for the 2014 Community Partner are due Friday, September 27 via email to ShagahZakerion@TYPros.org.
Mentoring Moment
Valuable Career Advice
Allison Walden
"My mentor shared with me some excellent advice on how to approach your career. Aspire to work for people for whom you have the utmost respect and that adhere to high standards of excellence in their chosen fields. When you keep that goal in mind, it can lead to some very exciting places. It's a concept I plan to follow as my career takes shape."
Allison B. Walden
Director of Development
Tulsa Regional Chamber
Every month the AFP chapter will feature a real-life experience of an AFP member that speaks to the value and authenticity of mentorship. If you're interested in participating in the mentorship program as a mentor or a mentee, please contact Kate Davis.
Build Your Bookshelf
11 Questions Every Donor Asks and the Answers All Donors Crave: How You Can Inspire Someone to Give Generously
The title of this book alone suggests it should be on every fundraiser's bookshelf, and as donors become more results oriented, it should be.
Written by Harvey McKinnon, this book focuses on some of the most important questions we as professional fundraisers must be ready to answer from our donors:
- Why me?
- Why your organization?
- Will my gift make a difference?
- Is there an urgent reason to give?
- How will you measure results?
By offering real examples and tips, The 11 Questions Every Donor Asks prepares fundraisers to be able to answer the questions donors have a right to know, and can mean the difference between no gift at all and long-term support from a donor.
Upcoming Webinar
Shifting World of Business: Community Partnerships
 | Jocelyne Daw |
School is back in session, and you can revisit the classroom--complete with your own sack lunch--at AFP's upcoming webinar, Shifting World of Business: Community Partnerships.
Normally, the course costs $169, but the AFP Eastern Oklahoma is streaming it for FREE to members ($20, non-members).
Join Jocelyne Drew, a leading expert in business and community partnerships, to learn about the shifting expectations of business, the need for outcomes and the innovative strategies and tactics that build meaningful partnerships, deliver tangible business and community results, and inspire action among key stakeholders.
At the conclusion of this session, participants will:
- Explain and understand evolving trends and innovations in business-community partnerships and the role of multiple partners for collective impact and greater value;
- Apply techniques to develop proactive and effective business-community partnerships;
- Design a strategy from internal preparation to external execution; and
- Understand how to manage implementation and execution of partnerships.
Target Audience
- Mid-level and senior fundraisers who have responsibility for corporate giving;
- Senior leaders who are looking for innovative ways to achieve mission goals while raising critical dollars for support;
- Board members who oversee fundraising and need to understand evolving trends and practices.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Tulsa Area United Way
1430 South Boulder Avenue, Bailey Room
Members - FREE
Guests - $20
Brown Bag Lunch!
A Note From Chapter President, Amy Miller
 While December remains an important month for the direct mail "ask" and "reminder", awareness needs to start in the early fall. A new research study by Google suggests that nonprofits might be waiting too long to start their year-end fundraising efforts. According to an article published by The Chronicle of Philanthropy, the study found that September is a key month in the fall solicitation timeline, with donation-related Google searches being 30 percent higher in September than August. Google commissioned a survey of nearly 1,000 donors and observed the online behavior of millions over the last 6 months of 2012. The results of the studies are eye-opening. Three-quarters of the donors they surveyed began research they conducted on charities online. They also reported that video was a powerful tool; fifty-seven percent of survey participants said they had made a contribution after watching a charity's online video. And the donors aren't just looking at your site; they're shopping around. Almost half of donors visited multiple nonprofit websites before making a donation. Did you know that video content is almost 17 times more likely to find itself on the first page of search results compared to a page without video? And once a visitor has arrived at your website they're much more likely to stick around and take in your message in the form of video than with any other type of content. A surprising low percentage of organizations and groups have implemented video within their marketing strategies. It is worth the investment to make sure your site is easily navigated and that your videos and photos are powerful and promoted via social media. And you can post your videos and photos to the AFP Facebook page to help drive traffic to your own Facebook page and website! Lights, Camera, Action! Amy Miller AFP Eastern Oklahoma Chapter President
Welcome New Members!
SR. VP of Institutional Advancement
Bacone College
Chapter Job Listings
Junior League of Tulsa