January 2013
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Chapter Events & Activities  


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What A Deal!

Would you like to reach 200 professional fundraisers, 150 organizations, and many more  supporters associated with the non-profit world and philanthropy? Advertise here!

Design your ad on a vertical business card-sized template and send to the chapter administrator Margaret Wish.

You'll be glad you did!  The cost is worth it; only $200 for the ad to appear for 3 months.


For information on listing your organization's job opening, visit the chapter's website or contact the chapter administrator 

Board of Directors
AFP 2011 ten star logo
  Welcome 2013 officers and committee chairs!  

Do you have a question about AFP or an idea that you'd like to submit? Feel free to contact any of our committee chairs! Click on the name to send an e-mail.
Amy Miller


Tish Stuart

Immediate Past President

Pam Dose 
Jan Dunbar 
Laura Chalus 
VP of Education
Steffanie Bonner  
Monthly Programs Chair Toni McGee  
Web Conference Chair 
Pat Atkinson 
VP of Advancing Philanthropy
Susan Garcia 
CFRE Chair
Monica Champ    

Professional Partners Chair
Kate Davis  
Youth In Philanthropy Chair  
Christina Ward
VP of Community Relations
Allison Walden

Newsletter Chair   

Lindsay Jordan

Social Media Chair  

Brandi Moore

Publicity Chair

Carrie Salce

VP of Membership Services
Kerry Hornibrook

Recruiting and Orientation Chair

Amanda LeCrone

Member Retention Chair

Lindsay Hughes

Volunteer Coordinator

Ashlee Noland

NPD/Conference Chair

Heather Duncan

Awards/Scholarships Chair

Tom Taylor  
Chapter Administration  Margaret Wish 

Accessing YOUR Chapter's  


Don't know how to access the 'Members Only' section?  


Username: AFP Member ID#  Password: your last name

If you do not remember your AFP Member ID# please e-mail Margaret Wish, Chapter Administrator.   

Join Our Mailing List



This will ensure that you are always "in the know" and updated on our chapter's news.


Pass It On!

Forward the newsletter to all your friends & associates, board members & staff. 

Help spread the word about professional fundraising in Northeast Oklahoma! 
A Note From the Chapter President


Greetings! I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season with family and friends. As we round the corner to 2013, I look forward to serving the Eastern Oklahoma Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals as President. I am also pleased to have a strong and committed executive team and board of directors. Thanks to outgoing chapter president Pam Dose, we are off to a great start!


Abiding by the AFP mission statement, our chapter seeks to advance philanthropy by enabling people and organizations to practice ethical and effective fundraising. The core activities through which AFP fulfills this mission include education, training, mentoring, research, credentialing and advocacy. This mission is important to me as a fundraising professional but also as a citizen of a community whose culture has been molded by charitable giving and volunteerism.


With buzzwords like fiscal cliff, collaboration, social media, and outcome measurement affecting our fundraising practices, and with major demographic shifts as the Boomers retire and the Millennials become philanthropists, staying abreast of trends in fundraising is an ongoing educational process. This is one of the great benefits of AFP membership. In addition to discounts on our regular monthly education programs and free webinars, members have access to a wealth of information at afpnet.org. The digital issue of Advancing Philanthropy has informative and timely articles about all of the issues and trends affecting fundraisers today. And if you haven't accessed the Members Only section of our chapter's website you are missing out on dozens of recordings, slide shows and informative handouts from recent audio conferences.


Additionally, one-on-one mentoring is one of the best ways to begin networking and to gain insight into the funding community. If you aren't engaged as a mentor or a mentee, I encourage you to contact the chair of our mentoring program Kate Davis at kdavis@childabusenetwork.org.


Here's to a successful 2013 for each and every one of you!




Amy Miller

Chapter President

Don't Miss It!  Chapter Meeting Reminder 


Thursday, January 3, 2013
11:30 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. Tulsa Garden Center
2435 South Peoria, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74114


Registration deadline was Monday, December 31.  

We hope to see you there! 



Three of Tulsa's top non-profit organizations will share how they achieve success with their signature special events. 


Get all of your event questions answered with these specific case-study examples -- from how to work with an event committee and manage volunteers, to how to create a timeline and stick to a budget.


Presenters are:   


Non-Profit:   George Miksch Sutton Avian Research Center

Event:             Wild Brew

Panelists:       Kris Koepsel, Wild Brew 2013 Chair

                           Hillary Parkhurst, Director of Development


Non-Profit:   Child Abuse Network

Event:             CANdlelight Ball

Panelists:      Adrienne Barnett, CANdlelight Ball 2013 Chair

                          Kate Davis, Director of Development


Non-Profit:   Light Opera Oklahoma

Event:             STARS

Panelist:        Eric Gibson, Executive Director


Save the Date

CFRE Training 

April 18 - 19, 2013
at Bailey Education Foundation, on the campus of Bailey Medical Center in Owasso, OK


Whether you are pursuing your Certified Fund Raising Executive designation or simply want to improve your skills, this course is an excellent educational and professional development experience.  Participation will increase your effectiveness in fundraising and help prepare you for the certification process.   Click the CFRE logo to visit the official website and learn more about getting certified! 


January 2013 Webinar   


Create a Winning Team:  Recruiting, Retiring, & Refining Nonprofit Boards 

by Tom Nisbett 


FREE to members, $25 for guests

Time and location to be announced    

Learn practical steps in the identification, recruitment and commitment of excellent board members, as well as how to properly aid in the retirement of those board members who have become inactive or ineffective. Take away tips and tools to develop a better board and motivate the one you have.  

Watch for an announcement in the coming days of the date and time of this webinar, and a new convenient location for all webinars to be offered by the chapter this year.
Welcome New Members

Lori Esser              

Director of Marketing & Development

Price Tower Arts Center



Amanda Lecrone

Development Director

LIFE Senior Services  



Christian Helm Leikam                                                                      

Director of Donor Relations

Alzheimer's Association



Suzann Stewart           

Executive Director       

Ann Patterson Dooley Family Safety Center                               



Winners Announced:
2012 Youth in Philanthropy Art Project


The Eastern Oklahoma Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals and Youth Services of Tulsa collaborated in 2012 on a Youth in Philanthropy art project, piloted with Street School and Tulsa School of Arts and Sciences.


The project focused on AFP's "Youth in Philanthropy" and "Diversity" strategic initiatives through a judged art contest based on the theme of a diverse and giving community. 


Students were asked to portray their perception of the theme, a diverse and giving community, through visual art media of choice and include a short paragraph describing the work and what it represents. Judging criteria included artistic representation, creativity and relevance to the theme.


Judging panelists included local artists, members of AFP, the Diversity Crew of Tulsa's Young Professionals, and the Mosaic program of the Tulsa Regional Chamber. The winners are:


Tulsa School of Arts and Sciences

1st Place: Courtney Baker, senior

2nd Place: Stephen Sharpe, senior

3rd Place: Reagan Dechow, junior



Street School:

1st Place: Latisha Long, senior

2nd Place: Ashley Small, sophomore

3rd Place: Martin Ortiz, sophomore


Representatives of AFP and YST visited the school sites on Tuesday, December 18 to present cash prices to the winners. Support for this program came from the AFP Grant Partnership Award, received by the Eastern Oklahoma chapter of AFP for its outstanding participation in the most recent AFP Every Member Campaign.


Those on site to congratulate the winners were:


Janet Gaskins, Past-President, AFP Eastern Oklahoma Chapter

George Romero, Arts Program Coordinator, Youth Services of Tulsa

Lori McGinnis-Madland, Executive Director, Street School

Eric Doss, Executive Director, Tulsa School of Arts and Sciences


A special thank you to our 2012 Youth in Philanthropy judges:


Pam Dose, Immediate Past-President, AFP, Eastern Oklahoma

Susan Garcia, VP, Advancing Philanthropy

Linda Jenkins, Mosaic, Tulsa Regional Chamber

Toby Jenkins, Mosaic, Tulsa Regional Chamber

Joshua Lee, Diversity Crew, Tulsa's Young Professionals

Gabe Low, Director of Youth Enrichment, Youth Services of Tulsa

Jonny Hinkle, Community artist                                   

Britt Greenwood, Community artist                 


The winning artwork was displayed at the Youth Services of Tulsa "Art is Alive" art show and reception at the Philbrook Museum of Art on Thursday, December 20, 2012.


AFP is committed to engaging young professionals and promoting the exploration of philanthropy by youth to build their future fundraising careers.  AFP recognizes the importance of outreach to young professionals in order to assure that effective and ethical fundraising is practiced well into the future. 

Members Only:


Action University is an online professional development tool exclusively for AFP members. Action University takes a best-selling business book each week, and summarizes it into a 10-15 minute video, accompanied by a workbook, a PDF summary, and an author-led webinar. Check this newsletter each month for a featured Action University Book Review for members only!

Featured Book: Watch the Video Summary 


The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Achieving More with Less


Author Richard Koch takes a fresh look at the 80/20 principle and reveals that the basic imbalance observed by Pareto 100 years ago is evident in almost every aspect of life. If it's usually 20 percent that produces 80 percent of the result, then 80 percent of what you do may not be counting for much. Koch helps you identify that 20 percent and shows you how to get more out of work and life, for less.

2012 Every Member Campaign


Goal = $2,440!  

Raised to date = $2,267 (93% of goal!)

We're almost there!!!

Donate Now!

The online donate form will ask you how much of your donation you would like to "credit" to a chapter.   

Please select Eastern Oklahoma Chapter and re-enter your gift amount so that our chapter gets credit for your generosity!


Every gift to EMC furthers AFP's mission to advance ethical and effective fundraising, provides scholarships, funds research, and increases our Chapter's eligibility for an AFP Chapter Partnership grant.


Your gift to the AFP Foundation is tax-deductible.


Thank you for your continued support of our chapter and the AFP Foundation. Please contact me for information, Janet-gaskins@ouhsc.edu.


Janet Gaskins

Immediate Past President

2012 Every Member Campaign Chair