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AFP Member Organizations Benefit from TYPros, Leadership Tulsa Board Internship Program
Only 30 percent of young, aspiring nonprofit executives have served on a board of directors, according to the CompassPoint study Ready to Lead: Next Generation Speakers Speak Out. As baby boomers prepare to retire and the nonprofit sector faces a leadership shortage, it's important to provide future generations of leaders with development opportunities, especially in the board room, which according to Ready to Lead is "a powerful place for leadership development-exposing talented young leaders to the inner workings of organizations and their governance practices." Every year two local organizations, Tulsa's Young Professionals (TYPros) and Leadership Tulsa, do just that through the Board Internship Program, which places more than 80 up-and-coming leaders on local nonprofit boards. According to TYPros the Board Internship Program serves to "develop young adult leaders in Tulsa by familiarizing them with each other, the community in general, and the practices and principles of community leadership through a nonprofit board internship." To date, twenty-four AFP Tulsa chapter member organizations have participated in the Board Internship Program. The partnership is mutually beneficial for interns and board members, as interns gain valuable real-world experience and mentorship, and boards receive a fresh input. "I work solo for the non-profit with a small board, so I really appreciate having another pair of eyes, ears and ideas," Trena Workman, executive director of the Institute for Environmental Innovation, said. "Our intern is very connected with the downtown Tulsa scene and the younger demographic brings a fresh perspective of what is possible." To learn how your organization can serve as a host for board interns, visit Leadership Tulsa for board intern application information.
AFP to Provide Mentoring Partnerships to Chapter Members The AFP Eastern Oklahoma Chapter is enhancing
its mentorship program this year. While you might think of a mentoring program as merely advantageous for the mentee, the AFP mentoring program is structured to offer so much more.
In the past, the AFP mentorship program has typically paired seasoned development professionals and those newer to the field for a mutually beneficial relationship. Experienced fundraisers are able to share their knowledge with mentees on topics such as annual giving and capital campaigns, major gift solicitation, and more. This year, the program will also tap into the wealth of information that those newer to the development field offer.
"We realize that development newbies can offer a fresh perspective and tips on social media, event planning, and ways to reach younger donors," says Kate Davis, co-chair of the mentoring program.
This year's program will offer several opportunities for mentors and mentees to get together in a relaxed and informal setting, where they can network with others in the program. Two social mixers have been planned, one for May and the other in September.
"We wanted to offer a venue for the participants in the program to have the opportunity to get to know each other and also to say thank you for being a part of the mentoring program," said Davis. "Stay tuned for more information on the date and location for the May gathering."
If you're interested in participating in the mentorship program as a mentor, mentee or both, contact Kate Davis at (918) 624-0201 or kdavis@childabusenetwork.org.
Take Five for Professional Development
Sourced from AFP HQ and Local Chapter Partners
Need to get out of the office - our out of town - to learn something new and gain some fresh perspective? Take a look at these five upcoming professional development events and find a great learning opportunity near you.
March 14, 2013
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Rejoice Christian School
13413 E 106th St N.
Owasso, OK 74055
Free to Attend
April 7-9, 2013
San Diego Convention Center
San Diego, CA
$895 AFP members
CFRE Review Course
April 18-19, 2013
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Bailey Education Foundation, Bailey Medical Center Campus
10502 North 110th E. Ave.
Owasso, OK 74055
$390 AFP members, $490 non-members
May 5 - 7, 2013
Drury Plaza Hotel Broadview
Wichita, KS
$350 AFP members, before March 16
Presented by Grant the Good
Friday, June 7, 2013
Irving Convention Center
Irving, TX
$135 AFP members, group rates available
Each month, NewsRaiser will feature a professional development story to inform and equip our members in service to advance the fundraising profession.
The AFP Eastern Oklahoma Chapter provides information about relevant professional development opportunities as a courtesy to chapter members. The chapter does not profit from or endorse these events.
Book of the Month

Action University is an online professional development tool exclusively for AFP members. AU takes a best-selling business book each week and summarizes in into a 10-15 minute video, accompanied by a workbook, a PDF summary, and an author-led webinar.
This month's featured book - Likeable Business: Why Today's Consumers Demand More and How Leaders Can Deliver
 You can have a rock-solid business strategy, unlimited resources, and the best talent. But if your business isn't likeable, it will fail. Author Dave Kerpen lays out 11 strategies to gain trust and be liked by customers, stakeholders and the public.
March Luncheon: Taxes, Technology and Fundraising
Does the thought of deciphering current tax law and how it affects your nonprofit make you swoon? Join us Thursday March 14, as Attorney Phil Haney sets the record straight on how the decisions of government may affect philanthropy and change the way we do business now and in the future.
Presented by Mr. Phil Haney
Attorney, Philip S. Haney Associates
Thursday, March 14, 2013
11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Tulsa Garden Center, 2435 South Peoria, Tulsa, OK 74114
Devoted to advising charities, religious and philanthropic clients in his practice, Mr. Haney also teaches Entrepreneurial Philanthropy at the University of Tulsa. Other topics of his talk will include the use of current technology for effective fundraising, fund sourcing, cultivation and donor motivation.
A note from our chapter president: Amy Miller

I often hear nonprofit executives say they wish they could find a way to engage young professionals as volunteers and donors. Studies have shown that millennials want to be active and engaged with a cause they care about. TYPros, Tulsa's young professionals organization, boasts a membership of thousands. How can we help these aspiring leaders make a connection with our active nonprofit community?
As well, nearly 100 driven and connected individuals go through the Leadership Tulsa program every year. And Gen Xers and younger Boomers can be just as ready to make a commitment as millennials. Fortunately there is a wonderful program that matches members of both groups to a charity they are interested in supporting.
Over the past five years, I've had the opportunity to witness the value of the board internship programs through TYPros and Leadership Tulsa first hand, both as a board intern and as a staff person working with interns.
Young, enthusiastic, and driven individuals have joined boards I've worked with, often as a way to explore their potential passion for the organization. And when that passion develops, these interns may accept full director positions and become active, contributing members.
The good news is, getting your organization in front of these prime prospective supporters is as easy as sending your information to Leadership Tulsa Executive Director Wendy Thomas at wendy@leadershiptulsa.org. I highly recommend that you invest the time in joining this program and prepare to reap the benefits.
Welcome New Members!
