Greetings from Christianson's!
For the times, they are a' changin'. That sentiment now applies to Garden Notes. After five years in its current format, we are redesigning Garden Notes to a smaller, simpler format that is easier to view on your smart phone and/or iPad. Over half of our subscribers open Garden Notes with their mobile devices and find the current format too long and cumbersome. In streamlining Garden Notes, interesting articles will be linked to our web site (which is also about to undergo an overhaul) and we will also provide a link to the current Garden Gazette, our quarterly printed newsletter that's been in circulation since 1995. The August issue will be the first issue in it's new and improved look. We hope you like it and find it easier to navigate using today's technology. In this issue, be sure to check out the great classes we have coming up this month. We also have several great specials in July including our popular "Lemon" sale. Also, John wrote an article on his Fab Five Shrubs for Summer Blooms. And Primrose has some exciting new products perfect for a summer picnic or barbecue. As always, we welcome your feedback and always strive to provide excellence. Happy Fourth, everyone!

Debra Lacy, Certified Professional Horticulturist & Editor
July Specials
July 1 - 10
"Lemon" Saleugly plants with beautiful futures: Nursery seconds at greatly reduced prices!
50% to 70% off::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
July 1 -10
Annual 40% off Sale
hanging baskets, geraniums, impatiens, petunias, fuchsias, lobelia and more!
annuals in packs, 2-inch and 4-inch pots
40% off
June 11 - 21
Hydrangeas our huge selection of summer-blooming favorites includes 'hortensias', lacecapes, oakleaf and peegee tree forms.
20% off
June 11 - 21
Summer Herbs
basil, lavender, oregano, parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme...and much more.
Quick Links
Where To Find Us

15806 Best Road
Mount Vernon, WA 98273
Map and directions
Summer Hours
Weekly Radio Broadcast:
Sunday Mornings at 10:30 am
The Garden Show with John and Mike KAPS AM 660
Voted Best Greenhouse and Nursery
in Skagit Publishing's
People's Choice Awards for
2010 - 2014
Award at the 2015 & 2016 Northwest Flower & Garden Show for Outstanding Plant Market Display
6th Annual Skagit Valley Giant Pumpkin Festival
Saturday, September 24
Pumpkin & Veg entries start at 9 a.m. Festivities start at 11 a.m. Pumpkin Weigh-OffCarnival GamesPony Rides - Face PaintingThe "Bat Lady" is back!NEW! North Sound Brewing Company Beer Garden
Plenty of new parking! For more information visit our web site
Upcoming Classes & Events
For more information visit our web site at
Primrose Antiques & Gifts
If you can't figure out your purpose, figure out your passion,
for your passion will lead you right into your purpose.
- T. D. Jakes
For some of you, July is filled with travel and adventure. Before you set off, swing by our shop and peruse our fun assortment of travel bags, beach bags, totes, picnic baskets, and summer hats and visors.
For others, this is the time for sipping lemonade, sitting in the shade, and puttering in the garden - staking plants, thinning greens, and hilling potatoes. If this sounds like you, we have a great selection of gardening books for budding and experienced gardeners, and everyone in between.
Wherever your passions lead you, we wish you happy trails and happy gardening this July!
armoires, cupboards, tables and chairs
❁ small treasures and gift items from England and France seasonal antiques for decorating and entertaining ❁ garden urns, cloches and tools French floral fabrics and hemp and linen sheets ❁ European bridal tiaras and coronets antique and vintage gowns, camisoles, and accessories Fancy 'New' Goods
one-of-a-kind gifts ❁ home decor for everyday, special occasions and holidays specialty soaps, lotions and bath products ❁ decorative candles ❁ seasonal paper napkins hats from practical to fancy ❁ jewelry ❁ umbrellas, totes and travel bags ❁ ladies clothing fine linens, kitchen towels and aprons ❁ kitchen accoutrements and edibles books ❁ music ❁ greeting cards www.christiansonsnursery.com
Fab Five Shrubs for Summer Blooms by John Christianson
| As last year proved, the summer season is not for the thirsty. Many people do not realize that summers in Skagit County ten to be dry. Typically, we get less than 2 inches of rain. In 2015 the dry season started early in March and lasted through September. Hardy shrubs with their vigorous roots tapping into more natural, deeper moisture than more shallow rooted annuals, and perennials can shine all summer long. The plants are not immune to drought but with a good deep watering every other week, starting in June (or July 5th in some years) and generous mulch over the surface of the surrounding soil (3 to 4 inches deep) these plants will thrive every year, becoming easier over the years as the plants become more and more established.
Make sure to account for mature heights as you place the plants. Shrubs tend to grow as wide or wider than their mature height, so a 6 foot tall plant may be 8 feet wide. That's 4 feet in each direction, so don't place plants 2 feet from your driveway or you'll be pruning monthly. I limited my summer flowering favorites to my Fab Five, although there are certainly more.
Elderberry 'Black Lace' (Sambucus nigra), is a variety of native European elderberry. It has intense black, finely cut foliage with soft pink flowers to boot. Easy to grow, but give it room. Here int he Skagit Valley it grows 10 feet tall. The berries are loved by birds.
Ninebark 'Amber Jubilee' (Physocarpus opulifolius), is another European import developed for Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee. This plant glows with bronzy gold foliage all summer long. The small maple-like leaves turn read and purple in the fall. No dainty princess, it grows to 6 feet tall and wide.
Wiegela 'My Monet' (Wiegela florida) is a very dwarf form of an old hardy favorite, growing only 18 inches tall. The unusual pink variegation provides color all summer and add to that the pink tubular flower that attracts hummingbirds and you have a real keeper.
'Old Fashioned' Smoke Bush (Cotinus coggygria) is a smoke tree that behaves like a bush growing only 6 feet tall compared to the tree which grows to 15 feet. And 'Old Fashioned' is such an odd name for this hardy new bush with large blue-gray foliage that turns pink-orange-red in the fall.
Barberry 'Orange Rocket' (Berberis thunbergii) is coral-orange, a rare color for the cummer landscape. Combine the color with a compact, narrow form growing only 4 feet tall and you have a winner for tight spaces or animal control - the thorns are modest, but effective.
Elderberry 'Black Lace
Ninebark 'Amber Julilee'
Wiegela 'My Monet
Fab Five for Summer Bloom!
Smoke Bush 'Old Fashioned'
Barberry 'Orange Rocket'
For the most colorful foliage, these Summer Fab Five like 6 hours or more of sun. They all drop their leaves in autumn, returning with fresh foliage in spring. All are hardy to well below 0 degrees and deer resistance is an added bonus.
Be bold this summer and add these new and/or improved shrubs to your landscape. You won't be disappointed.
Reprinted from the May, 2016 Fidalgo Living
Closing Thought...
One of the United States' patriotic songs, "Yankee Doodle" was originally sung by British military officers prior to the Revolution as a means to mock the disorganized American colonists who fought alongside them during the French and Indian Wars.
Garden Notes Editor:
Debra Lacy, Public Relations
Christianson's Nursery & Greenhouse