Homes of Life in Central America
Tim and Dena
Christmas 2015
Dena's Christmas Reflections
on Homes of Life

The calendar and the change of climate here in Costa Rica announce the coming of Christmas and the beginning of a new year. As we reflect back on what transpired in 2015 and ramp up planning for 2016, these song lyrics sum up nicely our heart attitude: "We give You honor, we give you honor, You are Creator of life." Home of Life Guatemala and Costa Rica are two places where life for children and youth is celebrated -- life physically, emotionally, mentally, and, most importantly, spiritually. The renewed spiritual life that Jesus offers brings restoration, hope and joy. In our role as facilitators, it is our privilege and sacred trust to channel these spiritual benefits from our Life Source, Jesus, to the children and youth we serve.
In both locations we have opportunity to touch many lives. First and foremost are the children and young people that live in the homes. Added to these are the numerous teams, visitors, volunteers, children's parents, people we have frequent contact with in our communities and churches, all of whom God loves and cares about. His heart is that none should perish, but that all would come to acknowledge Jesus as Savior and Lord.   Hogar de Vida is a place where the presence of God is evident; a place where God speaks, restores, and people get saved. "I feel the presence of God when I walk on to this property." "I am a different person since my trip to Hogar de Vida." "My life will never be the same." These represent comments heard repeatedly throughout the ministry. We are humbled and grateful for the fruit of our labor, and realize our dependence on God's provision for the work to continue.
In 2015 God has been faithful. We give Him thanks. In 2016 we pray the Lord would show us clearly how and where to put our energies, time, finances, and focus. The time of Jesus' return is imminent. Are we being faithful today to what He has called us to do? God gave us everything in His Son, Jesus, whose birth we celebrate this time of year. "We give You honor, we give You honor. You are the Creator of life." Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." (John 10:10b) In Jesus is Life!
As provider and source, God uses many different instruments to accomplish His purposes. In this Christmas season of giving and generosity, would you be a channel for God to bring provision to Homes of Life Guatemala or Costa Rica? Would you pray as the Spirit of God brings us to mind? Would you prayerfully consider a special Christmas gift to ensure that salaries and operational expenses can be paid? Would you come or help someone else come? There are a variety of ways to be involved, and, as members of a body need one another, even so, we need you to be obedient as the Spirit of God leads.
Christmas blessings,
Dena Stromstad
P.S. If you are considering a special Christmas gift, there are specific needs that we have featured in our newsletters over the last three months.
For a new or increased sponsorship:
  • Guatemala : government mandated staffing increase       Total need: $1500/month
  • Costa Rica: government mandated staffing increase           Total need: $2500/month
For a special one-time gift:
  • Dena's car fund                                                                      Total need: $10,000
  • Utility tractor for Costa Rica                                                   Total need: $10,500
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Children of Promise International (COPI) does not provide goods or services in consideration, in whole or in part except where noted, for contributions received. COPI is organized exclusively for religious purposes and the only benefit provided to you is an intangible religious benefit. Upon receipt of a donation, a receipt letter is sent and should be retained for income tax purposes. COPI may direct contributions where deemed necessary for ministry purposes. All contributions are income tax deductible in the United States and are made with the understanding that COPI has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.
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