Homes of Life in Central AmericaCosta Rica
August 2013

Central Kitchen Project Receives 

Matching Gift Challenge


Imagine Tim and Dena's excitement to hear that a $5,000 matching gift challenge has been pledged toward completion of Costa Rica's Central Kitchen Project.


Yes, Matrix Ministries of Allen, TX has challenged Hogar de Vida supporters to help make the Central Kitchen Project a reality. They will match every gift designated for the kitchen dollar-for-dollar to a maximum of $5,000, effectively doubling the value of other supporters' gifts to the project. So now, with gifts already received, we need only $4200 in additional donations to reach the $10,000 total required for the project.


Why do supporters make matching gift challenges? One obvious reason is they have the means and they are generous people, but the reasons go even deeper. They are passionate about the ministry they support, so they think a lot about the ministry and creative ways to advance the ministry. Invariably, the ministry is very personal to them. They've been there, they've worked there, they've seen the challenges up close and personal, and from the pictures on their website, I see that the people of Matrix Ministries have held some of the same children that I've held on my lap. Finally, supporters who make matching gift challenges are leaders willing to make the first big commitment, and then invite others to share in supporting the ministry and to share in the blessing of being a ministry partner.


The value of The Central Kitchen concept was demonstrated in a pilot project, increasing the overall efficiency of Hogar de Vida, improving menus while freeing up Tias for better childcare. The demonstrated benefit was so great that what began as a nice idea very quickly became an urgent need. The kitchen will be located in center-campus for easy access to the three houses and outfitted with a commercial grade refrigerator, stove, and cookware. Instead of a Tia in each of three Houses dedicated to food prep, a single cook will prepare meals for the entire campus. A Nutritionist will help plan menus that maximize food quality and nutrition at optimum cost. Free of the responsibility of cooking, more Tias will be free to care for kids.


The plans have been approved by the local Municipality. The building permits are in hand. A generous contractor and materials suppliers are giving us excellent pricing. Everything is ready to go as soon as we have the funds to proceed. Now that Matrix Ministries has effectively doubled the value of your gift, I ask on behalf of the kids that you prayer- fully consider helping make this project a reality. Send your gift to Children of Promise Intl. and be sure to designate it to the Costa Rica Kitchen Project.


Tom Cribbs, Co-Leader

Volunteer Support Team


PS: Learn more about Matrix Ministries at and

About Teams


Who? The average team that Hogar de Vida hosts is 10 people from the USA for 10 days. However, some who come to serve are individuals, or couples, or groups of 5, 7, or 14. They come for a week, sometimes two. Most, but not all are from the USA. People contact us, fill out an application, communicate back and forth with Hogar de Vida to set dates and define projects, pack, and travel. Then the fun begins.


How? Some of them ask for support from their church, some raise money through a lemonade stand, and some just ask Daddy for the cash. However they can, they get the plane fare. They also need money for the project they'll do and this is coordinated before they come. Project income is essential for the operation of the mission.


When: The high season for teams is June to August during summer break in the USA, although some teams come in the spring and fall.


What do teams look like? Some are church youth groups and some are all adult. The "all guy" teams come to do grunt work like mix concrete, pour sidewalks, sweat and get grubby. Some teams are co-ed. The "all girl" teams come with the express purpose of loving the staff in the form of massages, toenail painting, hair-do's, gifts of jewelry and perfume. And just recently came a new kind of team - two families with two Mommy's, two Daddy's and 7 kids. That's a great combo for child care for this place.


What do teams do? Teams keep the inside and the outside of the houses painted. They paint the sidewalks so the slippery green moss doesn't sabotage the fun times when the kids race down the hill from House No. 1 on their tricycles using their shoes for brakes. They built the Maintenance Shop. They fine-tune our rebellious computer network, they lay fence posts and install security cameras. Teams get on the roof, sweep the summer leaves off; and clean out the downspouts to welcome the winter deluge of tropical rain.


Best of all is they play with the kids. For hours. Without getting tired and not complaining. Because? THIS IS WHY THEY COME!


The other side of the coin: It's not all about the projects. God brings teams to Hogar for His own purposes. Tim, Dena and Helen share testimonies in the evenings. Many are touched. Snatched conversations from Tim's wheel chair recently resulted in a 15-year old girl being saved and 2 guys giving their hearts to Jesus. Others have been challenged as they s-t-r-e-t-c-h outside their spiritual comfort zone. Teams go home to become child sponsors for our kids, to pray faithfully for us, to get involved at a distance, to fund more projects, and to come again, to bless and be blessed in return.


Are you interested? Let us know.


Helen Smith (

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Children of Promise International (COPI) does not provide goods or services in consideration, in whole or in part except where noted, for contributions received. COPI is organized exclusively for religious purposes and the only benefit provided to you is an intangible religious benefit. Upon receipt of a donation, a receipt letter is sent and should be retained for income tax purposes. COPI may direct contributions where deemed necessary for ministry purposes. All contributions are income tax deductible in the United States and are made with the understanding that COPI has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.
Central Kitchen 


Central Kitchen Layout Cropped
Central Kitchen Layout
Central Kitchen Cropped
Central Kitchen Elevation
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