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News & Information from the Catholic Diocese of HarrisburgJune 2013



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Four Ordained to Priesthood
Over the course of the past nine years, the number of seminarians in the Diocese of Harrisburg has flourished, from 12 seminarians in 2004 to 37 today. On June 1, the diocese rejoiced in the ordination of four priests: Father Kevin Kayda, Father Stephen Kelley, Father Daniel Richards and Father Mark Wilke.
    The four were ordained at St. Patrick Cathedral in Harrisburg by Bishop William Waltersheid, Auxiliary Bishop of Pittsburgh. In recent interviews with The Catholic Witness, the newest priests spoke of their discernment, the God-given gifts they bring to the priesthood, and their eagerness to serve Christ's Church.  

CCC 11  

Catholic Communication Campaign

June 15 & 16


Please support the Church's efforts to remain a strong voice in the media. TV, Radio, Newspapers, Podcasts, the Internet. Our message is everywhere, spreading the Good News around the Diocese and the World! This collection is held annually on the third Sunday in June in the Diocese of Harrisburg. Local efforts include The Catholic Witness newspaper, the Diocesan website, Catholic Perspective radio programs, INSIGHT our monthly e-newsletter, as well as outreach via Facebook, Twitter and You Tube.  50% of the funds collected are used locally!

Nationally the CCC supports many efforts and recently underwrote efforts to help focus media during the Papal Conclave in March. These efforts helped to draw worldwide coverage on the events and allowed the cardinal electors from the United Sates to present accurate information for everyone.   Read more & donate

 Father Gillelan Fulfills Caretaker Role


As Administrator of the Diocese of Harrisburg, Father Robert M. Gillelan, Jr., likens his duties to that of a flight attendant caring for airplane passengers.


It's a fitting analogy for the priest, who also serves as pastor of Prince of Peace Parish in Steelton. He was once an airline steward.


"My job is to serve the diocese as a steward or a caretaker. Just as it was my job on an airplane to take care of the passengers, my job now as Diocesan Administrator is to take care of the faithful of our diocese," he said. Read more. 

Diocesan Communication Conference - September 14 

Register Now


Dr. Eugene Gan

Franciscan University of Steubenville


Who: Parents, catechists, youth ministers, teachers, clergy, college students and young adults are especially encouraged to attend.  


What: The day will engage all on topics such as the use and impact of Social Media, smart phones, virtual relationships, online bullying, privacy issues and other relational and moral aspects of media. 


When & Where: Saturday, September 14, 2013 at the Cardinal Keeler Center, Harrisburg from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.  


The day will include, Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, a Keynote address by Dr. Eugene Gan, Professor at Franciscan University of Steubenville and author of "Infinite Bandwidth: Encountering Christ in the Media". Breakout sessions are planned and a panel discussion with a dynamic Q & A session will conclude the day.


Register Now - "Virtually Human: The Impact of Media & Technology on Human Relationships"


   News Feed Available

Stay up to date with the latest information from the the Diocesan website. We now offer an RSS feed of news items that are posted to the site.  Click on the RSS  icon on the home page or follow this link to view the feed and for more information.

Retreats for young men and women of the Diocese are being offered by the Vocations Office.


Quo Vadis Days, June 23-27, 2013, is a time of recreation, fellowship, prayer, and discussions for young men to help explore our Lord's call in your life. There will be priests, seminarians, and other young men like yourself gathered together for these days.



Fiat Days, July 7 to 9, 2013, is a retreat for young Catholic women who want to learn more about consecrated life, to deepen their faith, and to better discern God's call in their lives.


  Please click the links for more information.

Priest Assignments Announced


 The Very Reverend Robert M. Gillelan, Jr., Diocesan Administrator has made the following announcement regarding the assignment of Priests in the Diocese. These assignments are typically issued once a year and are based on various factors, including retirements, new ordinations and priests' requests to change ministry locations or duties.  Click here to view the assignments.

Festivals & Picnics sun    Festivals & Picnics - Looking for good food and entertainment this Summer? Many parishes and schools in the Diocese hold fine festivals and picnics. Please check out the listings on the Diocesan website at www.HbgDiocese.org Look for the icon on the home page.
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Thank you!
Thank you for taking the time to read this short e-news letter
 funded in part by the Catholic Communication Campaign. We appreciate your feedback and comments.

Contact Info

The Office of Communications

Diocese of  Harrisburg
4800 Union Deposit Road
Harrisburg, PA 17111-3710
(717) 657-4804   Communications@hbgdiocese.org