Week InReview | What is Ugly, Scary & Not Getting Better? | G20 finance chiefs try to play down expectations | Connecting the dots between Aug 24th ETF volatility and S&P holdings | IOSCO responds to global securities markets' challenges | ICYMI + "Lounge Lizards" in Binge Reading
Friday, February 26, 2016
Let's recap
In case you missed it . . .
G-20 finance chiefs & central bankers meet
Officials in Shanghai try to downplay expectations
(Feb 25) As investors look for signs the world's top finance officials are ready to take action to bolster growth and calm currency moves, finance chiefs and central bankers from Group of 20 nations meeting in Shanghai are focusing on whether or not they will coordinate a message of support for shaky financial markets. Their comments have focused on reaffirming their commitment to avoid competitive currency devaluations, maintain pro-growth structural reforms and in some way endorse fiscal stimulus in select countries. Officials including U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew have indicated there won't be a massive global effort to stem financial-market turbulence.
Connecting the dots
Aug 24th ETF volatility correlated to S&P holdings
(Feb 23) Nearly 20 percent of all U.S. listed exchange-traded funds experienced a trading pause during an Aug. 24 rout and those pauses were concentrated among funds invested in the S&P 500, according to an analysis from the SEC's Division of Economic and Risk Analysis staff. The report also noted that ETF price volatility was mostly caused by spikes in trading volume coupled with reduced liquidity. During the Aug. 24 volatility, 302 of the 1569 U.S.-listed ETFs had a serious enough price swing to trigger a trading halt. Securities with high daily turnover were less likely to have been halted, the report said.
Responding to global securities markets' challenges
IOSCO plays key role
(Feb 22) The Board of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) met for two days in Madrid to discuss and respond to the following challenges that face global securities markets:
  • Emerging risks, to include recent market developments and volatility in world capital markets, and the challenges and opportunities posed by fintech and blockchain.
  • Recent market developments such as the implications for global securities markets to slow economic growth, declining commodity prices, continuing low or negative interest rates and market volatility.
  • Capacity building and co-operation, taking steps to approve the framework for a Global Certificate Program and the launch of an Online Toolkit for Regulatory Capacity Building in March.
Binge reading disorder
Hand-curated, chosen with love
You'll Never Be As Comfortable As These Lizards

A New Breed of Trader on Wall Street: Coders With a Ph.D. 

Why Don't More Women Hold Top Jobs in Finance?

How Shyp Is Shaking Up Shipping

Abundance is wrecking the economy