July 6, 2015 | The financial regulation legislation that Washington never seems to stop talking about will see another spike in discourse over the next couple of weeks as lawmakers and policy makers mark the Dodd-Frank Act's fifth anniversary. The partisan split over the 2010 law will be reflected in hearings in Congress. Treasurer Jack Lew will almost certainly present a different view on Wednesday when he discusses "Dodd-Frank at 5" at the Brookings Institution. Fed Governor Lael Brainard, who served in the Treasury Department before joining the central bank, is likely to echo Lew on Thursday when she speaks on the future of regulatory reform and implementation at a Bipartisan Policy Center event.
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Please join us ...
Wednesday, Jul 8
Systemic Risk Council Telecon (3-3:30 pm ET)
Tax Policy Council Telecon (4-4:30 pm ET)
Thursday, Jul 9
Derivatives Council Telecon (11am - noon ET)
SEC proposal for amendments to Form ADV and Investment Advisers Act rule, and SEC proposed rules and forms to modernize the reporting and disclosure of information by registered investment companies.
For details & call-in number:
The Week in Brief
Tuesday, Jul 7
Treasury & IRS taxpayer advocacy teleconference. Sun Valley conference in Idaho.
Wednesday, Jul 8
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew speaks on financial stability at Brookings Institution. CFTC funding bill heads to committee. Senate Banking Committee hearing on Financial Stability Board. House Financial Services subcommittee hearing on bank holding company SIFIs.
Thursday, Jul 9

IMF releases revisions to its World Economic Outlook report. House Financial Services hearing on five years of Dodd-Frank.

Friday, Jul 10
7th Annual Rocky Mountain Economic Summit in Idaho.
Please see below for details on these and other events.
At the Agencies
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and Federal Reserve are set to post as soon as Monday the public portions of "living wills" banks are required to submit as a way to help regulators safely unwind them in the event of a collapse.
Tuesday, Jul 7
TREASURY DEPARTMENT, INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE | Teleconference of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Tax Forms and Publications Project Committee on improving customer service at the IRS.
Wednesday, Jul 8
BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM | Federal Open Market Committee will release the minutes of their June policy meeting.
Thursday, Jul 9
SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION | Closed meeting to consider institution and settlement of injunctive actions, institution and settlement of administrative proceedings, adjudicatory matters, and other matters relating to enforcement proceedings.
On the Hill
Wednesday, Jul 8
SENATE BANKING, HOUSING AND URBAN AFFAIRS | Full committee hearing on "The Role of the Financial Stability Board in the U.S. Regulatory Framework." The former interior secretary under President George W. Bush and former counsel to President Ronald Reagan are among those scheduled to testify.
HOUSE SMALL BUSINESS | Full committee hearing on the Small Business Administration's disaster loan program.
HOUSE APPROPRIATIONS | Vote on bill to fund the Commodity Futures Trading Commission at $250 million for fiscal year 2016. The amount would equal the CFTC's current budget.
HOUSE FINANCIAL SERVICES | Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit hearing on "Examining the Designation and Regulation of Bank Holding Company SIFIs (systemcially important financial institution)."
Thursday, Jul 9
HOUSE FINANCIAL SERVICES | Full committee hearing on "The Dodd-Frank Act Five Years Later: Are We More Stable?"
SENATE HOMELAND SECURITY AND GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS | Full committee hearing on "Understanding America's Long-Term Fiscal Picture."
Friday, Jul 10
HOUSE FINANCIAL SERVICES | Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance hearing on "The Future of Housing in america: Oversight of HUD's Public and Indian Housing Programs."
Around the Globe
Monday, Jul 6
LONDON | European Banking Authority public hearing. Topics include the consultation paper on assigning risk weights to specialized lending exposures.
Monday, Jul 6 - Tuesday, Jul 7
PARIS | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development public consultation on transfer pricing matters (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Actions 8-10).
Wednesday, Jul 8
TORONTO | Toronto Global Forum: Pan American Edition, a three-day gathering of business and economic decision makers hosted by the International Economic Forum of the Americas.
UTA Russia | Russian President Vladimir Putin opens a three-day summit of the BRICS nations (Russia, China, Brazil, India and South Africa). The summit coincides with a meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, whose members include China, Russia and its central Asian neighbors.
Other Events
Tuesday, Jul 7
SUN VALLEY Idaho | Sun Valley conference. Billionaires, chief executive officers and leaders from the technology, media, and finance industries gather at the annual Idaho mountain resort conference (thru Jul 11).
Wednesday, Jul 8
WASHINGTON DC | U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew at the Brookings Institution to discuss financial stability and the economy five years after the passage of the Dodd-Frank Act.
Thursday, Jul 9
WASHINGTON DC | Federal Reserve Board Governor Lael Brainard at the Bipartisan Policy Center to deliver keynote remarks and provide her perspectives on the future of regulatory reform and implementation five years after the passage of the Dodd-Frank Act.
Friday, Jul 10
VICTOR Idaho | Federal Reserve Bank of Boston President Eric Rosengren is the keynote speaker for the 7th Annual Rocky Mountain Economic Summit at the Teton Springs Resort and Spa.