June 29, 2015 | The SEC is set to propose requiring recovery, or clawback, of incentive compensation from executives in cases when erroneous financial results have to be restated. Commissioners are scheduled to meet on Wednesday to weigh a Dodd-Frank Act directive that the agency compel firms to take back pay "in excess of" what should have been paid under an accounting restatement, if such a restatement is required because of "material noncompliance" with securities laws. Dodd-Frank required the SEC to write rules on CEO pay ratios, pay for performance and employee hedging as well as clawbacks. The agency already has proposed the pay ratio, hedging and pay-for-performance rules.
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Save the date...
Friday, July 17
Cyber Security Council Telecon (11am - noon)
How cyber security survey results can begin to provide an industry profile and suggest possible industry initiatives.
For details & call-in number:
The Week in Brief
Monday, Jun 29
BIS publishes 85th annual report. 
Wednesday, July 1
SEC considers 'clawback' compensation rules. 
Thursday, July 2
EBA public hearing on derivatives.
Friday, July 3
U.S. stock and bond markets, as well as government offices, are closed.
Please see below for details on these and other events.
At the Agencies
Wednesday, July 1
SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION | Open meeting to consider whether to propose Dodd-Frank Section 954 rules requiring a "clawback" of executive incentive pay if a company has to restate earnings and compensation inflated by misstated financial results. (10am ET)
On the Hill
Senate, House in recess
Around the Globe
Monday, Jun 29
BASEL Switzerland | The Bank for International Settlements publishes its 85th Annual Report: an overview of its activities, the annual financial statements, a review of global economic and financial developments, and a commentary on the key issues that economic and financial policy makers around the world are facing.
Monday, Jun 29 - Wednesday, July 1
LONDON | C5's 9th Annual Forum on Anti-Corruption. Speakers include David Green, director of the U.K. Serious Fraud Office; William Stellmach, acting chief of the U.S. Department of Justice's fraud section criminal division; and Charles Cain, deputy chief of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's Foreign Corrupt Practices Act unit.
Thursday, July 2
LONDON | European Banking Authority public hearing to discuss the valuation of derivatives.
Friday, July 3
LONDON | European Banking Authority workshop to discuss the application of the proportionality principle in the EU banking supervisory framework.
Other Events
Monday, Jun 29
SAN FRANCISCO (and via webcast) | Practising Law Institute's 30th Midyear SEC Reporting & FASB Forum. Speakers include Erin Schneider, associate regional director of enforcement at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
Monday, Jun 29 - Wednesday, July 1
WASHINGTON DC | The Insured Retirement Institute (IRI) holds the Government, Legal and Regulatory Conference 2015. Speakers include senior Treasury, Department of Labor, Securities and Exchange Commission, Federal Insurance Office, FINRA, and Congressional staff members, as well as a former SEC commissioner.
Tuesday, Jun 30
WASHINGTON DC | Open meeting (webcast & podcast) of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board to consider request for comments on rules to require disclosure of audit participants and concept release on audit-quality indicators. (10am ET)
Red, White & Booze
Have a safe & happy Independence Day!!
Whiskey Smash with Mint & Agave
Spiked Ice Tea Juliette with Bourbon 
Jalapeņo Margarita
Raspberry Sorbet & Champagne
Ginger Margarita
Classically Cold Moscow Mule
Pineapple Tequila
Blackberry Champagne Popsicles
Pear & Lemon Tom Collins

Find the recipes here