March 23, 2015 | FSOC deadline for asset managers. Senate Banking examines FSOC transparency, accountability, & nonbank designations. SEC votes on FINRA registration for high-frequency traders.
the week in brief ...
Monday | Commerce Dept begins SelectUSA Investment Summit in National Harbor, MD; speakers include Obama, Warren Buffet, Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker, USTR Michael Froman
Tuesday | Senate Banking holds hearing on FSOC's transparency and accountability. SEC Chair Mary Jo White scheduled to testify before House Financial Services on the SEC's agenda, operations and budget request. House Agriculture Subcommittee on Commodity Exchanges, Energy, and Credit holds hearings Tuesday and Wednesday to get views from market participants and end users as the panel weighs reauthorization of the CFTC. Data Transparency Coalition holds Financial Regulation Summit with SEC Chief Economist and OFR Director. American Bankers Association's Government Relations Summit begins.
Wednesday | Deadline for FSOC for industry, public comment on whether asset managers' activities could threaten stability. Senate Banking holds hearing on FSOC's transparency and accountabilitySEC to vote on rule proposal that would require high-frequency traders to register as members of FINRA. SEC also to vote on final rule that would revise Regulation A, which would deregulate small public offerings of up to $50m. U.S. chamber hosts Capital Markets Summit.
Please see below for details on these and other events this week.
Wednesday, Mar. 25
SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION | Open meeting to consider whether to propose amendments to Rule 15b9 (Exemption for Certain Exchange Members) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and whether to adopt rules and forms related to the offer and sale of securities pursuant to Section 3(b) of the Securities Act of 1933 to implement Section 401 of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act. (10am ET)
Thursday, Mar. 26
SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION | Closed meeting to consider institution and settlement of injunctive actions, institution and settlement of administrative proceedings, adjudicatory matter, and other matters relating to enforcement proceedings. (2pm ET)
on the hill
Tuesday, Mar. 24
SENATE BANKING, HOUSING AND URBAN AFFAIRS | Full committee hearing on "Examining the Regulatory Regime for Regional Banks." (10am ET)
HOUSE APPROPRIATIONS | Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development "Budget Hearing - Department of Housing and Urban Development." HUD Secretary Julian Castro testifies. (10am ET)
HOUSE FINANCIAL SERVICES | Full committee hearing on "Examining the SEC's Agenda, Operations, and FY2016 Budget Request." SEC Chair Mary Jo White testifies. (10am ET)
HOUSE AGRICULTURE | Subcommittee on Commodity Exchanges, Energy, and Credit hearing on "Reauthorizing CFTC: End-User Views." (1pm ET)
HOUSE FINANCIAL SERVICES | Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations hearing on "The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's Role in Operation Choke Point." (2pm ET)
SENATE BANKING, HOUSING AND URBAN AFFAIRS | Subcommittee on Securities, Insurance, and Investment hearing on "Capital Formation and Reducing Small Business Burdens." (2:30pm ET)
Wednesday, Mar. 25
SENATE BANKING, HOUSING AND URBAN AFFAIRS | Full committee heairng on "Financial Stability Oversight Council Accountability: Nonbank Designations." Treasury Secretary Jack Lew and former CBO Director Douglas Holtz-Eakin testify. (2pm ET)
HOUSE AGRICULTURE | Subcommittee on Commodity Exchanges, Energy, and Credit hearing on "Reauthorizing the CFTC: Market Participants Views." (1:30pm ET)
across the globe
Monday, Mar. 23 & Tuesday, Mar. 24
SYDNEY | 20th ASIC Annual Forum | Australian Securities and Investments Commission | Topics include how regulation provides the framework for a resilient and dynamic financial system, the balance between growth and stability and co-regulation.
Monday, Mar. 23 - Wednesday, Mar. 25
BRUSSELS | ICMA Capital Market Lecture Series 2015 | International Capital Market Association | Speaker is Anne Leclercq, director of Treasury and Capital Markets at the Belgian Debt Agency.
Tuesday, Mar. 24 - Thursday, Mar. 26
LONDON | International Financial Services Forum | Speakers include Ashley Alder, Chief Executive, Securities and Futures Commission, Hong Kong;  Sarah Bloom Raskin, Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of the Treasury; Steven Maijoor, Chair, ESMA & Chair, Joint Committee, European Supervisory Authorities; Peter Praet, Chief Economist and Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank; S.Raman, Whole Time Member, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI); Charles Roxburgh, Director General, Financial Services, Her Majesty's Treasury; Tom Springbett, Manager, OTC Derivatives and Post-Trade Policy, Financial Conduct Authority (FCA); Larry Thompson, Vice Chairman and General Counsel, DTCC; Martin Wheatley, Chief Executive, Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
Thursday, Mar. 26
BRUSSELS | 13th Annual European Financial Services Conference | Topics include looking ahead at whether the banking union will work for Europe, the impact of technology on financial markets and what role a capital markets union can play in Europe.
Friday, Mar. 27
LONDON | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development | Green Bond Principles: First Annual General Meeting & Conference designed to provide voluntary process guidelines that recommend transparency and disclosure, and promote integrity in the development of the Green Bond (GB) market by clarifying the issuance process.
other events
Monday, Mar. 23 & Tuesday, Mar. 24
WASHINGTON DC AREA | SelectUSA 2015 Investment Summit features global investors, economic development organizations, government officials, and others working to facilitate investment in the United States.
Tuesday, Mar. 24
WASHINGTON DC | Data Transparency Coalition: "The Financial Regulation Summit: Data Transparency Transformation." | Speakers to include SEC Chief Economist Mark Flannery and OFR Director Richard Berner.
NEW YORK CITY | OpRisk North America Conference on Market Risk Assessment. Keynote speaker: the SEC's Scott Bauguess, Deputy Director, Division of Economic and Risk Analysis, who will focus on big data and operational risk.
Tuesday, Mar. 24 & Wednesday, Mar. 25
WASHINGTON DC | American Bankers Association holds its Government Relations Summit. Members will hear from House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, House financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling and Senator Sherrod Brown, the top Democrat on the Senate Banking Committee. Bankers will also hear from representatives of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Tuesday, Mar. 24 - Thursday, Mar. 26
WASHINGTON DC | The World Bank - Conference | Annual conference on "Land and Poverty 2015: Linking Land Tenure and Use for Shared Prosperity."
Wednesday Mar. 25
WASHINGTON DC | "9th Annual Capital Markets Summit" | Speakers include Senate Banking Committee Chairman Richard Shelby, U.S. Department Of Labor Secretary Thomas E. Perez and Senate Banking's Senator Sherrod Brown. U.S. Chamber of Commerce says it will "examine the state of our financial markets and address the most pressing challenges facing the U.S. and global economies."
Thursday, Mar. 26
RICHMOND VA | CFPB Field Hearing | Topics include payday lending; speakers include CFPB Director Richard Cordray, consumer groups and industry representatives. 
Saturday, Mar. 8 - Tuesday, Mar. 31
PHOENIX | NAIC Spring 2015 National Meeting | National Association of Insurance Commissioners | Topics include accounting practices and procedures, anti-fraud, capital adequacy and international insurance relations.
Transparency. Inclusiveness. Consensus.