Week InAdvance: December 15, 2014

MONDAY | The INVESTORS meet with SEC's Office of Credit Ratings in NYC. The House has finished its work and is in recess. The Senate has a few more pieces of legislation to complete and additional nominees to confirm.


TUESDAY | FDIC holds an open meeting with a live webcast. Fed's FOMC begins 2-day meeting on interest rates.


WEDNESDAY | SEC Advisory Committee on Small and Emerging Companies will discuss the definition of "accredited investor." Fed issues interest rate decision. Fed Chair Janet Yellen holds 2:30 pm ET news conference.


THURSDAY | FSOC holds closed/open sessions with live webcast; will discuss how the council is handling its oversight of asset managers; plans vote on whether to designate MetLife as a SIFI and subject to Fed oversight.


FRIDAY | CFTC holds closed meeting.


Please see below for details on these and other events this week.





Monday, Dec. 15


NEW YORK CITY | 1 pm ET: Meeting with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's Office of Credit Ratings ("OCR"). Read more about the OCR.


Thursday, Dec. 18


TELECON | 3pm ET: Monthly Mortgage/Securitization Committee call. Read more.


TELECON | 4 pm ET: Monthly CMBS Committee call. Read more.





Tuesday, Dec. 16


FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION | (Live Webcast) The FDIC meets in open session with an agenda that includes a memorandum and resolution regarding the Proposed 2015 Corporate Operating Budget; and a memorandum and resolution regarding Regulatory Capital Rules, Liquidity Coverage Ratio, Proposed Revisions to the Definition of Qualifying Master Netting Agreement and Related Definitions. This board meeting will be webcast live online and made available on-demand approximately one week after the event. Read more.


Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 16-17


FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD OF GOVERNORS | The Federal Open Market Committee ("FOMC") holds a closed meeting. The FOMC is the policy-making arm of the Federal Reserve. Read more. 


Wednesday, Dec. 17


SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION | The "accredited investor" definition will be the focus of the SEC's Advisory Committee on Small and Emerging Companies meeting to discuss matters relating to rules and regulations affecting small and emerging companies under the federal securities laws. The panel will hear presentations on issues related to the definition from David M. Certner, legislative counsel and legislative policy director at AARP, and Marianne Hudson, executive director at Angel Capital Association. Read more.


Thursday, Dec. 18


U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY | (Live Webcast of Open Session) Financial Stability Oversight Council ("FSOC") holds an executive session and an open meeting to discuss ongoing asset management oversight and nonbank financial company systemic designations. FSOC will vote on whether to label MetLife systemically important. On the agenda for the open session: an update on some of the council's 2014 annual report recommendations, a presentation by the Treasury's Office of Financial Research ("OFR") regarding its annual report and updates to its Financial Stability Monitor, and a discussion of the council's ongoing work on asset management. Those attending the open session: Treasury Secretary Jack Lew; Federal Reserve Board Chairwoman Janet Yellen; Comptroller of the Currency Thomas Curry; Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Richard Cordray; Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Mary Jo White; Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Chairman Martin Gruenberg; Commodity Future Trading Commission Chairman Timothy Massad; Federal Housing Finance Agency Director Melvin Watt; National Credit Union Administration Chairman Debbie Matz; S. Roy Woodall Jr., independent member on the Financial Stability Oversight Council; Richard Berner, director of the Office of Financial Research; Michael McRaith, director of the Federal Insurance Office; Adam Hamm, commissioner of the North Dakota Insurance Department; John Ducrest, commissioner of the Louisiana Office of Financial Institutions; and David Masset, deputy securities administrator in the North Carolina Department of the Secretary of State Securities Division. Read more.


Friday, Dec. 19


COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION | The CFTC holds a closed meeting on surveillance, enforcement, and examinations matters. Read more.





Tuesday, Dec. 16


LONDON | BBA Bribery and Corruption Conference: Speakers include Caroline Gardner of the FCA financial crime and intelligence department; and Natasha Small, EMEA head of AB&C compliance at Citigroup. Read more.


Tuesday thru Thursday, Dec. 16-18


SYDNEY | 27th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference: Speaking at the forum on global financial stability will be Mike Piwowar of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Read more.





Tuesday, Dec. 16


WASHINGTON D.C. | The Center for Strategic and International Studies ("CSIS") will hold a discussion on "Climatescope 2014," a country-by-country assessment of "the investment climate for climate-related investment worldwide." Read more.