Week InAdvance: November 24, 2014

MONDAY | The Fed will hold a closed meeting.


TUESDAY | At the "Prudential Regulation: the Unfinished Business" event in London, speakers from regulatory bodies, global banks, consulting firms and software providers will share their thoughts on such topics as leverage ratio review, the relationship between capital regulations in the US and Europe, and the Eurozone's single supervisory mechanism.


THURSDAY | Thanksgiving holiday in the US. In Frankfurt, the International Capital Markets Association ("ICMA") will conduct a seminar on Central Securities Depositories ("CSD") regulation and mandatory buy-ins.


FRIDAY | The US holiday shopping season begins with Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving.


SUNDAY | The four-day Governance Institute of Australia's annual conference - designed to bring anyone involved in governance up-to-speed on the latest legal, regulatory and governance issues - kicks off in Brisbane.


Please see below for details on these and other events this week.



On the Hill


The House and the Senate are out of session, and will reconvene Monday, Dec. 1. A high priority on lawmakers' agenda will be must-pass appropriations legislation to ensure the government is funded after Thursday, Dec. 11. Read more about the current stop-gap spending bill.  Another top issue in the lame-duck session is action on lapsed tax breaks such as the active financing exception and the controlled foreign corporation look-through treatment. Read more about tax extenders.



At the Agencies


Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System


On Monday, Nov. 24, the Fed will hold a closed meeting for review and determination of the advance and discount rates to be charged by the Federal Reserve Banks.



Around the Globe


Tuesday, Nov. 25


LONDON | Prudential Regulation: the Unfinished Business. Speakers include Vicky Saporta, director of financial policy in the prudential policy directorate at the Bank of England, and Emily Adler, head of structural reform in capital management at Lloyds. Read more.


Thursday, Nov. 27


FRANKFURT | ICMA Seminar on Central Securities Depositories Regulation. Speakers at the International Capital Markets Association event include Cornelia Holthausen, principal adviser at the European Central Bank ("ECB"), and Peter Schmidt, head of secured financing at Commerzbank. Read more.


Sunday thru Wednesday, Nov. 30 - Dec. 3


BRISBANE, Australia | Governance Institute of Australia's Annual Conference 2014. Speakers include Australian Securities and Investments Commission ("ASIC") Chairman Greg Medcraft, Ian Laughlin of the Prudential Regulation Authority ("PRA") and the Bank of Queensland's Steve York. Read more.