United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
News 10/12/1226 Tishri 5773


 Mid-Atlantic District Kick-Off Event

 Sunday, November 11th


 Congregation Beth El

 Voorhees, New Jersey


8:30 am Minyan (optional) with Beth El Minyan   

9:15 am Breakfast

9:45 am Keynote by Rabbi Charles Savenor  

USCJ Director of Kehilla Enrichment 


"Approaching Sacred Strategies

                                - Aspirations and Opportunities:

What we have learned. Where are we going?"

Leading a Visionary Kehilla

program will conclude by 12 pm   


Followed by small group sharing and discussions.  


There is NO CHARGE for this program for congregations who have submitted their Congregational Questionnaires and Membership Reporting Forms

*Otherwise, $18 per Kehilla team

*Carpool assistance is also available


To complete these forms:

 click here for the MRF form


click here for Synagogue Info. form


To Register for this event CLICK HERE!   

Tools for Tolerance
On Sunday November 4th, trained facilitators will utilize the unique MOTNY environment and customized classroom work to challenge students to assume greater personal responsibility in recognizing and challenging forms of discrimination. Click here for more information. 
Kehilla Events Open to the Community


On Sunday October 14th at 10am, Dr. David Argus will be at Congregation Beth-El in Voorhees, NJ-  Click here for more information!


On Sunday, October 14, 2012 at 1pm, Beth El Synagogue of East Windsor will be participating in the Crop Hunger Walk at the Mercer County Park East Picnic Area with members of local houses of worship, Windsor Hights Area Ministerium (WHAM). For more information visit www.bethel.net.


On Wednesday, October 24, 2012 at 7:00 pm, the Beth El Synagogue Werner Lecture Fund of East Windsor will present "Completing the Journey", The 2012 Jewish Federation Mission to Ethiopia. For more information visit www.bethel.net

Beth El Synagogue in East Windsor presents, 'Celebrate Israel, Coming of Age (1956-1967)' on October 25, 2012 from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Join Rabbi Dr. Eric M. Lankin and Abba Eban for a deep dive discussion into the history of Israel. For more information please visit www.bethel.net


On Saturday October 27, 2012 will be Beth Israel's Fall Fest - 5:30 pm. Join us for an evening of food, games, and fun for the entire family! Evening service, dairy dinner (BYOB), followed by Trivia game, BINGO, 50/50 raffle, kids' movie & games. Visit www.bethisraelpa.org for more information.



Rabbi at the Epicenter- To read Rabbi Wernick's most recent blog CLICK HERE!


Youth Happenings

 Don't miss out on the fun!



Hagalil USY 

 Hagesher USY  

In This Issue
Mid-Atlantic DIstrict Kick-Off Event
Tools for Tolerance
Kehilla Events Open to the Community
Rabbi at the Epicenter
Youth Happenings
District Contact Information
District contact information


 Mid-Atlantic District Chairperson

Patty Werschultz

Contact your
 Kehilla Relationship Managers




Hagalil Regional Director


Dassy Mark

Hagalil Assistant Regional Director


Andrew Cohen 


Hagesher Youth Director


Matan Silberstein  


EPA Regional Director 


 Barbara Sharofsky





Quick Links


   HAZAK Journey to Israel


To see whats happening at the Fuschsberg Center click here!


Click here for the IRS Tax Guide for Churches and Religious Orginizations!  


1090 King Georges Post Rd. Suite 1003

 Edison, New Jerey 08837


732-738-4304 (fax)





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