Entertainment Technology & Design
To amuse, educate, and instill excellence in the live event production industry.
2012 in Review
Qurious Quotes
Book Clearance Sale!
Lithium Battery Hazard
The Lighting Director
Tech Ed
Tech Talk
Hopes, Wished, Dreams for 2013
Tips, Tricks, Techniques from the Pros
Open Aperture
The Road Down Under
Muhammad Ali
"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary." 

Send us your best quotes.
Upcoming Classes
New for 2013 - Online Classes! Now available, Entertainment Electrics Online.

Video Lighting Workshop
Entertainment Electrics and Controls Workshops
Perth - February 14, 2013
Adelaide - February 18, 2013
Melbourne - February 20, 2013
Canberra - February 22, 2013
Sydney - February 25, 2013
Brisbane - February 27, 2013
Entertainment Electricity, Power Distribution, and Controls
APT workshop 
For more info, click here. 


New Year Celebration! 50% Off 

Save up to 50% off of selected books. But hurry because quantities are limited.


To start saving now, click here.

Technology that Can Blow You Away: Lithium Batteries
Lithium Batteries
The entertainment production industry uses lithium batteries in a wide variety of devices. In fact, if we consider the button cell batteries commonly used in data storage when a device is powered off, almost every electrical device we use has lithium batteries. Some lithium batteries can become incendiary if they are physically damaged, and since our gear is subject to rough handling, it is prone to the type of physical damage that can cause lithium battery accidents. 
Not all lithium batteries are as prone to fiery explosions-some are more susceptible than others-so we should be aware of the hazards and what causes lithium batteries to heat up, catch fire, and explode. For more information, including recommended guidelines for the use and handling of lithium-based batteries in the entertainment industry, read this article written by Alan Rowe and Richard Cadena. To continue reading, click here and turn to page 52. 
"You Can't Divide by 0!" Wrap your head around this.
When you were in grade school, your teacher told you that you couldn't divide by zero, right? Your teacher lied to you. It's actually very simple.  

Watch this short video and see for yourself. 
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Lighting Director

Show Networks & Control Systems by John Huntington

The new book from Professor John Huntington, "Show Networks & Control Systems" reminds me of my iPhone-each version is even better than the last. This one builds on the first three versions of "Control Systems for Live Entertainment," except this one is self-published, which means he had complete control over content, layout, size, and everything else. 


To read more, click here.

Show Control Networks
Dude, I Never Terminate
Terminating Data Runs
Do you need to terminate your data runs? Click here to find out. 
The Best of 2012
HOPES, WISHES, DREAMS                                                     
All I Want for 2013
Wishing, hoping, dreaming in 2013.

by Richard Cadena


All I want for 2013 is an accident-free year in the live event production industry. After that, everything else is just gravy. But it's the gravy, and maybe some dessert, that make things interesting. Here are some of my wishes, hopes, and dreams for 2013.


To continue reading, click here.

Words from the Pros
Chris Cockrill
We asked some working lighting professionals to share their best practical tips, tricks, and techniques. We heard from Chris Lisle (Miranda Lambert, Robert Plant and Band of Joy, Keith Urban, etc.), Nook Schoenfeld (Kid Rock, Avenged Sevenfold, Gloria Estefan, etc.), Shawn Organ, Amy Carr, and Academy Award-winning lighting designer Bill Klages. 


To see the video, click here. 
Automated Lighting Pioneers
Automated Lighting Pioneers "While I was visiting with Dan English at the Morpheus Lights booth at LDI sometime in the mid-2000s, he proudly pointed to the huge floor full of moving light vendors showing off their wares by shining every gobo pattern and color imaginable and wiggling them around and around, back and forth, and all sorts of directions not previously available through mass production prior to Morpheus/ShowCo's Panaspot/VariLite Revolution of the early '80s, or at all since the early attack of four Fantasee Cyklops in the early 70s. 

To continue reading about the early days of automated lightingclick here. 

Tom Peters 7 Steps to Sustaining Success
according to Tom Peters

You take care of the people.
The people take care of the service.
The service takes care of the customer.
The customer takes carte of the profit.
The profit takes care of the re-investment.
The re-investment takes care of the re-invention.
The re-invention takes care of the future.
(And at ever step the only measure is EXCELLENCE.)
Event Alliance Speaks
Jim Digby

"I stand by this ideal: If an artists contract is persuasive enough to make a dozen people jump through hoops ensuring that nothing but green M&M's are available back stage...

then it stands to reason that if the very same contract included language which demanded that the stage structure be constructed in a manner consistent with existing codes, all engineering documents are current and applicable, an emergency action plan be determined and disseminated prior to the opening of doors, a private meteorological service be monitoring the site and a qualified neutral show stop person be identified and empowered to call the show then we would have the beginnings of the kind of verifiable accountability missing in the field today.


"For decades the artist contracts have been the catalyst for many an unnecessary need, shouldn't they also then be the initial starting point of the dialog ensuring life safety?

It's simple; build it properly, have your emergency plans in place, prove it." 


Jim Digby, production manager (Linkin Park) and executive director of the Event Safety Alliance.

APT at CX Roadshow 2013

CX Roadshow
APT at CX Roadshow 2013 
APT is hitting the road down under in 2013. Richard Cadena will be joining the CX Road show, offering electrics and control systems classes from Perth to Brisbane next February, 2013. The good news is that the classes will be supplemented with online prep. Go online and read, watch videos, and test your knowledge before you come to the workshop, so you're already up to speed. Your time in the workshop is maximized and not spent learning the basics.

Entertainment Electrics Workshops at CX ROADSHOW 2013 ITINERARY
  • PERTH Thursday 14th February Perth Hyatt
  • ADELAIDE Monday 18th February Adelaide Convention Centre
  • MELBOURNE Wednesday 20th February Melbourne Convention Centre
  • CANBERRA Friday 22nd February National Convention Centre
  • SYDNEY Monday 25th February The Concourse
  • BRISBANE Wednesday 27th February Brisbane Convention Centre
For more information, visit or email us.
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Richard Cadena