Faith E-news        July 24, 2015 

Quick Notes and Reminders    

Please check the calendar for more information.

Food Pantry Item for July is Whole Wheat Crackers.

This Week's Ministry Blog
How Quickly We Forget


It seemed like we had just begun our journey, and now we were headed home.


After a week of dynamic speakers, powerful messages, electrifying (and loud!) music,

bright lights, colorful t-shirts,

manual labor in the hot sun, staying up late, getting up early, walking, walking, walking,

and more singing, more smiling, more high-fiving than you could even imagine,

everyone was exhausted.


The ELCA Youth Gathering had made its mark. I snapped a picture of the youth, collapsed and sleeping where ever they fell (see floor). And I wondered, what impact will this experience have on them in the days and weeks, even years to come? How much of it would stay with them?


This week in the lectionary the disciples will look on as Jesus turns 5 loaves and two fish into a feast for 5,000. After everyone had their fill, they themselves gathered up the leftovers-twelve baskets full! This miraculous feeding made such an impact on the authors of the gospels that we get 6 versions of this story in scripture. It was that amazing!


And yet,

just a few hours later, in the boat, on their way home, the disciples are terrified to see Jesus walking toward them on the water. You would think that by now, after all they have witnessed, the disciples would expect to see powerful and astonishing things from Jesus. You would think that by now, they would recognize the power of God at work. By now, the disciples should get it-the possibilities are without limit in Jesus.


How quickly they have forgotten.

How quickly we all forget.


But Jesus does not punish, he does not criticize, he does not skip a beat.

He simply shows up and says,

"It is I (literally 'I am'). Do not be afraid."


And it won't be the last time.


 Pastor Sarah 


 Annual Budget Meeting Sunday, July 19   


The 2015-2016 Annual Budget was approved at the Annual Congregational Budget Meeting held on Sunday, July 19. Your attendance, questions and input were greatly valued as we look forward to the year ahead. Thank you to everyone who attended. 


The final budget and chart are available on the website and can be downloaded by clicking here.


RenewingFaith FAQs


The RenewingFaith Capital Campaign has raised some questions that we would like to share.


Q. Where can I learn about the specific plans for finishing ministry space and property care?

A. The amount of funds raised will determine the exact projects that will be completed. Current building priorities include completing unfinished building space, making Faith's facilities handicap accessible, and converting space to better fit the needs of staff and expanding ministry. Property care will include maintenance and repair of Faith's existing buildings, properties, and facilities. For further information on these items, go to


Q. Why isn't the campaign focusing solely on reducing Faith's debt? Increasing ministry space? Caring for our current property?

A. Faith's church council recognizes that we are a congregation of individuals with varying opinions on how to strengthen our ability to minister and serve. Council members considered the greatest needs of the church and determined that RenewingFaith should maintain a balance of addressing space issues, reducing debt, caring for current property needs, and sharing our blessings beyond our congregation.


Go to to find answers to more frequently asked questions.    


Dakota Road

I am pleased to announce that on Saturday, July 25, at the 5:00 p.m. worship service the musicians from Cross Roads will be teaching a new liturgy. This new liturgy is from Dakota Road Music Publishing. Dakota Road Publishing is based in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Dakota Road is very well known in Lutheran circles for writing contemporary liturgies that are in keeping with Lutheran worship practices. The music is easy to learn and very worshipful. Join us in learning this new liturgy on Saturdays at 5:00 p.m.


Guys' Night Out        

Guys Night Out is heading to another great place for April's event - Draught House 50 at 6240 Mills Civic Parkway in West Des Moines. Join them on Monday, July 27, at 7:00 p.m. Please let Dave Eppert (710-8558) or Tim Tessier (707-0880) know if you will be attending by sending a text. Hope to see you there!

Fellowship Golf Outing 

The Fellowship Ministry Team and the Golf Committee has planned the 2015 Faith Golf Outing. Everyone is welcome! All ages, all abilities. The event will take place on Sunday, September 13, from 3:00 to 8:00 p.m. (registration at 1:30 p.m.), at Hillcrest Country Club in Adel. Enjoy nine holes of golf and fun! There will be twosome teams, and we are limited to 22 pairs in a best-shot scramble. The cost is $40.00 per golfer, which includes greens fees, cart and meal. Or you can do a meal only for $10.00.  


Signup starts Sunday, July 19. Go to links/SignUpGenius. Please contact Mary Ellison at or 515-321-8616, if you have questions or need help. Please note that you are not officially registered until you make your payment. Payments can be made by check or cash. Please bring your payment to the church office or during sign ups in the Commons.


Thank You    

Thank you for your continuing financial commitment to Faith Lutheran Church which allows our community to live more fully into our vision of ministry. As we begin a new fiscal year we are grateful for the generosity of our congregation that allowed us to meet our expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015. Growing in our financial giving strengthens the vibrancy of all we do together for the sake of the gospel. Thank you for your generosity and staying current with your offerings!





Children & Family Ministry




Youth & Family Ministry

Check the website for more information.

Have You Been Following Along with the
ELCA Youth Gathering Trip


Have you been following along on the National Youth Gathering Trip? There are several ways for you to remain connected and informed:

Daily Video Updates-Links to our daily video updates will be posted to the Youth & Family Ministry Twitter and Facebook accounts beginning on July 14 or 15 (Please note: Video updates are subject to internet availability; if it is unavailable, we'll relay that on Twitter). We encourage you to leave comments on these videos-we read each one aloud every evening. It's a great way to share your prayers, comment on the videos, and to "participate" in our journey from a distance. 

Twitter-In addition to videos, we'll be using Twitter to post photos and other updates in real-time throughout the trip. The URL for our Twitter account is: (You do not need a Twitter account to see the updates).

We hope that you'll join with us on our journey, lifting us up in daily prayer and keeping tabs on our online updates!