AMWS & Alumni Digest               October 28, 2013 

In This Issue
Upcoming Events and Conferences
Educational Opportunities

* Denotes New Opportunites

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SEP Homepage:                                  For past digests:                          

Just a reminder!
None of the entry doors of the Science Building should be left propped open after hours.  This creates a security problem that affects everyone who works in the building. Thank you for your cooperation!
Career Opportunities & Internships

*Physics Tutor for High School Student

Lindsay Davi, a high school student is looking for a physics tutor. If you are interested, please contact her at:


*Monterey Bay Sanctuary Foundation Internship

The Monterey Bay Sanctuary Foundation is excited to announce openings for two internship positions. We're seeking applicants with an interest in ocean education and outreach with an emphasis on generating greater awareness of and support for California's marine protected areas. Ideal candidates will be self-motivated and will work closely, but independently, with Sanctuary Foundation staff on one or more projects.Applications will be considered from currently enrolled graduate students as well as students who have recently graduated from an undergraduate or Masters program. The internship will run approximately 10-14 weeks from January through May 2014. Interns will work closely with Sanctuary Foundation staff at our offices in either Monterey or Santa Cruz, California. This position is unpaid. The application deadline is November 15, 2013. 

More Information


*Professor of Minerology

The Department of Geology at SUNY New Paltz expects to hire a faculty member for Fall 2014 in the general area of Mineralogy, pending final funding approval. They are a mainly undergraduate department of seven members that emphasizes field experiences, undergraduate research, and a rigorous curriculum in geology and allied sciences. A formal advertisement will be posted on final approval, however they encourage interested parties to contact Dr. Frederick Vollmer  ( or department members for additional information.  


*Assistant Professor of Water Resources

The University of Rhode Island seeks to strengthen and expand our focus area "Water and Water Resources". We invite applications for a 9-month tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level to conduct research, teaching, and service in the area of Water Resources. The successful candidate will actively participate in a collaborative, interdisciplinary research program in hydrology, water quality, environmental geochemistry, environmental engineering, natural resource policy, and Geographic Information Systems and be involved in teaching interdisciplinary courses. The anticipated start date is Fall 2014. An earlier start date (Spring 2014) may be negotiable. The anticipated tenure department is Geosciences (negotiable) where the new faculty will collaborate with existing expertise in the areas of water quality, and international water supply/treatment. More Information


*Professor of Geology at South Dakota School of Mines & Technology

The Department of Geology and Geological Engineering at the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology invites applications for a nine-month tenure-track position in petrology at the Assistant, Associate, or Professor level. We seek candidates with expertise and interests in one or more of the following areas: mineral resources, geothermal systems, magmatic systems, or volcanology. The successful candidate will teach undergraduate and graduate courses in petrology and other areas related to his/her expertise. The successful candidate will also develop a vigorous externally-funded research program and advise undergraduate and graduate students. A completed Ph.D. in Geology or closely related field is required. Nine month salary range is commensurate with background and experience. For questions about this position, contact Tim Masterlark, Search Chair, at More Information

Graduate Level Research Opportunity

Kris Jaeger is  seeking a MS-level graduate student to conduct field and GIS-based research on the hydrology and geomorphology of mountain headwater streams at Ohio State University. The position will begin August 2014 (Fall Semester) with the potential for field work to begin Summer 2014 depending on availability of selected student. Support will be a combination of teaching and research assistantships (approximately $20K per year plus tuition, fees and health benefits). Fellowship  support may be possible for outstanding applicants. Interested applicants should send to Dr. Kristin Jaeger ( ) a written statement of graduate research interests, a copy of their CV, GPA and GRE scores, unofficial transcript or list of coursework, and contact information for three references by December 2013. Submission of the formal application by 7 January 2014 is required to ensure full consideration for available fellowships.


Science Policy Summer Internship in Washington, D.C.

This is an early alert regarding a Science Policy-focused Summer Internship Program (SSIP) conducted by the Quality Education for Minorities (QEM) Network with support from the National Science Foundation (NSF).  This opportunity is for graduate and undergraduate students from groups underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), particularly, but not limited to, students interested in pursuing careers in science policy or science education.

The ten-week, Washington, DC-based internship (May 27-August 1, 2014) is made possible through a grant to the QEM  Network from NSF. Students who successfully complete the internship will receive a taxable stipend, $3,000 for undergraduates and $4,000 for graduate students, paid in three installments over the course of the summer. The students also will receive housing at George Washington University with other QEM interns as well as round-trip airfare and ground travel reimbursement. More Information


Ecological Restoration Internship with the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy

 The Park Stewardship Program is seeking a motivated intern to work in a dynamic community-based

habitat restoration program in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area in the San Francisco Bay Area. With over 15 million visitors annually and over 80,000 acres of land, it is the largest urban national park in the country. Our work is highly variable and covers a broad spectrum of topics, including inventorying existing biological and physical resources, identifying and managing threats to sensitive resources, and engaging the surrounding community in "stewarding" important park sites. Work sites are in a variety of coastal habitats from oak-bay woodlands to coastal freshwater marshes both north and south of the Golden Gate Bridge. Work will support four federally protected animals.

Applications are due by November 1.

For more information and application details, see here


NOAA Field Positions Available

 The Santa Cruz NOAA office is hiring two field technicians to assist with salmonid-related field research.  These are full-time positions with one-year appointments. Search job numbers 1304505 and 1304504 here for more information.


Medical Scribe Opportunity at Natividad Medical Center

 CEP America's Scribes work exclusively in our Emergency Departments. Scribesdocument patients' medical histories and physical exams as they work with CEP America healthcare providers in the ED. Our scribes are trained in medical terminology and medical documentation. Scribes also receive customized training using the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) or documentation system specific to their hospital. Scribes do not perform any clinical duties nor do they provide direct patient care, but they assist with a number of important tasks. More Information


Managing Editor Position at Monterey Institue of International Studies

The Center for the Blue Economy at the Monterey Institute of International Studies (a graduate school of Middlebury College) has a new position open for the Managing Editor of a journal we intend to launch in Spring 2014. Priority screening date is September 23. This is a full-time staff position.  More Information


Collaborative Research Project on the Commercial Fishery for California Halibut Intern

The California Sea Grant Extension Program at the Institute of Marine Sciences, UCSC, is looking for a student intern (or interns) to help review literature and construct a profile of the commercial fishery for California halibut as part of a collaborative fisheries research project. The purpose of the project is to integrate fishery participants', scientists' and managers' knowledge about the fishery to build shared understanding of how the fishery works and the diverse factors that affect it. Project results will be used to inform community and fishery management decision-making. More Information


CA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Natural Resource Volunteer Program 

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is seeking applicants for the Natural Resource Volunteer Program (NRVP) to serve within the newly created Monterey NRVP Chapter. Interested residents of Monterey, Santa Cruz and Santa Benito counties are strongly encouraged to apply.  More Information


Biology and Chemistry Graders - CSUMB
Grader needed for Biology and/or Chemistry 100 and 200-level courses.  
This position pays $8.50 to $10.  The applicant must have completed CHEM 111 to be eligible for CHEM grader. The applicant must have completed BIO 241 and BIO 242 to be eligible for BIO grader position. This position is 4-10 hours per week.
Apply on OtterJobs. Please specify which courses you are applying to grade.  


Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Internships

Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS) is one of the nation's largest marine protected areas and encompasses more than 6,000 square miles of central California coastal waters containing a rich array of habitats and marine life. The Sanctuary program provides protection of these natural resources through research and education to foster public understanding and stewardship of this nationally significant marine area. 

  The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary constantly seeking interns to work on various research, education and resource protection projects. More Information


FishWise Sustainable Seafood Internship

FishWise is a non-profit organization designed to improve the sustainability and financial performance of seafood retailers, distributors, and producers.  Uniquely positioned between the seafood industry and marine conservation organizations, FishWise offers a range of services that create trust between seafood vendors and their customers.  FishWise joins business imperatives with leading ocean conservation strategies. The intern's primary responsibility is two-fold: 1) to provide support to existing member retailer partners and 2) provide general office support.  More Information


Rincon Consultant's Monterey Office Hiring

Rincon is looking for interns/entry level candidates as well as candidates with a few years of experience (ideally in CEQA consulting, but city/regional planning as well). There is information in their website, and people can submit resumes through the site. More Information


Internships with USDA

You will find student internship opportunities that are available at USDA Agencies throughout the country.  Additionally, the last two positions listed below are Recent Graduate positions (career opportunities for recent graduates who are looking for employment).  Please feel free to share with your students at your respective institutions. 

Please note:  All of the internship positions are paid and can be accessed on!


Fermentation Engineer - Research Investigator    

DuPont Central Research and Development has an immediate opening for Biochemical Engineers with a strong background in fermentation based process research and development. Successful applicants will have excellent communication, project management, and leadership skills as well as strong theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience in one or more areas including metabolic engineering, systems biology, bioreactor design, fermentation optimization, and fermentation scale-up. The position also requires conceptual design and experimental validation of fermentation-based processes within a collaborative and multidisciplinary team of molecular biologists, biochemists, and engineers. Apply online here.

Education and Career Training Opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathamatics 

-450+ paid summer research experiences for undergraduates

-Graduate fellowships, mentoring and professional development opportunities

-150+ Post-doctoral Opportunities

Go to 


 Monterey Bay Aquarium Internships


  • Fall applications due June 1
  • Winter applications due September 1
  • Spring applications due December 1
  • Summer applications due March 1

Scholarships & Grants

Student Opportunities at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 

The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is currently advertising two student programs for students in oceanic, environmental, biological and atmospheric sciences, mathematics, engineering, remote sensing, physical and social sciences including geography, physics, hydrology, geomatics, or teacher education. Many of the disciplines NOAA employees study overlap with USDA.

The Hollings Scholarship brings approximately 100 students to DC every summer for a scholarship/internship program. NOAA is looking to diversify their candidate pool as a very small percentage of students awarded are minorities. 


The Educational Partnership Program Undergraduate Scholarship is for students from Minority-Serving Institutions, including HSIs.  Includes an academic scholarship and internship. 

This is a great opportunity for students who are interested in STEM and the federal government.   Contact NOAA with any questions.


NOAA Office of Response and Restoration Constituent and Legislative Affairs Internships

 The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of Response and Restoration is advertising Washington, DC-area student internships for Spring and Summer 2013 in Constituent and Legislative Affairs.  A position description is attached and more information can be found at:


National Science Foundation Opportunities

NSF is offering rapid response funding for the 2011 tsunami debris field. Specifically,

The NSF Directorates for Biological Sciences (BIO), Geosciences (GEO), Engineering (ENG), Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS), and Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE) and the Office of Cyberinfrastructure (OCI) are accepting proposals to conduct research on the potential threat to the North American west coast from debris fields associated with the March 2011 Japanese earthquake and tsunami. More Information


Graduate Student Portal- Funding Database 

 There is a wonderful resource available to help you find funding, fellowships, and job opportunities in a variety of disciplines, The Graduate Student Portal . This portal has been created in conjunction with the Aldo Leopold Leadership Program at Stanford and is very helpful.

Upcoming Events and Conferences

*Hourly Tours of Doc Rickett's Lab on Cannery Row 
October 26 9am-5pm  
In honor of Harley Watkins and the lab men's club, public access to Doc's Lab will be available through hourly tours presented by Cannery Row Foundation historians, docents, and authorities of Steinbeck-ricketts. Donations are accepted at the door. There is $15 per person donation requested. Email or call for reservations.Contact:, 831-659-2112

*Blue Economy at Monterey Institute of International Studies  
October 28th at 6:00 PM, McCone Center at Irvine Auditorium 
This event gathers up three ocean experts to talk about the economic importance of the ocean to coastal towns, how climate change and acidification might affect that relationship, and what we can do about it today. More Information
*MBARI Seminar- Julia Stewart 
October 30, 3pm, Pacific Forum 
The topic of the seminar is Giant Squid in the California Current.  
*14th Annual International Film Festival
November 1 and 2, at 7 p.m. each & November 3, at 1:30 p.m. 
Location: Golden State Theatre at 417 Alvarado downtown 
Free for students with student ID


*Healthcare Policy Conference in Sacramento 

Saturday, October 26, 10:00 AM at the UC Davis Medical Center 
A conference called "ACA 2.0 - The Next Step in Healthcare Reform" is taking place. From PNHP California and CaHPSA, this will be a great opportunity to learn about how to bring equitable healthcare to all while networking with fellow postbac students, pre-meds, professional students (MD, PA, NP, DDS, etc), and many other professionals. Our executive associate dean Dr. Fredrick Meyers will be the opening speaker, followed by Tim Maurice, the CFO of the UC Davis Health System. More Information 


*Open House @ UCSB Bren School of Environmental Science & Management
The Bren School offers a two-year professional Master of Environmental Science & Management (MESM) program and the PhD in Environmental Science & Management. The master's program, a central focus of the school's educational mission, trains students to work in environmental careers in government agencies, corporations, nonprofit organizations, and consulting firms. We cordially invite prospective students to join us for our annual Open House, to be held at the UCSB campus in Bren Hall on Friday, November 1, 2013 from 8:30am-6:00pm. Open House is the perfect opportunity to experience the Bren community, UCSB, and the beautiful Santa Barbara area. Prospective students should RSVP via e-mail to: no later than October 30, 2013.


*Expanding Your Horizons Conference

Expanding Your Horizons is a one day conference for 5th-10th grade girls who are interested in STEM careers.  The conference will be held on November 23rd at Hartnell College in Salinas.  We are currently looking for female scientists who would like to present a hands on workshop during the conference.  More Information


Everyone's Harvest Farm Stand at CSUMB

Every Tuesday, starting September 17th, the Everyone's Harvest Farm Stand will be outside the CSUMB Library Cafe from 12pm-3pm. Our Farm Stand offers fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and flowers purchased on the day of or the night before an Everyone's Harvest Certified Farmers' Market. All items sold support the many local small-scale farmers at our Certified Farmers' Markets, some of which serve low-income or working class communities. Everyone's Harvest happily accepts cash, EBT, meal plan blocks and flex (to use your meal plan, go to the library caf�, the Otter Express, or the Dining Commons and ask for farm stand vouchers).

Education Opportunities 
*Graduate Degrees in Environmental Management 
Each fall, the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University visits college campuses around the country. Members of the Nicholas School Academic and Enrollment Services staff and faculty travel around the country to meet with students, faculty, career services professionals and administrators to share information about our unique and distinct Master of Environmental Management and Master of Forestry degree programs. We invite you to meet with one of our representatives at a location near you. More Information 

CA Department of Fish and Wildlife Natural Resource Volunteer Program 

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is seeking applicants for the Natural Resource Volunteer Program (NRVP) to serve within the newly created Monterey NRVP Chapter. Interested residents of Monterey, Santa Cruz and Santa Benito counties are strongly encouraged to apply.

More Information