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October 18, 2013
In This Issue
Editor's Blog
What In The Woods?
Last Week's Contest Answer
Northern Woodlands News
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And Then He's a Hunter
Dave Mance III     


I know many of you reading this don't hunt. But even so, I'll bet you've heard the one where the hunter bags his first buck. How the opportunity came as a surprise after he'd tried and failed for what seemed like so long. How the emotions came in waves as he approached the downed animal...



The Touchy-Feely World of Whiskers                  

Li Shen                             


Of the many questions one is left with after listening to the nursery rhyme Three Blind Mice, none is more vexing than how three blind rodents were able to chase anything, let alone a farmer's wife. As the three mice in question died in 1805, we'll probably never know the full answer...


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Amphibian Skin: Toxic Chemicals to Medical Marvels                   

Steven D. Faccio                             


I was eating breakfast when I noticed a black duck quietly feeding on our small pond. It would occasionally "tip-up" - head underwater, tail skyward - in typical puddle duck fashion. Suddenly, the peaceful scene was interrupted as the duck began spinning wildly in circles...


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mystery in mud

What's the muddy depression that these folks are looking at? (That's our Tracking Tips columnist Sue Morse in green, for those who don't know her.)


Every other week we run a photo of something unusual found in the woods. Guess what it is and you'll be eligible to win a copy of The Outside Story, a paperback collection of our Outside Story newspaper columns. A prize winner will be drawn at random from all the correct entries. The correct answer, and the winner's name, will appear in our next e-newsletter. 


This week's contest deadline is 8:00 AM, Wednesday, October 30, 2013.
chippy Previous Contest Answer

We had no winner this time, though several people guessed 23, and some guessed 25.


Yes, it's a dead chipmunk. (We're pretty sure the dog killed it, but it may have been gluttony.) Note that his mouth is full of beech nuts. Now how many beech nuts do you think this wee chippy had stuffed in his mouth at the time of his unfortunate demise?      

NW Answer: 24. (Plus 4 maple seeds for good measure.) Check out
next week's Outside Story to learn more about the risks/rewards of different types of chipmunk foraging behavior.


 Visit our What In The Woods Is That? contest archive.


Northern Woodland's Columnist Has New Book

Discoveries columnist Todd McLeish has published his third book about rare wildlife, this one about narwhals, the northernmost whale on the planet and the one most threatened by global warming. Titled Narwhals: Arctic Whales in a Melting World, the book examine the many questions and curiosities that surround this sea unicorn. Learn more here.

Partial Lunar Eclipse Tonight

A partial lunar eclipse will be visible Friday into Saturday night. The eclipse will be most visible for the United States and Canada at 7:50 p.m. EDT. Due to the timing of the eclipse, the moonrise will not be high enough for western parts of North America to view. Learn more here.  
We Welcome Your Questions and Comments
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Northern Woodlands
1776 Center Road
P.O. Box 471
Corinth, VT  05039
Toll-Free: (800) 290-5232
Phone: (802) 439-6292
Fax: (802) 368-1053
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The mission of the Center for Northern Woodlands Education is to advance a culture of forest stewardship in the Northeast and to increase understanding of and appreciation for the natural wonders, economic productivity and ecological integrity of the region's forests. Our programs give people the information they need to help build a sustainable future for our region. Through Northern Woodlands magazine, the Northern Woodlands Goes to School program, and special publications, we make a difference in how people care for their land.