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2015 Community 5k & Walk for Autism Acceptance
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5K Run/Walk Day - April 26, 2015
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We've less than two months before the big day, have you set up your fundraising page yet? I know it's hard to think about walking and running when there is 6 feet of snow outside but this is the time to get started fundraising!
Here's the 2015 version of Walk Ways , which has all that you need to get started, links to the Firstgiving pages, a "How To " create your page , a link to an offline form if you like to do it old school and tips and tricks to make this the most successful 5K Run and Walk ever !
Don't hesitate to call us if you experience trouble setting up your page, it's a little different this year, but still very user friendly and intuitive!
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Are you asking "WHAT IS THIS EVENT THAT HAS EVERYONE SO EXCITED, ANYWAY?" For many of you, this may be your first year participating in the walk/run-you've heard the buzz, felt the excitement, but you're still not quite sure how this all works. In a nutshell, the walk/run is our signature event; our biggest annual fundraiser and our biggest day of celebration, when all of our families and friends who have fundraised gather for a full day of activities,including our 5K Run and Walk, entertainment, games, networking, and sharing our successes in our journeys with autism. Friends are made, contacts are made, families get to be at an event where nothing their child does is judged or corrected, because we are all 'get it'! With the exception of the 5K Run the entire event takes place on the track inside the fenced-in park; there is no walk route, no streets close by-everything is enclosed. We do emphasize the importance of staying close to your children and your children close to you; the park does run next to Quinsigamond Lake, separated by a thick grove of trees but still visible. Everyone is responsible for their own children throughout the event. There is music, performers & food-lots of stimuli-but there are plenty of places above the track on the slopes where families can escape the activity on the track and have some space to relax if necessary. WE POLITELY ASK THAT PEOPLE DO NOT BRING THEIR DOGS TO THIS EVENT, as it may cause anxiety for some of the participants. Please be courteous to the needs of our broad spectrum of friends. SO WHAT DO YOU DO NEXT? The walk/run actually begins right now, because first we ask families to help us make the day a fundraising success by creating an online fundraising page and spreading the word to family, friends, coworkers, Facebook friends, Twitter followers, mySpace friends, and anyone else you can think of; asking them to consider giving to the Center so that it can continue to provide critical supports to families like yours. Many folks hold smaller events to raise funds, last year some families had fundraisers at Panera Bread, The 99 Restaurant, there are LOTS of Businesses that will work with you to raise funds! In doing so you also Raise AWARENESS in the community!Like the Community Walk & 5K Facebook page for additional details and ideas! We can help you every step of the way, so if you're having trouble creating your page, if you're still unsure about something, if you need more ideas or have ideas to share, give us a call or email us. We can't wait to see you there!
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Your Firstgiving Page

First go to the 5K Run & Walk Fundraising Page on our Website Click on either Register to Run the 5K or Register to Walk It will bring you to a page like this : Click on the big blue button that says FUNDRAISE which will bring up a pop-up window which looks like this:
You can register as an individual if you are walking alone, or as a family. A Family means YOUR household, may include parents, their children and if the household includes a grandparent who resides with you Grandparents.
Runners - You will be paying $25.00/ runner - exceptions are College students and children who will pay $20.00
Once you choose which category of registration you need you will need to create an account if you have never done this or sign in to your Firstgiving account if you are a veteran. The page will look like this
once you have created your account you will come to a page that asks for personal information like this :
Please include names and ages of family members who'll be accompanying you the day of the walk.
The next few pages will allow you to create a team and then finally create your page . It's all fairly self explanatory so why not give it a whirl - Only 18 days till spring which means only another 38 days after that till walk day!
Here you will fill out your information and create a password for your account ( write this down somewhere !) then click the button that says "Next" to get to this page where you will register yourself , answer all questions then hit" next " The next page is where you can create a TEAM if you like , or join an existing team. If you anticipate having lots of buddies who will fundraise and walk with you you'll want to create a TEAM. If you are only creating a fundraising page for your family you can hit the button that says I don't want to create a TEAM . The next button brings you to YOUR fundraising page ! Here's where you can personalize your page and tell your story. You can upload a picture of your child to the page if you like, A family photo or simply leave the photo alone & our Logo will be there by default. As you tell your story you decide what you want people to know, some of us over the years have updated friends and family on our kids progress, shared how the Center has helped our family, and why you are asking for their support. I always set my goal to match the year so this year I am shooting for $2,015 ! It really is very intuitive and simple. After you finish your page you can add contacts by uploading your e-mail address book , or entering addresses . Firstgiving will guide you through that process, once that is done you can send out an"ask" to friends, family and coworkers. You can also use the URL for your page to create a Facebook post - I have been pleasantly surprised over the years by the number of people who have responded to my Facebook posts and donated. Firstgiving will send out a thank you from you and tax receipts to those who have donated to you. I always share my thanks on Facebook for each day's donations - it sometimes spurs others to donate and keeps the cause in people's minds. So Lets get this party started ! You all have invitations now and driving directions!
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Most of us don't like to ask for money from people -
but asking people to join you in supporting a
special organization that helps your whole family
might be a little easier.
- Teams are a great way to build your support system and thank those who are supporting you along in your journey with autism.
- Team members feel like they are a part of something special and that you want to include them in on your project, not just take their money.
- Create a team, name your team, and give it LIFE
- "Connor's Team "," Walking for Kurt" " Nicky's Team"
- have a team mascot
- print custom team t-shirts
- Set a Team Goal and start a 'friendly competition'
- Ask each person that commits to walk to get 1 - 2 other people they know to walk
Who to Ask:
Family, Friends, Neighbors, Co-workers, Teachers,
other parents of autistic children, Church friends,
Scout troops, Clubs, your Local Gym, Anyone who has a relationship with you and your child, Your Employer
DOES YOUR COMPANY HAVE A MATCHING DONATIONS PROGRAM? Do your team members' companies match their donations?
If you're not sure, ask your Human Resources Department or call the Center (we can do the leg work for you), and find out how to sign up the Center as a program recipient! Many companies have these types of programs. You could double your donations !
To register go to: http://www.firstgiving.com/arccm
Pick which event you want to participate in and follow the link to either the Walk or Run Page
Click on the FUNDRAISE Button on the right hand side
Follow the prompts to create a team
PLAN PRE-WALK GET TOGETHERS AND/OR A POST-WALK PARTY - start training together by walking as a group once or twice a week or meeting at the gym; get together to design a special t-shirt logo... then, plan a barbecue or appreciation dinner to wrap up the day and celebrate!
Know Your Facts about the Autism Resource Center
-Remember, your own personal story is the most effective tool for recruiting team members, but they may like to know more so that they can help bring in other supporters who may not know you or the Center
Mission:The Mission of the Autism Resource Center is to support families with children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, to empower families to raise their children to be full members of their communities and become responsively independent and effectively interdependent, so that they are valued as gifted people and protected from harm.
Where the money goes: Funds raised support the Family Fun Activities sponsored by the Center, to update volumes in the Resource Library, Informational materials sent to new families and to provide families with educational programs.
What resources are available : Resource Library with over 1000 autism specific titles, support groups, socialization groups for teens, Sibshops for siblings, information and referral services and staff to be there for each and every call, educational workshops and conferences, Monthly Family Fun Days for children and for teens, Parent & Mother's Retreats, Family Fun Days at Camp, Camp Havvago, Our Holiday Parties & More
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A Child's Letter
Sometimes a prospective supporter can be reached if the ask comes from your child. Here's a template that you can print out, let your child decorate and send to grandparents, aunts, uncles or other family members who would be responsive to a child. You could if you wanted include the URL for your fundraising page, as a PS from Mom &/or Dad !
You are probably surprised to get a letter from me, but I need your help!
As you know, Mom and Dad love me very much. So much so that they are participating in the Autism Resource Center's Community 5K/Walk for Autism Awareness and acceptance presented by Autism Intervention Specialsits on April 27, 2014 at DCR's Quinsigamond State Park to help raise money for Autism Awareness and Acceptance. Actually, they are the ones who need help.
The money they raise will help me, and other kids like me, who have autism, and their families. They are putting a team together to participate in the walk. Will you join our team and help me? I promise it will be FUN, and we can all walk together! If you can't walk with me, can you please sponsor my team?
Mom says at the Autism Resource Center they really care about families. They offer cool services for them like parent's night out, family swim and other parties, Asperger support group, educational workshops, a book resource library, swimming lessons, Camp havvago for kids like me and two weeks of family fun days at camp. She says all these great services are what keep her sane. I don't know what that means but I know it makes her happy and when Mom's happy, I'm happy!
So please join our team on Sunday, April 27th to walk for this great cause, or sponsor us with a donation. Thank you for your support.
Much Love,
Running? simply change the word walk to 5K !
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Many People enjoy creating a third party event to raise funds for their walk or run. This is a chance to organize a social event with a purpose. Many corporations will work with you to raise funds like Uno's, panera Bread and the 99 Restaurants . Interested ? Click here for a whole list of fundraising opportunities !
If you are planning a third party event we ask that you contact Wanja Kiraguri so that we can coordinate with you who you can and can not approach for contributions for raffles. Keep in mind, we also are out there securing raffle prizes and we can give you some guidance in regards to legal obligations ! We appreciate the efforts of everyone but we want you to be able to do this without making mistakes that could cost you!
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What's the 500 club? An elite group of walkers and runners who raise $500 in a year for the Center.
Why do you want to be a member?
1. You love the Center and believe in it's Mission
2. Individuals who raise $500 or more receive a 500 club pin, and other recognitions at a special recognition event in the summer.
3. You want to hang with the cool kids !
Last year we had 76 people inducted into this exclusive club. We hope to welcome them back again this year and add more people to the Club . Lets try for 100 this year!
The Autism Resource Center does not endorse any treatments, programs or products. Articles, announcements and resources are provided for information purposes only.