Strategic Guidance. Stronger Nonprofits.
In This Issue
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2015-2016 Project Leaders
Scholarships for Nonprofit Leaders
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2015-16 Clients
Vol. 12, No. 4
December 2015

In November, when we once again watched tragic events unfolding around the world, I kept wondering when it would stop and how. And like many others, I wondered about the people causing so much harm and grief. Most of us are not in a position to impact those people or to prevent these tragic events that happen on the international stage. Still, I think we can take heart in our own efforts, and the efforts of those around us, to make a difference here at home. We make a difference... 
  • For every child who learns to read and finds a path to college. For every child who has a safe place to go after school. For every child who learns to dance instead of fight. 
  • For every veteran who finds support services to transition back home. 
  • For every person fighting to stay healthy after a battle with mental illness. For every person who gains self-confidence and pride after a personal setback. 
  • For every unemployed person who learns skills to engage in the workforce. For every person who finds a job and is able to keep a family together. 
  • For every homeless person who has a hot meal and a place to sleep. For every person who feels hope instead of despair. 
Much of this work at the local level happens because of nonprofits. Nonprofits move communities one step closer to stability and safety. So I'd like to take a moment to give credit to this system and the people who make it possible. Executive Directors provide vision and leadership with support from passionate staff. Nonprofit board members offer behind-the-scenes support. Individual donors, foundations, and corporate outreach programs ensure nonprofits have required resources. All together, with everyone pulling in the same direction at the same time, hopefully we can change lives.
For most, the events in Paris left us unnerved, sometimes scared, and desperately wanting to be hopeful for our children. I hope you find inspiration this holiday season in the good work being done here at home. If you haven't finished your end-of-year giving (and even if you have), please consider making a financial gift to Compass to support our work with local nonprofits, or to other nonprofits doing good work in our community.
On behalf of Compass' seven staff members, 24 board members, this year's 36 nonprofit clients, and 300 volunteers - thank you for your support. I wish you a wonderful holiday, and a safe and peaceful new year.


Did you know that many Compass volunteers who are donating their time to local nonprofits also provide a financial contribution to Compass? So far this year, 211 volunteers have made financial contributions to support Compass. We couldn't provide our unique pro bono consulting program without the infrastructure and staff to carefully select, train and support our clients and volunteers.


We appreciate our volunteers for ALL their support, but we can't do our work with their support alone. Please join this year's volunteers by making a tax-deductible donation to Compass. You can make a secure donation here: 


Donate Now  


Thank you for supporting Compass, which allows us to support the many nonprofits that we serve and the many people with whom they work. 


We're thrilled to have the following talented business professionals leading our Greater Philadelphia pro bono consulting teams: 

Christine Jacobs (Stanford), After School Activities Partnerships
Olan Soremekun (Columbia), Center for Advocacy for the Rights and Interests of the Elderly 
Keely Zipp (Wharton), Delaware Valley Green Building Council 
Rob Levin (Harvard), Junior Achievement of Southeastern Pennsylvania
Akshay Khanna (Wharton), Main Line Art Center
Jose Vega (Wharton), North Light Community Center
David Othmer (Harvard), Smith Memorial Playground and Playhouse
Jaime Gusdorff (Columbia), Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians
Anton Burnette (Wharton), West Oak Lane Charter School 
Anne Randig Andres (Wharton), Women Organized Against Rape

We couldn't put together our talented consulting teams without skilled volunteers. We couldn't recruit the amazing volunteers without the support of the local business school clubs. Thank you to the following clubs who help spread the word about Compass. We are grateful for their support:    

The University of Chicago Booth School of Business  
Columbia Business School 
Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell 
Fuqua School of Business at Duke 
Harvard Business School 
Michigan Ross School of Business 
MIT Sloan School of Management 
Northwestern Kellogg School of Management  
NYU Stern School of Business 
Stanford Graduate School of Business  
Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth  
University of Virginia Darden School of Business  
The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania 
Yale School of Management

Thanks to these corporate partners for assistance recruiting volunteers this year: 


Thanks also to our foundation supporters: 

Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation
Douty Foundation
Independence Foundation
MKM Foundation
The Philadelphia Foundation

And our Project Launch Sponsor,     

Each year the Harvard Business School Club of Philadelphia, awards two scholarships to local nonprofit leaders to attend the Strategic Perspectives in Nonprofit Management course at HBS.

Greater Philadelphia nonprofit Executive Directors, CEOs and Presidents may apply. Each candidate should have at least one year of experience working in the role. Each organization's efforts should focus on service within Greater Philadelphia communities.

The program will be held July 17-23, 2016 on the HBS campus in Boston, MA. Each scholarship covers program fees ($5,500).
Completed applications must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, January 15, 2016. For more information and the application, email David Othmer at [email protected]. 

Scholarship winners will be notified in early March.  

Compass | 1712 N Street, NW | Suite 302 | Washington | DC | 20036