Arabian Horse Association Newsletter
February 2016
In This Issue
AHA Video Corner
Have you seen our NEW website yet?

Take a look at our NEW website!
Take a look at our NEW website!

Learn how to make heart-shaped horse treats for your Arabian horse this Valentine's day!
Homemade Horse Treats
Homemade Horse Treats

What's The Buzz
Read the monthly dish in the Arabian horse industry.

Get an inside glimpse into Wayne Newton's Las Vegas estate!

Take a Tour of Casa de Shenandoah
Take a Tour of Casa de Shenandoah

Shania Twain was caught riding Arabian horses with Heather and Jeremy Reynolds, members of the U.S. Endurance Team!

AHA Corporate Partners & Sponsors
Sponsorship Webpage

Going to Scottsdale? Stop by and say "Thank You" to

AHA Corporate Partners:

Corporate Sponsors:

Dates & Deadlines
February 5 - 7, 2016
Western States Horse Expo

February 15, 2016
Deadline For In-Utero Entries With Additional Late Fee

February 19 - 20, 2016
AERC Convention

February 25 - 26, 2016
Budget & Finance Committee Meeting
Aurora, CO

March 11 - 12, 2016
AHA Board Of Directors Meeting
Aurora, CO

March 12 - 13, 2016
Directors Shared Information Meeting
Aurora, CO

March 31, 2016
Halter Futurities (Re-Nominattions Only) Due

April 7 - 10, 2016
Equine Affaire

April 15 - 17, 2016
Midwest Horse Fair

April 20 - 24, 2016
Equine Canada Convention

May 13 - 14, 2016
Executive Committee Meeting
Aurora, CO

June 1, 2016
Club Nominations For Board-Elected Positions Due

For a full list of dates and deadlines click here
Employee Spotlight
Every month, the AHA Insider showcases one of our employees. We want to give our readers an insight as to who works for AHA and what they do for the association. 

Paige Lockard

I am going on my third official year of working at AHA, but I have been a part of AHA since I was in the womb. My mother is Leslie Lockard, Senior Director of Competitions, who is going on her thirtieth year at AHA. As a young teenager, I interned doing office work and attended my first Nationals. I recently moved into the "new" National Events Department and I am the Distance Ride Coordinator/National Events Assistant. I coordinate the National Distance  Championship Rides and I assist with our four National Shows.
I have always loved horses; for my birthdays as a child I would go up to Estes Park to trail ride and at the National Western Stock Show I would always get my picture taken on top of the ponies in my Western attire. At age 10 my mother bought a Quarter Horse which I rode at local shows and our Larimer County Fair. We were boarding our horse at that time and I was fortunate enough to meet a black Arabian mare named BB April Rose at the barn. April and I became attached and for my eleventh birthday my mother bought her for me. I started showing her in Hunter Under Saddle and Western classes, but it became clear after a few years that she was a Gymkhana horse. We have been doing Gymkhana Events for about the last 9 years and my favorite event is the Flag Race. Last year with the Johnstown Saddle Club we were year-end Champions in both the Gymkhana division and Hunter/English Division. She is now 23 but you would not know it by her attitude; she still loves to run and is beautiful in an extended trot under an English saddle. I owe all my riding abilities and my love for the Arabian horse to her. 
May is Arabian Horse Month - What Are You Doing to Celebrate?

May is the month of the Arabian horse and the Arabian Horse Association is CHALLENGING YOU to get involved in an outreach event that showcases and brings awareness to the Arabian horse breed. The AHA staff is doing an event a week during May and will unveil the events as May draws closer. If you, your club or you and a group of Arabian horse enthusiasts need outreach ideas, take a look at our Marketing Toolkit. Make sure to use #ArabianHorseMonth so we can see what you are up to for the Arabian horse month!

Make sure to take a look at the brand new Judges and Stewards portal of the AHA website to check out what is new!
The Arabian Horse Association wants to showcase YOUR
Discovery farm on our social media platforms! Have a group of girl scouts coming out to learn about the Arabian horse breed or does the setting sun perfectly outline your Arabian horses running across the pasture? Take a *picture and email it to us, along with the farm name and a description of the picture to
*The Arabian Horse Association retains the right to use any photos submitted to AHA as they see fit. 
Do You Ride Frequently?

Come be a part of the Frequent Rider Program. As a member you pay a one-time fee of $25 and then log your hours in the saddle (or driving) to win great prizes! Participants can submit hours spent on trail rides, ranch work, parades, riding lessons or just time spent in the saddle enjoying your horse. Receive your first milestone at 25 hours and work your way up to the 10,000 hour award. Click here for more details.
New Year, New Look for the AHA Booth

AHA available to provide services at the 2016 Annual Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show, February 11-21!

AHA has a new look! Stop by the booth to meet with the AHA staff and see what's new. We are located at the northeast end of the Shopping Expo (North Hall). AHA is there to help you:
  • Register or transfer your horse
  • Submit your late in-utero nominations to the Sweepstakes Program and Halter Futurities (deadline February 15)
  • Pay for your late Halter Futurity re-nominations
  • Renew your Achievement Award Program
  • Purchase or renew your AHA membership and receive a free gift (while supplies last) - BE ENTERED TO WIN AN iPad
  • Purchase a subscription to the award winning Modern Arabian Horse magazine
  • Look up pedigree, progeny and ownership information on DataSource - get a FREE printout of the pedigree of any registered Arabian, Half-Arabian or Anglo-Arabian 
  • View/print the accomplishment record of any registered Arabian, Half-Arabian or Anglo-Arabian
  • Get assistance with your pending transactions - bring your work to the show
  • Choose from a wide variety of blank forms for registration and enrollment to our many programs
  • Become acquainted with the new website
This is your opportunity to get personal assistance with your paperwork and answer many of your questions. 
Come by the booth! 

Club Excellence Award Program Updates

The Club Excellence Award program recognizes clubs who exhibit exemplary outreach throughout the year. There are some exciting changes that have been made to the program. The new categories are Breed Promotion/Community Involvement, Membership Recruitment
or Retention, and Club Projects. The Club of the Year award will now be selected from those clubs that were placed in the top 5 in at least two of 2 of the 3 categories.

The new Award Category Descriptions are as follows:


A. Breed Promotion/Community Involvement-Judged on overall presentation, success of activity (people reached, memberships, follow up contact) and creativity.


B. Membership Recruitment or Retention-Judged on overall presentation and success of activity (how many people reached, members gained, members retained).


C. Club Projects-- Involvement of club members, success of activity, creativity participants reactions/thoughts.


The updated Rules are as follows:


A. All entries must be postmarked/electronic transaction dated by August 15 of the current year.


B. The only activities eligible for entry are those produced and implemented between August 1 of the preceding year and August 1 of the current year. Club entry must include the final result of the activity or project.


C. Clubs may submit more than one entry in each category; however each entry can only represent a separate and distinct activity or project. Clubs may also submit entries into any number of award categories.


D. Entry form, cover sheet or summary, and examples or more detailed information are required (pictures, statistics, people's testimonies, brochures, details from the event). Entries that do not include all required information will not be judged.


E. Complete a separate entry form for each activity or project.


F. Send one copy of each entry.


G. Entries become the property of AHA and will not be returned. AHA has the right to display your entry at any AHA Event or reprint the text in any AHA publications.


H. Visual information (photos, videos, etc.) is optional for any entry and encouraged.


Judges take into account each of the category's specific guidelines and evaluate the information provided by the club. Visual aids are always helpful so the judges can envision the activity. We look forward to this year's entries and appreciate the exceptional entries received in the past. Versatile Arabian
CHA Shares Six New Safety Videos on YouTube

The Certified Horsemanship Association consistently produces educational information for its members and the public. During the 2015 CHA International Conference, six more videos were recorded to demonstrate safety and horsemanship topics. CHA has published all six videos, which run from 3-12 minutes, on CHA's YouTube Channel or on the CHA website. These videos are available for anyone to embed in websites or for use in social media for yourself, your clients, or your staff. CHA's YouTube channel now features a total of 70 videos. Click here to read full press release.

Members Tales
A Mother's Intuition and a Daughter's Love

This Member's Tale story was sent in by Kathryn Lewis about her daughter, Karoline Lewis. 
My daughter, Karoline Lewis has ridden horses since she was two years old. She has competed since she was four years old in local and Class A shows, in Hunter and Dressage.  She showed at Youth Nationals in those divisions as well and has done very well! But there was always something in her that wanted to ride western, particularly reining. She would drag us to go watch it every chance she could get. Two years ago her Dad met Jessica Bein and arranged for her to get a reining lesson near the end of U.S. Nationals in Tulsa.  It only fueled the fire. She continued to watch it, and tell us how much she wanted to [try reining], all the while still riding her sister's horse in dressage and hunter and becoming a better and better rider.  In November 2014 on Facebook I saw a horse for sale and was drawn to watch his YouTube video and look him up for more information. I loved him, but I knew he would not be in our price range. I found out that this horse was quite an accomplished reining horse. On a whim, I contacted the owner of the horse [that] I was a bit smitten with and over the period of about a month it was determined that his price may not be as important as a good home. We still were very unsure and feared taking a leap on a horse we had not seen in person. Finally on Monday, December 22, 2014, we did it! We agreed on the horse that lived in Scottsdale. We contacted a local shipping crew, [since] we live in Missouri, and the man said he had a trailer [headed] to Missouri the next day. We scrambled to get everything in order so [the horse] could get on the trailer and possibly be to us by Christmas. Nervously and patiently, everything fell into place, like we had planned it months before! At 6 a.m. on Christmas morning a trailer stopped in the dark at the end of our driveway. He couldn't fit up our drive and unloaded a grey Quarter horse!  Using a flash light my husband and I finally said we didn't think this [was] our horse. Bewildered, the driver said this is the one that I was told was to go here.  We [told him] ours was supposed to come with some red supplies. Oh he said, I bet the one with the red blanket is yours! He then took a beautiful Half-Arabian palomino with a red blanket and lots of red supplies out. [The horse], Hollywood Playboy had arrived in Missouri. A few hours later we surprised our daughter with his arrival. She cried. She began riding him almost immediately. We had no idea how to ride, train or show a reining horse! My niece had a friend that was an experienced reining rider and he started helping Karoline and she took Playboy to their first show in March. There are very few reiners in our area so often she was the only competitor. I encouraged her to try western riding and trail because I wasn't sure that Playboy would still be able to compete the way she wanted him too. She was adamant about reining and absorbing everything she could. She qualified for Youth Nationals and I asked Jessica Bein if she would coach her there. In Karoline's last class/run for the Half-Arabian Reining JTR and JOTR, (she had received a Top Ten in reining seat equitation) Jessica came to the stands and [asked us if we knew what was going on?] Well not really, we were still learning the scoring [system]. She said Karoline and Playboy were tied for Champion in one class and Reserve Champion in the other. I couldn't believe it! They would have a run off -her and the tied competitor. Karoline and Playboy went first, I could tell they were both getting tired. Playboy backed before he started his [spins which gave them a] score of zero. I was still amazed [that in ] her first year, she had gone so far and surpassed anything I thought they could do! Then the other horse went and backed as well. All three judges had to review and confirm and yes it did back as well. Now what?  The stewards got the rule books out - everyone was conferring and the suspense was killing us!  Final decision.....  For the first time in Youth Nationals history they tied!  The new reining kid from Missouri and the old Champion from Scottsdale earned a National Championship and a Reserve. Hollywood Playboy has now earned his Legion of Supreme Honor and is teaching this Missouri dressage/hunter girl the reining ropes. Thru the kindness and consideration of several people along the way, this teenage girl's dreams [came] true. Next stop [is] the Scottsdale show.  She now dreams of showing there and has conceded that when it's time to retire Playboy from reining, he can do trail. Hollywood Playboy+/ has touched the lives of many. It seems like everywhere we go, people know him or have had contact with him. We are certainly blessed that taking a risk turned into a girl's dream! The horse had the heart and the girl had the dreams, all we had to do was give them a chance.   

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe." 
- Anatole France

If you or another AHA member has a story that you would like to share in the AHA Insider, please email Mikayla Boge at with the subject line: Member's Tale Story. 

Arabian Horse World Magazine Now Official Media Partner of Arabian Jockey Club

With the rise in popularity, purse money, stakes races, and support from the Middle East in Arabian racing, the Arabian Jockey Club (AJC) is proud to announce its partnership with Arabian Horse World (AHW) magazine as the "Official Media Partner of the Arabian Jockey Club."
"We set out to capture the excitement and grandeur of Arabian racing in the U.S. at its inception," says Arabian Horse World publisher Denise Hearst. "Through all these years Arabian Horse World has remained committed to Arabian racing, and we've included international race coverage in nearly every issue since. In 2013 we launched the AHW Arabian Racing Yearbook, the only international publication that prints all the world's graded Arabian stakes results in one keepsake volume. It is with all this in mind, that we are proud to join forces with the Arabian Jockey Club as the media sponsor. Together, we celebrate the original swift runner - the Arabian racehorse."
The powerful partnership will accomplish two goals:
  1. It will elevate the sport's exposure on a global platform to new Arabian horse enthusiasts to a level yet unseen.
  2. It will create the most extensive marketing platform ever offered to Arabian racing breeding farms, training farms, bloodstock agents, state and country affiliates, and racing partnerships through a new AJC eblast service that not only reaches the global Arabian racing community, but also the global non-racing community in just once click. Never before has a more extensive and targeted promotional medium been available to Arabian racing around the world.
"Our primary goal was to capitalize on the sport's current momentum by engaging a media partner who could help us increase the sport's exposure to the global show horse community," said AJC President Kathy Smoke, "while offering the benefit of increased access to the global Arabian racing world. Arabian Horse World magazine was our obvious first choice because of their unwavering commitment to the sport for many decades. We're thrilled with the partnership."
Arabian Horse World will continue its editorial, eblast, and social media coverage of major racing events, such as the Darley Awards in Hollywood, California, major USA stakes racing, and major international stakes racing, in addition to a "powerhouse" AJC eblast package that combines the AJC and AHW audiences, offering unprecedented exposure to both the targeted global racing community, and thousands of Arabian racing prospects around the world as well.
"Arabian racing is an exhilarating sport," says AJC Director of Marketing Evie Tubbs Sweeney. "It is huge in Europe and the Middle East, and is close to reaching the tipping point here in the USA as well. This partnership combines one of the most influential Arabian racing organizations (the AJC) in the world with one of the most respected and largest Arabian horse publications in the world. Both of us are passionate about this sport, and committed to its truly global explosion. It's a win-win for the Arabian racehorse."