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December, 2015

Every month, the AHA Insider showcases one of our employees. We want to give our readers an insight as to who works for AHA and what they do for the association.

Jordan Cannady

Hello everyone,

My title at AHA is Judges & Stewards Office Assistant. I am both Stan and Pat's assistant and right now we are busy with the Judges School & Seminar. As most of you know, I have interned in almost every department here at AHA. I started in registration, to competitions, to marketing and now I reside here in the Judges & Stewards department.

Although Arabian horses have been a huge part of my life since I was young, I actually started off college as a music major specializing in classical piano at Western State University in Gunnison, CO (one of the coldest places in the nation). I snowboarded almost every day until I realized I couldn't be a ski bum forever and transferred to Colorado State University where I majored in Equine Science. I have a younger sister, Katherine, who is also a very talented horsewoman and plays the harp, my younger brother, Alex, is in film school, and my older brother, Ryan, is an officer in the Air Force.

The most important reason why I love working here at the AHA is all the wonderful people I have the honor of working with every day. Thank you all!

AHA Corporate Partners & Sponsors, support expanded opportunities for all who participate in Arabian Horse activities. AHA would like to thank our 2015 Corporate Partners & Sponsors. By purchasing products and services provided by these companies, you are supporting the horse you love -The Arabian!


Dates & Deadlines
  • December 15 - Regional Youth Team Tournament results due to AHA
  • December 31 - Breeders Sweepstakes: Breeding Entries, Nominated Sires and Mares entry deadline
  • December 31 - Halter Futurities for new and re-nominated horses entry deadline
  • December 31 - Stallion Reports due for all U.S. purebred sires covering all U.S. purebred mares
For a full list of dates and deadlines click here
AHA Announces Affiliation with RAM
AHA is proud to announce it's affiliation with RAM - your Arabian Horse Association membership now makes you eligible for discounts from RAM trucks! You are now eligible to purchase new RAM trucks and other Chrysler Group vehicles at 1% below factory invoice pricing.
AHA's Annual Convention: Post Convention Wrap-Up
AHA and the Annual Convention Planning Committee wish to thank all of the delegates and guests who attended the 2015 Convention in Tulsa, Oklahoma! 

For those who were unable to attend, AHA has provided a Convention Presentations page and a Convention Resources page to help you find all the information you might have missed from this year's Convention. 

The Convention Presentations Page includes speeches and presentations from AHA President, Cynthia Richardson; AHA Executive Vice President, Glenn Petty and our featured speakers.

The Convention Resources page provides the 2015 Approved Resolutions, Results of the 2015 Elections and more. 

For other information, visit the Convention page

Also, AHA wishes to congratulate all of the 2015 Award winners! The President's Award winners for 2015 were Cecile Hetzel-Dunn and AHA Judges and Stewards Commissioner, Stan Morey.

AHA Future State: What You Might have Missed at Annual Convention
At the 2015, Arabian Horse Association (AHA) Annual Convention in Tulsa, Okla., AHA staff and volunteers announced a new project, known as 'Future State,' to Convention delegates and attendees.
Future State, which includes the re-building of the AHA website, is an implementation of new AHA business rules. This includes customer initiated, real-time, web delivered transactions; automated transactions to eliminate paper and speed up completion; the simplification of all business interactions with AHA by members and customers, and much more.
The Future State project was initiated after an examination of how AHA currently does business, its current business transaction and financial system infrastructure, and the comparison of AHA's technology and business rules with those of the modern world.
The project is headed by a committee, known as HYDRA, which reports directly to AHA's Executive Committee (EC). The HYDRA committee members includes Bill Richardson, Future State Program Manager; Jim Lawless, AHA Director of Business Technology; Bruce Johnson, AHA Business Technology Advisory Committee Chairperson; Terry Andreasen, AHA Vice President At-Large; Gerald McDonald, AHA Budget & Finance Committee; and Cynthia Richardson, AHA President. HYDRA will work directly with AHA staff to see the Future State project through to completion.
Future State is projected to last through the year 2018, with many important events and releases occurring at dates along the way. Some of these events include a release of the guest portions of the new AHA website; replacement of an outdated financial system; implementation of member and customer, website-based transactions through a website shopping cart; and the complete release of all pages of the new website.

At Convention, AHA also executed a demo of the new pages of the guest-user portion of the new AHA website. As part of the overall Future State project, these guest pages are scheduled to be released live and to the public on January 11, 2016.
Guest pages, by definition, are pages that guest users of the website have access to - pages that can be accessed without a password or logging in. Some of these new pages include the homepage; the Discover and Youth portals; a leadership section; a Get Involved section and Get Local map for AHA clubs to use as outreach tools; a newly designed Event Calendar and much more.
The January, 2016 release pages of the new website are designed for marketing and outreach purposes. They will help to pull in newcomers to the breed and show off the navigation and educational opportunities of the new website.
Some of the new pages will link back to old pages of the website, including those pages associated behind the member login screen. The membership portion of the website, including the customized per member pages will be completed later on in the project. This is true of many of the transaction based pages and functions of the AHA website.
New and old website pages will be intertwined, creating a user experience that shows off the new website portions, but is still fully accessible and functional to members and customers.
AHA will continue to provide communication with its members about the progress and events of the Future State project throughout its entirety. Updates will be provided via press release, the AHA Insider, e-blasts and social media.
AHA is excited about the future and wants to make the member and customer experience with AHA the best that it can be. 
AHA's 2015 Member Awards
AHA's 2015 Member Award winners were presented at Convention this past month. The Club Excellence Awards recognize exceptional clubs in the categories of Breed Promotion/Community Involvement, Membership Recruitment/Retention, Communication, and Club Projects. The finalists in each category were as follows:

Breed Promotion/Community Involvement
  • Wisconsin Desert Horse Association
  • Tierra Del Norte AHA
  • Southern Arizona AHA

Membership Recruitment/Retention

  • Tierra Del Norte AHA 
  • Vancouver Island AHA 


  • Aurora AHA
  • Tierra Del Norte AHA 
  • Wisconsin Desert Horse Association 

Club Projects

  • Aurora AHA
  • Tierra Del Norte AHA 

The winners of the 2015 Club Excellence Awards are:


Breed Promotion/Community Involvement -Wisconsin Desert Horse Association

Member Recruitment or Retention - Tierra Del Norte AHA 

Communication - Aurora AHA 

Club Projects - Aurora AHA


This year's Club of the Year was awarded to: 

  • Aurora Arabian Horse Association

The 2015 National Volunteer Service Award was also presented at this year's Annual Convention. Kathy Villanova from the North Carolina Arabian Horse Association in Region 12  was selected from an outstanding group of nominees to win this prestigious award. 

Congratulations to all of our award recipients and thank you to everyone who participated!

Become a Discovery Farm Today!

The AHA Discovery Farm program helps individuals looking to learn more about the Arabian horse connect with those farms that can do just that. Whether it is riding lessons, educational clinics or just going out to pet an Arabian horse and learn about the breed, there is something for everyone. 

If you are interested in promoting the Arabian horse breed and sharing your expertise and love of the breed, please fill out an application today. 

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the program, please visit the Discovery Farm website or send us an email.



See Green In 2016
Remember the only way to now participate for Regional and National prize money is to enter your foal in-utero as a Breeding Entry. If your mare was bred to a Sweepstakes Nominated Sire or your Nominated Dam was bred to a non-nominated stallion, the in-utero foal is eligible to be enrolled as a Breeding Entry (see complete rules for eligibility). Classes now provide for potential earnings at all stages of the resulting foal's life. 
December 31 is the deadline to enter at the $400 fee. A multiple foal discount is available; every fourth entry by the same owner is $200! Please contact an AHA Representative for more information at 303-696-4500 option 4 or view the Sweepstakes Program online.
NEW INCREASE IN PAYBACK FOR 2016 - As the nominator, you will be eligible to receive 10% payback on prize money earned by foals you enroll! #ahaSweeps
New Sweepstakes Opportunities
More Sweepstakes Prize money can be earned at U.S. and Sport Horse Nationals.
  • AWPA Futurity Champions who are also nominated as Breeding Entries can now earn an additional $5,000 in the Arabian class and $3,500 in the Half-Arabian class in addition to the amount offered through the AWPA program. 
  • The Young Horse Dressage class is new for 2016 and will be offered at Sport Horse Nationals.  Horses who are Sweepstakes nominated as Breeding Entries and place in the Top Ten, will be eligible to take home a portion of the $15,000 being offered.  Non-Sweepstakes horses are eligible to compete up through 2021 when this class will be closed to Breeding Entries only.
  • Six new classes have been added to U.S. Nationals. Jackpot AAO classes for both Arabian and Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian in Western Pleasure AAO, Country Pleasure AAO, and Hunter Pleasure AAO.  Sweepstakes will add $15,000 per class in addition to the Jackpot prize money and payout will be 20% to Champion, 10% to Reserve Champion and 8.75% to the remaining Top Ten. These classes are open to Breeding Entries only.
Please see the website for additional information.  
Payment Options Available
Take advantage of the deferred billing program for your Sweepstakes Entries.  Entries may be done in installments over a 12 or 24 month period based on the amount you are financing.  Pay one-fourth down plus a 10% administrative fee to get started.  Click here for further details. 
Courtesy Program Renewals
Watch your mailboxes! The courtesy program renewals have been mailed to the owner on record. Please note that these are not billings, only reminders for program participation.

It is the responsibility of the owner to re-nominate their horses/selves prior to the stated deadlines. In the event the owner does not receive the re-nomination notice for any reason it is up to that owner to contact the AHA office. 
Calling All Stallion Owners!
As the year comes to an end it is time to submit record of the mares your stallion has bred this year.  Stallion reports are another tool that AHA uses to implement our mission to keep accurate and current records, a responsibility in maintaining the integrity of the breed.  A stallion report is also a requirement for the registration of the upcoming foal.

Your stallion report can also be beneficial for you as well.  Keep record of all purebred and half-Arabian mares you have bred your stallion to throughout the year, sign the report and submit it to AHA by fax, email or regular mail by December 31st to avoid a late penalty.  There is not a cost for current members to submit stallion reports by December 31st.  Download a stallion report hereFor more information call Registry Services at (303) 696-4500 (option 2) or reach us by email.
Let Us Help You
As we near the close of calendar year 2015, it is very important that we clear all of our pending registrations.  This is one of the most important activities your Arabian Horse Association manages every year, and we ask for your help to see to it that your foal registration records are completed.
We're asking you to please contact us immediately if you have any type of registration work pending.  Call Registry Services at 303-696-4500, option #2 or email info@arabianhorses.org
Happy Holidays and thank you sincerely for your help. 
-Your Registry Services Team
USA Now Official Member of New Lucrative Arabian Racing Program
As of September 2015, the United States has been officially accepted into the Heritage Arabian Horse Club (HARC), providing $20,000 of annual added money to Arabian racehorses which carry alternative strains of blood, with the idea of encouraging a more diverse gene pool for the long-term health of Arabian racing worldwide.
In total, ten countries have been approved as founding members to receive the added money around the world, totaling $275,000: Australia, Brazil, Egypt, Morocco, Poland, Turkey, United Kingdom, USA, UAE and Russia.
Initiated by HH Sheikh Sultan Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the urgency came when it was determined that many of the world's Arabian racing bloodlines are concentrated in the progeny of the stallions Amer, Baround III, Burning Sand, Dragon, St Laurent, and Tiwaiq. Concerns about a more diverse gene pool, as well as preservation for "heritage" strains that otherwise may not be competitive against these other bloodlines led him to create this added money program.
USA voting member Evie Tubbs Sweeney, who is a 15-year marketing veteran in the Arabian breed, sees tremendous potential in helping the sport grow in America.
"I believe there is a huge opportunity to incentivize existing Arabian horse breeding programs in the show world to try Arabian racing," she said, "particularly with help like the HARC added money program, while also encouraging existing Arabian racing owners of lines outside these dominant ones to not give up and leave the sport."
The added money will be divided up between the five major Arabian racing state affiliates ($4,000 to each affiliate) in 2016: Delaware, Michigan, Colorado, Texas and California. Tubbs Sweeney will work with each affiliate to identify one race during its respected race meets that can be promoted as a race with HARC added money. The payouts will be as follows:
  • $1,000 to the breeder AND owner of the first place HARC-eligible horse
  • $600 to the breeder AND owner of the second place HARC-eligible horse
  • $400 to the breeder AND owner of the third place HARC-eligible horse
A website is currently in development for the HARC program. Meanwhile, any questions can be directed to Evie Tubbs Sweeney.  

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