August 17, 2015
Keep Beating the Drum to a Lupus Cure - Fund Campaign

You can help keep beating the drum in our drumbeat to a lupus cure. Click here to give today!

The 5K is over this year, but we have updates and photos and T-shirts! See the photos (find yourself?), and buy a T-shirt for just $10 - shipping included - right here. 
Support Group Meeting - Marin

Selling Quickly! Charity Car Drawing: Only 600 Tickets will be sold!

Start Your Engines. Win a new Mercedes-Benz.

One great cause. One beauty of a sedan.

Only 600 tickets will be sold!

Win a Mercedes CLA-250, or $25,000 in cash.

Want it? Get in fast before all 600 tickets sell out!


Tickets: $75 per entry. $200 for three (3) or $300 for five (5)


Call us at (408) 954-8600 for the fastest way to buy your tickets or complete this form and mail or fax it to us. Remember, the more tickets you buy, the better your chances!


When is the giveaway?

As soon as the 600th ticket is sold!

Information contained in this e-Newsletter should not be considered a substitute for professional diagnosis, treatment or management of S.L.E. and symptoms by a physician.   
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Editor: Spandan Chakrabarti

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2010 Mercedes 

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Researchers Find Protein Linked to Inflammation, May be a Target for New Drug Development in Lupus

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health have uncovered the role of a protein named TREML4 in triggering immune response and inflammation, suggesting that the protein may be a target for future drugs for lupus. The Lupus Research Institute summarizes the study:

A new study in mice has uncovered a role for a protein called TREML4 in spurring an inflammatory response linked to the development of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The research, which was funded in part by the NIH's National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), suggests that TREML4 could be a promising drug target for SLE.

Full findings of the study may be read here, and a more detailed explanation can be found here from the researchers.
Make the Lupus Buddy Program Catch Fire
The Lupus Buddy Program - the first of its kind in lupus - is not even a month old (we launched it on July 15), and we already have almost 50 people signed up! Now that's something.

The interest in the program launched by the LFNC working with a volunteer coordinator tells us how valuable patients are finding it - not just in northern California but across the country. And although we couldn't be happier to see it take off among patients, one thing is holding us back from much broader outreach, recruitment and expansion: Funding.

You can solve that problem. Give just $25 (more if you can), then share our funding page with all your friends on your social networks. Go here now:

We started with a small seed funding from GSK, but we need to raise $10,000 more to help lupus patients from sea to shining sea. Why? We need time from program coordinators to match the patients, for orientation, for follow-up, for helping each pair of buddies at every stage. Give now, share and make it catch fire.

If you are a patient interested in the program, learn more, and sign up here. A program coordinator will be in touch with you. Any personal and medical information necessary to make the matches are treated with the highest degree of confidentiality.
We Challenge You to Take a #LupusSelfie

The Lupus Selfie Challenge was just launched this weekend, and it is already drawing responses from coast to coast. The task is simple: take a "Lupus Selfie" of yourself - which means you have to have a butterfly (drawn, painted, real, or sticker) on your face somewhere - and post it on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest, Instagram) with the hashtag #lupusselfie and invite at least 2 friends to do the same. Then make a contribution to fight lupus.

Why? The butterfly is a universal sign of lupus, originating with the butterfly-shaped rashes patients often get across their cheeks. We hope to use the hashtag #LupusSelfie to challenge everyone to learn about the nature of this debilitating illness and the courage of those who live with it.

Share now, read up on the details, and make lupus famous!