March 2, 2015


Find out how to put yourself on the map!

In the Black: Read LFNC's Annual Report for FY 2014, highlighting a financial comeback, new programs, and low administrative overhead.

It was Colleen and Joe Brown this year. Will it be you next year?

Check out Colleen Brown, Joe, and daughter Kira picking up their brand new Mercedes!

Colleen and Joe have supported the Lupus Foundation for the past 15 years.

Do you want to join the Browns in the list of our winners? Because we know you do, we have opened up next year's drawing early, and you can already buy tickets!
The tickets are only $75, but you can get three (3) for $200 and five (5) for $300. Buy early, and you will be eligible for two incredible early bird prizes - a shopping spree and a cruise - in addition to the 2015 Mercedes!
To buy your tickets, fill out the form, or call the office at 408-954-8600. And keep your lucky charm bracelet handy!

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Editor: Spandan Chakrabarti
LFNC is an active partner in 

2010 Mercedes 

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African Americans Highly Impacted by Lupus, Data Shows
New preliminary data presented at the American College of Rheumatology about research underway at the University of California, San Francisco shows that lupus isn't just affecting minority communities at a higher rate, but that among African Americans, the affliction is particularly dire. According to data released by the California Lupus Surveillance Project - spearheaded by Dr. Maria Dall'Era, Director of UCSF Lupus Clinic, medical data shows that both new infection rate and currently afflicted rate of those affected by lupus soar among African Americans, and in particular, among African American women.

New annual cases of lupus in San Francisco county stands at about 5 per 100,000 population, but among African American women, the number soars to nearly 30.

And when it comes to total amount of the population living within San Francisco, the numbers are just as stunning. 96 out of every 100,000 San Franciscans of all races and genders suffer from lupus, but the disease is nearly 5 times as prevalent among African American women.

A full presentation of the data set is available here. We note here that this data is preliminary and only represents the City and County of San Francisco. However, as one of the most diverse areas of the country, this data is likely to provide a snapshot elsewhere as well. We look forward to further updates from the Lupus Surveillance Project.

This data also underlines the critical need for education about lupus among primary care providers. To that end, LFNC is happy to announce that we are working with the American College of Rheumatology and the Lupus Research Institute to hold seminars to make these key stakeholders aware and actively think about lupus when patients present symptoms.
Drumbeat to a Lupus Cure: The 21st Annual Run & Walk for Lupus - Sunday, June 14, 2015 

Northern California's largest annual lupus awareness is only months away. Online registration has opened for the 21st Annual Run & Walk for Lupus, with the theme "Drumbeat to a Lupus Cure." The annual event will be held on Sunday, June 14, at the West Valley College campus in Saratoga.

We are going out in a big way to make northern California notice the lupus community, and we need you to join us. We need you to register yourself to run or walk, and spread the message to everyone you know. Even form a team! We also invite you to get involved in raising funds - the Run & Walk is the Lupus Foundation's largest fundraising event, and every penny raised is invested in the northern California lupus community to provide the patient-centered services, programs and research support that are so critical to bridging the gap between life with and life without lupus.

Remember, there are prizes not only for runners in each age and gender category, but also for the largest and biggest fundraising teams!

Please head over to 5K.LFNC.ORG now to register, raise funds online, and invite your friends. You may also want to download this booklet for full details.


What is the mascot contest? For the past 3 years, you have voted to choose the most adorable puppy with the privilege to be our mascot and lead the walkers at the 5K. KC Remley, pictured right, won the contest last year. Who will it be this year? It's totally up to you!

Have a man's best friend you want to enter this year? Just email with a recent photo, owner info (name, address, phone), breed, sex, and age.

So how do you vote? Once we have contestants, voting will commence online at Each vote is $1, and you and your friends can vote as many times as you like!

If you are still reading this email, there's a good chance you haven't registered yet. Please go and do it now and come join in all the fun for a great cause!