September 24, 2012



September 29
Moving with Lupus - exercise class - LFNC office.

September 29 
"The Hangout" - Young Adult Support Group, LFNC Office

October 20 
Patient Education Class, English, Kaiser Santa Clara

November 10
Patient Education Class, Spanish, Kaiser Santa Clara

December 18

2012 Lupus Treatment and Research Update (mini-conference), Women's Building, San Francisco


Click here to see our full calendar of events and add them to your own calendar here!  


Benlysta Webcast/Teleconference Series

Presented by Human Genome Sciences/GlaxoSmithKline


Sep 26 | Oct 24 | Nov 28

8pm ET 

Tune in from home!   


A different lupus-related topic will be addressed each month such as Benlysta and the infusion process, how to strengthen communications with your doctors, tips for managing lupus, and information about financial assistance.

To register for these free events, call 1-877-423-6597   



35 years. $35,000. Help us get there!
Since the day we opened our doors, it has truly been a privilege to be a witness not just to the trials that lupus patients face but their triumphs, too. Thank you for letting us be a part of your lives. 


As we celebrate our 35th anniversary, we are launching our fund campaign with a goal of raising $35,000. As you can see on the chart above, over 90% of your contributions go straight to services, as we continue to strive to keep that focus. Please donate online, or if you prefer to donate by mail or fax, download this form and mail or fax it back with your generous donation to our office.


Recent developments in lupus research continue to give the lupus community renewed hope not only for the best quality of life among those living with the disease, but eventually a life without lupus. Please make your contribution today!


Information contained in this e-Newsletter should not be considered a substitute for professional diagnosis, treatment or management of S.L.E. and symptoms by a physician.   
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Editor: Spandan Chakrabarti

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You are receiving this newsletter because you have subscribed or have participated in our programs or events.  We respect your time and privacy. If you prefer not to continue receiving the newsletter, you can click on the "safe unsubscribe"  button below.  We hope, however, that you will opt to remain on our newsletter list for important information and life-saving tips that you or someone you know may benefit from now or in the future.
Two Lupus Drugs in Phase III Clinical Trials.
prescription drugs After what had been a 50 year drought in new lupus drugs until last year's FDA approval of Benlysta, there is renewed interest in lupus - at least from the pharmaceuticals.
In some very exciting news for the lupus community, a new promising drug has entered Phase III trial. The drug, Blisibimod, is being developed by Hayward, California biopharmaceutical company, Anthera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Blisibimod joins another experimental lupus drug, Lupuzor, which is now in Phase 3 clinical trials.
Intel Inside to Diagnose Lupus Coming to a Doctor Near You?
What happens when information technology meets biotechnology? The Silicon Valley, where the LFNC is headquartered, is interestingly the playground of both high-tech and bio-tech. And now, Intel says that they are working on developing semiconductors to synthesize and study proteins related to lupus. When developed this technology holds the promise of faster diagnosis for a disease like lupus, which, as you know, often takes years to diagnose.

The researchers have been synthesizing short segments of biological proteins, called peptides, on silicon wafers using some of the same methods used in semiconductor manufacturing, including sequential steps of light exposure and photolithography.

The chip, dubbed an Intel array by researchers, can analyze thousands of protein interactions simultaneously, allowing it to detect those associated with certain diseases and their variations. This in turn makes it easier for doctors to determine what drugs would be most effective for a particular patient,  assess various therapies and for researchers to design ever more-effective drugs. 
Moving with Lupus - Next Class Saturday!
Leveraging small grant from the Walmart Foundation, the Lupus Foundation of Northern California has announced a series of exercise classes focused on patients with chronic pain. Led and developed by Regan Mizuno, a certified personal instructor and lupus patient herself (and her program is endorsed by rheumatologists), the classes will focus on reducing pain and giving participants the opportunity to reclaim more mobility.

We have already had two great, fun classes. Come join us, meet people just like you, and get active! Sign up here or call 408-954-8600, or simply show up!

Check out the video below for a quick look.

Moving with Lupus

Next Class: 
Saturday, September 29 from 11 am to 12 noon at the LFNC offices at 2635 N First St, Ste 211, San Jose.
Best of all, while the LFNC will be happy to accept donations, there is no cost for the classes for participants! Sign up here!
Back to the Mercedes We Go!
Longtime supporters will recall that some time ago, the vehicle of choice for our car drawings was often a Mercedes. Well, it's back by popular demand! In our online poll, you chose the Mercedes Benz 300 4Matic.

Now that we have our winner, you can start buying tickets right away

Mercedes C300 4Matic Luxury Sedan
Grand Prize Drawing: Wednesday, May 15, 2013.
As those of you who voted in the poll know, ticket prices are changing a bit this year: you will be able to buy each ticket for $75, three (3) tickets for $200 and five (5) for $300. In addition to the Mercedes, participants who buy their tickets early will also have the chance to win up to two iPads! Early bird drawings will be held on December 14 and March 15.
Please see this flyer for detailed instructions and rules. Proceeds benefit LFNC's client programs and services. Complete the form on the second page and mail or fax it, or call 408-954-8600 enter.
2012 Lupus Treatment and Research Update: December 18, 2012
Our winter mini-conference promises to be exciting and useful for patients, families and health professionals alike. Maria Dall'Era, M.D., will be headlining our conference. 
Dr. Dall'Era is an Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine and Director of the Rheumatology Clinical Research Center at the University of California, San Francisco.  She is also the Director of the UCSF Lupus Clinic, UCSF Center Director of the Lupus Clinical Trials Consortium (LCTC), and Principal Investigator of the California Lupus Surveillance Project (CLSP).  Her talk will focus on the latest treatment strategies and research studies on lupus and will share significant updates from the Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Rheumatology to be held in Washington, D.C. in November.


The conference will also feature other speakers -- experts and patients alike -- on lupus and related topics.  Visit for conference program updates.


Date and Time: 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012, 11 am to 4 pm.



The Women's Building, Auditorium

3543 18th Street

San Francisco, CA 94110


Registration fee:

$50 for nurses desiring CEU credits (5 CEU credits)

$30 for non-credit attendees

Current LFNC members are entitled to $10 off registration fee. Box lunch included.


No one will be turned away for inability to pay.


Please click here to register. You may also register by mail or fax by completing this form, or by calling us at 408-954-8600.

Liven Up Your Kitchen and Help Out the LFNC?
Many of you may not know that LFNC's executive director, Rene Astudillo, has a passion for writing and cooking! He has an upcoming book titled, "My Bay Kitchen: Memories of my homeland, travels and more..."  He has designated LFNC as a beneficiary of a portion of the proceeds from sales of his book. To learn more about the book while helping LFNC raise some funds for its programs and services, please visit: