Idaho Public Health Association |
March 20, 2015 
Legislative Update March 20, 2015


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National Public Health Week: April 6th - 12th, 2015

During the first full week of April each year, the American Public Health Association brings together communities across the United States to observe National Public Health Week as a time to recognize the contributions of public health and highlight issues that are important to improving our nation. To do our part, the IPHA will be sponsoring a forum discussion on Wednesday, April 8th titled "The Role of Public Health in the Idaho State Health Innovation Plan". Issues to be discussed at the forum are: (1) what role do Idaho's Health Districts and other state and local public health programs and partners have in the SHIP, and (2) how can Idaho Health Districts and other state and local public health programs and partners work with Idaho healthcare providers to ensure all Idaho residents live in communities that promote health and wellness?


Save the Date!




The Idaho Telehealth Access Act

House Bill No. 189 passed the Senate on Tuesday and it will now be sent to the Governor for signature. This act identifies some of the benefits and outlines the acceptable use of telemedicine and telehealth in Idaho. 


Full bill text can be found here


IRIS Legislation

Senate Bill No. 1121 is was reported out of the House Health & Welfare Committee with Do Pass Recommendation this week. This bill would allow Idaho's Immunization Reminder Information System (IRIS) to share immunization data with the Idaho Health Data Exchange. The bill also removes a requirement that IRIS delete information from third parties, and clarifies that information obtained from the registry will be handled in accordance with state and federal laws governing the use of protected health information.This legislation will allow the Department of Health & Welfare to work with medical providers to incorporate IRIS data into their electronic health record systems, reduce data entry time and errors, and improve medical data for their patients.


S1121 is about computers exchanging electronic data regarding the vaccination status of people who have not opted-out of IRIS. This will be beneficial to Idaho by:

  • Making sure medical providers know what vaccines people need and what vaccines people do not need;
  • Reducing costs and data-entry errors related by allowing the systems to exchange data electronically;
  • Providing immunization data to the Idaho Health Data exchange in attempt to assemble Virtual Health Records that are as complete as possible.


S1121 is not about vaccination requirements, exemptions, or parents' rights of refusal.


Full bill text can be found here


Abortion Bill Amended in Committee

House Bill No. 154, the legislation aiming to add new restrictions on medicine induced abortions, was heard by the Senate State Affairs Committee this week. This legislation requires a physician to conduct an in-person examination and counseling of a pregnant woman prior to prescribing abortion-inducing drugs. After being passed by the House early this month, it was received by the Senate and referred to the State of Affairs Committee where it received an amendment. After concerns were raised that the bill would prevent treatment of ectopic pregnancies it was amended to read, "Nothing in the definition shall apply when used to treat ectopic pregnancy". The bill was reported out of committee as amended and will now be read on the Senate floor.


Full bill text can be found here


S 1044: Eminent Domain

Senate Bill No. 1044 passed the House on Monday morning. The legislation aims to place limitations on the use of eminent domain and impact how cities and counties can acquire land for public use. It would amend existing law to provide that eminent domain shall not be used for trails, paths, greenways or other ways for walking, running, hiking, biking, or equestrian use, unless next to a highway, road, or street. The bill will now be sent to the Governor for signature.


Full bill text can be found here


Naturopath Licensing Bill

House Bill No. 181, which passed the House last week, was reported out of the Senate Health and Welfare Committee this week to 14th Order for amendment. This legislation provides a framework for naturopathic physicians who have graduated from an accredited Naturopathic Medical School and passed a national licensure exam. The bill will allow naturopathic physicians to be able to practice, while not infringing on others that are providing natural health care services.


Full bill text can be found here


Genetic Counselor Licensing Bill

The bill regarding the licensing requirements for genetic counselors passed both chambers and will now be sent to the Governor for signature. Senate Bill No. 1080 creates a licensing system and licensing requirements for genetic counselors. The purpose of this legislation is to set standards of qualification, education, training and experience, and professional competence for those who provide genetic counseling and to protect Idahoans.


Full bill text can be found here


Anti Bullying Bill

House Bill No. 246 was reported out of the House Education Committee with Do Pass Recommendation on Thursday. The legislation requires the addition of anti-bullying content in district, teacher, and staff training and orientations to aid staff in recognizing and most appropriately dealing with bullying. It also identifies a role for school superintendents and principals in informing staff and students through student hand books and other means that bullying is prohibited and to clarify what constitutes as bullying. The purpose of the bill is to clarify that school personnel are allowed to intervene where they see bullying to prevent the harm of students and to ensure that all students recognize bullying, harassment, and intimidation when it occurs.


Full bill text can be found here


Community Health EMS

House Bill No. 153 passed the Senate and will be sent to the Governor for signature. The bill constructs a foundation for emergency medical services (EMS) agencies to fill existing gaps in healthcare access. This legislation will enable EMS agencies participating in a Community Health EMS system to increase access to healthcare and ease the integration of care with existing community based resources. It would give communities the opportunity to set up a system where paramedics could help a patient with an emergency without having to transporting them to a hospital to be reimbursed.

Full bill text can be found here


S 1156: Investigational Drugs

Additional legislation was introduced this week regarding the use of a cannabis extract for the treatment of epilepsy in children. Senate Bill No. 1156 allows for the Department of Health and Welfare to administer a clinical trial program to treat children suffering from intractable epilepsy who do not respond to standard medications. The program will gather preliminary information for phased trials that will determine whether the drug Epidiolex ® can reduce epileptic seizures more effectively than standard medications. The bill was reported out of Senate State Affairs with Do Pass Recommendation


Full bill text can be found here


Medicaid Reimbursement Bill

A new piece of legislation was presented this week and referred to the House Health and Welfare Committee. House Bill No. 298 seeks to create a reimbursement methodology for services rendered to adolescents by private, freestanding mental health facilities. This bill will allow private mental health facilities to provide authorized services to more adolescents with mental health issues, many of whom currently are treated in less than optimal settings such as traditional hospitals that do not have mental health services.


Full bill text can be found here


Bills/Rules of Note

If there are specific Bills or Rules that you would like Molly to track, please let her know.


For full bill text and more information regarding bills this session, please go to the Idaho Legislature Bill Center.



Bill NoDescriptionLast Action
S1036Dentistry, licensees, notice03/16/2015 Senate - Signed by Governor on 03/16/15
S1042Residential care03/16/2015 Senate - Signed by Governor on 03/16/15
S1043Certified family homes03/16/2015 Senate - Signed by Governor on 03/16/15
S1081Self-funded health care plans03/16/2015 Senate - Signed by Governor on 03/16/15
H0181Naturopathic physicians licensing03/17/2015 Senate - Reported out of committee; to 14th Order for amendment
S1037Dentistry, license renewal03/17/2015 Senate - Signed by Governor on 03/17/15
H0075Sales tax, glasses, contacts03/18/2015 House - Delivered to Governor at 10:45 a.m. on March 18, 2015
H0108Pharmacy, opioid antagonists03/18/2015 House - Delivered to Governor at 10:45 a.m. on March 18, 2015
H0177Tanning devices, minors03/18/2015 House - Delivered to Governor at 10:45 a.m. on March 18, 2015
H0207Approp, Drug Policy, Off, orig03/18/2015 House - Delivered to Governor at 10:45 a.m. on March 18, 2015
S1062Direct primary medical care act03/18/2015 House - Read First Time, Referred to Health & Welfare
H0182Consumer health plans03/18/2015 Senate - Introduced, read first time; referred to: Commerce & Human Resources
HJM006Food labeling, genetic engineering03/19/2015 House - Delivered to Secretary of State at 10:48 a.m. on March 19, 2015
H0033Hlth & sfty/substanc abuse treatmnt03/19/2015 House - Reported Signed by Governor on March 19, 2015
H0197Ground water, mines03/19/2015 Senate - Read second time; filed for Third Reading
S1001Workplace safety03/19/2015 Senate - Reported delivered to Governor on 03/19/15
S1054Documents act03/19/2015 Senate - Reported delivered to Governor on 03/19/15
H0246Bullying, minors, information03/20/2015 House - Read second time; Filed for Third Reading
S1121Immunization registry03/20/2015 House - Read second time; Filed for Third Reading
S1080Genetic counselors03/20/2015 House - Received from Senate; Signed by Speaker; Returned to Senate
SCR109Music therapy03/20/2015 House - Received from Senate; Signed by Speaker; Returned to Senate
SCR110Diaper need awareness week03/20/2015 House - Received from Senate; Signed by Speaker; Returned to Senate
H0046Health benefit plans03/20/2015 House - Reported Enrolled; Signed by Speaker; Transmitted to Senate
H0107Immunization board, sunset date03/20/2015 House - Reported Enrolled; Signed by Speaker; Transmitted to Senate
H0153Emergency medical services03/20/2015 House - Reported Enrolled; Signed by Speaker; Transmitted to Senate
H0178Education debt, rural physicians03/20/2015 House - Reported Enrolled; Signed by Speaker; Transmitted to Senate
H0230Approp, Public Hlth Districts, orig03/20/2015 House - Reported Enrolled; Signed by Speaker; Transmitted to Senate
H0232Approp, H&W MnHlh & Sub Abuse, chg03/20/2015 House - Reported Enrolled; Signed by Speaker; Transmitted to Senate
S1053Guardians03/20/2015 House - Reported out of Committee with Do Pass Recommendation, Filed for Second Reading
S1104Veterans home03/20/2015 House - Reported out of Committee, Recommend place on General Orders
H0298Medicaid, reimbursement03/20/2015 House - Reported Printed and Referred to Health & Welfare
S1067Health-welfare, family support act03/20/2015 Senate - Passed: Ayes 34 Nays 0 Excused 1; title approved; to House
S1123Indigent sick03/20/2015 Senate - Passed: Ayes 34 Nays 0 Excused 1; title approved; to House
H0113Parental rights protection03/20/2015 Senate - Read second time as amended in the Senate, filed for Third Reading
H0154Chemical abortions03/20/2015 Senate - Read second time as amended in the Senate, filed for Third Reading
S1146Cannabidiol oil03/20/2015 Senate - Read second time as amended, filed for Third reading
H0179Hospital treasurers03/20/2015 Senate - Read second time; filed for Third Reading
S1156Investigational drugs03/20/2015 Senate - Reported out of Committee with Do Pass Recommendation; Filed for second reading
S1044Eminent domain03/20/2015 Senate - Reported signed by the Speaker & ordered delivered to Governor
H0150Medical licensure compact03/20/2015 Senate - Signed by President; returned to House
H0189Telehealth access act03/20/2015 Senate - Signed by President; returned to House
H0205Approp, H&W Medicaid, chg03/20/2015 Senate - Signed by President; returned to House
H0210Approp, H&W Indirect & Welfare, chg03/20/2015 Senate - Signed by President; returned to House
H0211Approp, H&W Benefits/Indirect, chg03/20/2015 Senate - Signed by President; returned to House
H0218Approp, H&W Hlthcare Initiativ, chg03/20/2015 Senate - Signed by President; returned to House
H0224Approp, Medical Boards, orig03/20/2015 Senate - Signed by President; returned to House

During the coming months, IPHA's Policy Intern, Molly Volk, will be monitoring public health related issues that appear during the 2015 Legislative Session.


Molly is a student at Boise State University studying Health Science Policy and Leadership with a minor in Business Administration. She will be graduating in May and plans to pursue a Master of Health Science degree with an emphasis in Policy at Boise State in the fall.


Past updates can be found at:


If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or if there are issues that you would like her to follow this session, she can be contacted at

Idaho Public Health Association | 208-866-0545 | |
P.O. Box 6247
Boise, ID 83707