Idaho Public Health Association |
March 13, 2015 
Legislative Update March 13, 2015


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The Interstate Medical Licensure Compact

House Bill No. 150, the legislation that seeks to create the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact, was presented to the Senate Health and Welfare Committee this week after being passed in the House. The bill was reported out of the Senate committee with Do Pass Recommendation


Full bill text can be found here


The Telehealth Access Act

After being passed in the House last week, House Bill No. 189 was presented in the Senate Health and Welfare Committee. The Telehealth Access Act seeks to add to existing law to identify some of the benefits and outlines the acceptable use of telemedicine and telehealth in Idaho. The bill was reported out of the Senate committee with Do Pass Recommendation.


Full bill text can be found here


New Concealed Weapons Bill

On Monday the House State Affairs Committee discussed a new bill that would change Idaho's concealed weapon permit laws. The bill would remove the exception for elected officials that allow them to carry a concealed weapon without a permit; Representative Judy Boyle presented the bill. The statement of purpose clarifies, "the purpose of this legislation is to re-codify existing law in a manner that provides Idaho residents and law-enforcement officials with clear guidance on the rights and restrictions contained in the provisions of Idaho Code regulating the carrying of concealed weapons." During the committee meeting, Representative Vito Barbiera objected to the bill stating that lawmakers are "extremely visible" and the danger can be "profound". He referred back to a few weeks ago when, during a testimony, his comments regarding one of the abortion bills spurred protest from the public. Full bill text is not yet available.


H 246: Bullying

House Bill No. 246 was introduced this week. The legislation requires the addition of anti-bullying content in district, teacher, and staff training and orientations to aid staff in recognizing and most appropriately dealing with bullying. It also identifies a role for school superintendents and principals in informing staff and students through student hand books and other means that bullying is prohibited and to clarify what constitutes as bullying. The purpose of the bill is to clarify that school personnel are allowed to intervene where they see bullying to prevent the harm of students and to ensure that all students recognize bullying, harassment, and intimidation when it occurs.The bill was reported printed and referred to the House Education Committee on Wednesday.


Full bill text can be found here


Rural Physician Debt Program Legislation

After passing the House earlier this month, House Bill No. 178 regarding the rural physician debt program was presented in the Senate Health and Welfare Committee where it was reported out of committee with Do Pass Recommendation. This bill will increase the amount and number of loan repayment awards made to Idaho physicians through the Rural Physician Incentive Program. The legislation also acknowledges that the physician loan repayment programs are great recruitment tools to bring physicians to rural and under-served communities in Idaho. The changes will aid in the recruiting and retaining of physicians by making our state more competitive with surrounding states and thus increasing the physician workforce in Idaho.


Full bill text can be found here


S 1044: Eminent Domain

Senate Bill No. 1044 passed the Senate last month and has been making it's way through the House were it was reported out of committee with Do Pass recommendation on Wednesday.The legislation aims to place limitations on the use of eminent domain and impact how cities and counties can acquire land for public use. It would amend existing law to provide that eminent domain shall not be used for trails, paths, greenways or other ways for walking, running, hiking, biking, or equestrian use, unless next to a highway, road, or street.


Full bill text can be found here


Legislators Hear from the National Alliance for Medicaid in Education

John Hill, Executive Director of the National Alliance for Medicaid in Education, presented to the House Health and Welfare Committee and the Senate Education Committee this week. The National Alliance for Medicaid in Education is a non-profit organization comprised of members from school districts and state agencies who are involved in administration of Medicaid claiming for school-based services. Their  webpage states, "Through Medicaid claiming for covered health-related services and Medicaid-related administrative activities, public schools recover some of their costs for serving Medicaid-eligible school-age children." During his presentation to the Senate Education Committee Hill explained that every state participates in this program to one degree or another. Hill went on to explain that because not all schools in Idaho are participating in the program, our state is costing taxpayers untapped federal Medicaid funding that could be used for special education. Hill says this program saves the state taxpayers money and it's important that legislators encourage program participation.


New Cannabidiol Oil Bill

After the scrutiny Senate Bill No. 1106 faced last week in the Senate State Affairs Committee, Senator Curt McKenzie has introduced a new bill regarding the use of cannabidiol oil for the treatment of epilepsy. The new legislation, Senate Bill No. 1146 doesn't attempt to decriminalize the use of the specific cannabis extract but provides a defense for people who are arrested for using the oil. The bill was reported printed on Thursday and referred to the Senate State of Affairs where it passed with a 5-4 vote. The bill will now move on to the full Senate for amendments.

Full bill text can be found here


Parental Rights Bill

The controversial "parent's rights" bill is undergoing some changes. House Bill No. 113 seeks to emphasize that parents and legal guardians who have legal custody of minor children have a fundamental right to make decisions concerning the care, custody, education and control of their children. The bill passed the House last week and is currently in the Senate where it is being amended.


Full bill text can be found here


Session likely to be extended

Due to the controversy regarding the teacher career ladder legislation in the House Education Committee the Joint Finance-Appropriations Committee has been delayed in setting the public school budget. Budget setting has now been shifted due to the delay, meaning the legislative session may not be over by March 27th as expected. 


Bills/Rules of Note

If there are specific Bills or Rules that you would like Molly to track, please let her know.


For full bill text and more information regarding bills this session, please go to the Idaho Legislature Bill Center.


Bill NoDescriptionLast Action
H0235Health insurance, chemotherapy03/09/2015 House - Reported Printed and Referred to Health & Welfare
H0187Home kitchen operations03/09/2015 House - U.C. to be returned to Health & Welfare Committee
H0179Hospital treasurers03/09/2015 Senate - Introduced, read first time; referred to: Commerce & Human Resources
H0197Ground water, mines03/10/2015 Senate - Introduced, read first time; referred to: Resources & Environment
S1121Immunization registry03/11/2015 House - Read First Time, Referred to Health & Welfare
H0246Bullying, minors, information03/11/2015 House - Reported Printed and Referred to Education
H0243Concealed weapons03/11/2015 House - Reported Printed and Referred to State Affairs
H0181Naturopathic physicians licensing03/11/2015 Senate - Introduced, read first time; referred to: Health & Welfare
H0150Medical licensure compact03/11/2015 Senate - Read second time; filed for Third Reading
H0189Telehealth access act03/11/2015 Senate - Read second time; filed for Third Reading
H0205Approp, H&W Medicaid, chg03/11/2015 Senate - Read second time; filed for Third Reading
H0210Approp, H&W Indirect & Welfare, chg03/11/2015 Senate - Read second time; filed for Third Reading
H0211Approp, H&W Benefits/Indirect, chg03/11/2015 Senate - Read second time; filed for Third Reading
S1036Dentistry, licensees, notice03/11/2015 Senate - Reported delivered to Governor on 03/11/15
S1042Residential care03/11/2015 Senate - Reported delivered to Governor on 03/11/15
S1043Certified family homes03/11/2015 Senate - Reported delivered to Governor on 03/11/15
S1081Self-funded health care plans03/11/2015 Senate - Reported delivered to Governor on 03/11/15
H0046Health benefit plans03/12/2015 Senate - Read second time; filed for Third Reading
H0178Education debt, rural physicians03/12/2015 Senate - Read second time; filed for Third Reading
H0218Approp, H&W Hlthcare Initiativ, chg03/12/2015 Senate - Read second time; filed for Third Reading
H0224Approp, Medical Boards, orig03/12/2015 Senate - Read second time; filed for Third Reading
H0230Approp, Public Hlth Districts, orig03/12/2015 Senate - Read second time; filed for Third Reading
H0232Approp, H&W MnHlh & Sub Abuse, chg03/12/2015 Senate - Read second time; filed for Third Reading
S1067Health-welfare, family support act03/12/2015 Senate - Read second time; filed for Third Reading
S1037Dentistry, license renewal03/12/2015 Senate - Reported delivered to Governor on 03/12/15
S1001Workplace safety03/13/2015 House - Passed: Ayes 58 Nays 7 Abs/Excd 5, title approved, to Senate
S1054Documents act03/13/2015 House - Passed: Ayes 64 Nays 0 Abs/Excd 6, title approved, to Senate
H0182Consumer health plans03/13/2015 House - Read first time as amended; filed for Second Reading
SCR109Music therapy03/13/2015 House - Read second time; Filed for Third Reading
SCR110Diaper need awareness week03/13/2015 House - Read second time; Filed for Third Reading
S1080Genetic counselors03/13/2015 House - Reported out of Committee with Do Pass Recommendation, Filed for Second Reading
H0267Health care deduction03/13/2015 House - Reported Printed and Referred to Revenue & Taxation
H0075Sales tax, glasses, contacts03/13/2015 House - Returned from Senate Passed; to JRA for Enrolling
H0108Pharmacy, opioid antagonists03/13/2015 House - Returned from Senate Passed; to JRA for Enrolling
H0177Tanning devices, minors03/13/2015 House - Returned from Senate Passed; to JRA for Enrolling
H0207Approp, Drug Policy, Off, orig03/13/2015 House - Returned from Senate Passed; to JRA for Enrolling
H0033Hlth & sfty/substanc abuse treatmnt03/13/2015 House - Returned Signed by the President; Ordered Transmitted to Governor
S1044Eminent domain03/13/2015 House - U.C. to hold place on third reading calendar until Monday, March 16, 2015
HJM006Food labeling, genetic engineering03/13/2015 Senate - Adopted: Voice Vote; title approved; to House
S1062Direct primary medical care act03/13/2015 Senate - Read first time as amended, filed for Second Reading
S1053Guardians03/13/2015 Senate - Read second time as amended, filed for Third reading
H0107Immunization board, sunset date03/13/2015 Senate - Read second time; filed for Third Reading
H0153Emergency medical services03/13/2015 Senate - Read second time; filed for Third Reading
H0113Parental rights protection03/13/2015 Senate - Reported out of committee; to 14th Order for amendment
S1146Cannabidiol oil03/13/2015 Senate - Reported out of committee; to 14th Order for amendment
SCR104Suicide prevention03/13/2015 Senate - Reported signed by the Speaker & ordered delivered to Secretary of State
Save the Date!

During the coming months, IPHA's Policy Intern, Molly Volk, will be monitoring public health related issues that appear during the 2015 Legislative Session.


Molly is a student at Boise State University studying Health Science Policy and Leadership with a minor in Business Administration. She will be graduating in May and plans to pursue a Master of Health Science degree with an emphasis in Policy at Boise State in the fall.


Past updates can be found at:


If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or if there are issues that you would like her to follow this session, she can be contacted at

Idaho Public Health Association | 208-866-0545 | |
P.O. Box 6247
Boise, ID 83707