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3rd Annual Ranch Vacation Give Away!


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We are proud to announce our annual Ranch Vacation Getaway! 
Would you like to win an amazing vacation?  Now is your chance to experience the real cowboy life, and the simple pleasures of western American heritage at the Rowses 1 + 1 Ranch in Burwell, Nebraska.
Summer brings long pasture rides, cattle drives, working cattle, cowboy socials, team roping and team penning.  October is the fall Round-Up, which involves long cattle drives on horseback.  And you get to choose when you want to go!  


And, even if you are not our winner, Rowses 1+1 Ranch will offer all members a $100 gift certificate off any one week package!

Dreaming of Wide Open Spaces? 
Visit the Great Plains of the Midwestern United States. Nebraska has become of the country's foremost farming and ranching state, making it the perfect place for authentic western horseback riding holidays.   Here are a few photos but their web site has more great photos and a video of the ranch.
  Nebraska plains
Team Roping, Horse Back Riding, Cattler Drives and other activities of a working cattle ranch are available for you!
nebraska roaming cattle  
Horseback riding...

nebraska horses

Cozy Log Cabins...

nebraska cabin

This Dream Ranch Vacation can be yours!
You and your guest will receive a free week including activites and meals at this incredible working ranch. 

Here's how to be automatically entered to win:

Purchase ANY premium membership and you will be automatically entered to win!
Double  your chances with a 6 Month membership and you will be entered two times! 

Triple  Your Chances with a 1 Year Premium Membership 
and you will be entered three times!

Summer is our busiest time of the year so this is the perfect time to upgrade or to add more time to your current account.
And while this promotion runs we are offering extra bonus months too!  
Login Now and click premium packages for more details 
For more information, photos and video, visit the 

 * See below for mailing by postcard  





*  A Mother's Day Contest from Threads West Series!


Threads West has something very special for ES Members for Mother's Day! 


Reid Lance Rosenthal has a SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY CONTEST on the Threads West Web site.  Just enter a short video with your Mother's Day message and you could be one of their 10 winners.  CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS



Watch for our next newsletter....


Threads West will be offering Members something special to make your summer an unforgettable one!






Summer is filled with events and trail rides. Check out  our message board for a complete list of member events around the country.  


Do you have an event?  All members are free to post on our message board.  For a complete list of  events visit our message board:    Click Here 




And make sure your email address is up to date.


Login and click Edit Personal Info


Update your email address and click submit. 



*All members can enter this contest by sending us a postcard to

the mailing address located on our premium packages page.

You must include your user name with the text Enter Me. 

You don't have to ride alone! Tell others about our community.   



Happy Trails and safe riding!
The staff,
The Equestrian Network is the world's largest online equestrian
community, including the acclaimed websites,,, and 
With more than 1.6 million hits per day, and over 11 million page views per month,
the sense of community among members is unprecedented.  
In addition to bringing people who are passionate about horses together,
the Equestrian Network has also been instrumental in numerous
relief and rescue efforts.