The Episcopal Diocese of Texas

Volunteers Needed at Council
Ever wanted to see how Diocesan Council works? An easy way is to volunteer at Council in The Woodlands, TX this February. We need people to usher, host, check-in delegates, work in floor management and exhibits. The volunteer registration site is open here. Come help make the 167th Council of the Diocese of Texas the best Council yet!

News Headlines 

Anglican Leaders Continue to Reflect on Paris Terror Attacks

Episcopal Relief & Development celebrates 75th anniversary

'What if it were you?' Responding to the refugee crisis in Germany

Texas A&M Student Chaplain Announces Move

Veterans Day Reflection

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem
In Paris, Do We Have To Love Our Enemies?

Bishop Pierre Whalon, head of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe, writes about how to love our enemies amidst chaos and violence.

Yes, Jesus did command us: "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." "Love your enemies and do good to those who hate you."(Matt. 5:44; Luke 6:27).
#AdventWord Starts November 29, Sign Up Today

Participate in the Anglican Communion's Global Advent Calendar this year! Live into the season of Advent as we anticipate the coming of Christ, the fulfillment of our deepest desires and longings. Respond to a daily meditation with images and prayers that speak to your heart and be part of a global Advent Calendar that brings us together in communion. Find out more here.
Hear Micky Scottbey Jones at 2015 Bailey Lectures in Austin

The Bailey Lectures at All Saints, Austin, this year, features Micky Scottbey Jones, recently named one of Huffington Post's "Black Christian Leaders Changing the World." Jones' topic, "Extremists For Love," takes its cue from Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" in which King invites us all to be extremists for love in the way of Jesus. The lectures will explore what it looks like to embody that love and to join in bending the long arc of history toward justice and shalom in our communities. The endowed lecture series, free of charge and open to the public, is produced by The Front Porch and All Saints' and will take place November 20-22, 2015 at All Saints Church, 209 W. 27th St., Austin, 78705. Read more here
2016 London Pilgrimage for Graduating Seniors

st. paul's london The diocesan Formation Office's third pilgrimage to Canterbury and London for graduating high school seniors is set for June of 2016. Participants will have the chance to explore their Anglican roots at Canterbury Cathedral and various sites in London. The pilgrimage includes daily worship and reflection on the theme, "traveling lightly." Please encourage your student to apply for this once in a lifetime opportunity. More information can be found here
Summer Camp 2016 Registration for Camp Allen Now Open

camp allen Let the countdown begin to your child's best week of his/her year because registration is now open for Summer Camp 2016 at Camp Allen. The staff anticipates that most sessions will sell out by mid-spring, so encourage families in your church to sign up their kids early to ensure their participation. Visit for more information and to register. Scholarships are available.
Travel to Southern Malawi with Warm Heart International

Warm Heart International will host an 18-day pilgrimage to Southern Malawi, July 7-24, 2016. Participants will stay in Blantyre with host families who are members of the Diocese of Southern Malawi and will gain a greater understanding of the area through guided activities, worship, ministry and outreach. For more information, contact Nancy Parish at A trip brochure can be found here
Donate Blood to Help Mahlon Fight Leukemia

Ten-year-old Mahlon, a member of Holy Trinity, Port Neches, needs blood. He was recently diagnosed with leukemia and will be in Texas Children's Hospital for a number of months to receive treatment. The Rev. Cliff Rucker, rector of Holy Trinity, asked for those in the Houston area who are able, to give blood at the Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center. Your donation will replace what Mahlon will receive. Please find places in the Houston area where you can donate here and credit your donation to Group Code R295. Please keep Mahlon and his family in your prayers.
Council Registration Open

Click here for the online registration form. If your annual meeting is near February, but you already know the number of delegates/alternates that will attend, you can register early as First Name: Delegate, Last Name: One, Two, Three, or Four and First Name: Alternate, Last Name: One, Two, Three or Four. Seating arrangements are made according to first registered, first seated. You will supply the names of your delegates/alternates when you send in your Official Certification Form, so we will have the names for their badges. 

Electronic Voting
All voting will be done electronically using smartphones, tablets and laptops. Wi-Fi access will be provided to each delegate, but electricity will not be. Before you register people, you will need to know if delegates will be able to bring their own mobile device or will need to borrow one. If your alternates do not plan to share a device with your delegates, you will need to count them also. The online registration form will ask how many devices the Diocese will need to provide for those not able to bring their own.

Council Singers
The Council Choir is looking for a number of singers who want to help "raise the roof" in joyful celebration at the opening service for the 167th Annual Diocesan Council, February 12 at the Waterway Marriott in The Woodlands.  Dr. Linda Patterson, chair of the Music Commission, seeks a broad representation of our congregations and invites those with interest in joining this diocesan-wide choir to contact her at: for further details. You will receive the music before hand and need only arrive a few hours previous to the opening worship service on Friday evening. 
Soul of a Musician Series Continues in Austin

No cover charge to hear great Austin musicians and listen in on a conversation about what inspires them, and more about their music's spiritual dimensions. Held weekly at the Iron Cactus Mexican Grill and Margarita Bar, 10001 Stonelake Blvd., Austin, Sunday evenings in November, 6:30 pm to 7:45 pm, the series is done in collaboration with St. Matthew's, the Rev. Merrill Wade and the Iron Cactus Restaurant. On November 22 hear Guy Forsyth and November 29, the 100th Soul Series Show with Erin Ivey.

Family friendly, plenty of free parking, great food, music and conversation. Join other Episcopalians and bring your friends. As described by Austin musician Guy Forsyth, each performance is "...not just a show. You will hear a lot of music, but we also have a conversation about the music, why and how the songs are written. If music is a spiritual tool for you, no matter what your beliefs, the Soul of a Musician Series may be a place for you to explore."
Visit the Soul of a Musician Series on Facebook here.
Employment Opportunities
Consider publishing these opportunities in your church newsletter or sharing with people who may be interested. A full list of available positions can be found at

The Episcopal Diocese of Texas seeks a part-time administrative assistant in the Office of Lifelong Christian Formation. The candidate should be well organized, work well with teams, and have strong administrative, computer, and communication skills. The position entails 20 hours of work per week. Interested candidates should send a cover letter and resume to Jamie Martin-Currie at A detailed job description can be found here

St. John the Divine, Houston seeks a part-time communication assistant. Duties include social media posting, photo processing, routine website maintenance and form processing. A detailed job description can be found here. For more information, email Andrea Meier at

More Upcoming Events

December 3 - Mourners Path Workshop, Houston

January 15-17 - Discovery Retreat at Camp Allen

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Diolog E-News Signup

Please encourage your parishioners and church family to sign up for the Diolog e-news here by adding a link on your website or social media platforms.
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