Explore. Extend. Expand.
Dear Friends of The Arc San Francisco:
In recent months we've accomplished a lot and we're proud to share the good news with you. Career program progress, reports on our health and anti-bullying initiatives and new ways to give back in support of our clients with developmental disabilities--it's all in this newsletter, made possible through friends like you. Thank you! --The clients, staff and board of The Arc San Francisco
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Success Spotlight: "I give it all I've got. Every day."

Alan starts on-staff at PG&E mid-July.
Alan is proficient in Microsoft Office and critical office support functions including data processing, filing and meeting room support. And he's bi-lingual. 
Maybe that's why PG&E was so quick to bring the recent Arc-supported intern on staff in their Integrated Multicultural Communications department. When Alan starts his new position in early July, his message-testing strengths and office skills will be a huge asset to the utility company that provides information to a wide spectrum of California customers.
"It's a smart move for PG&E and it's raising the bar on how individuals like Alan with different abilities can play a vital role in business," says Kristen Pedersen, Director of Employment Services.
Alan says the coaching he receives from Arc staff and at PG&E makes all the difference. Quick with a quip and always inspiring, he says, "If you believe, you can achieve."
Learn more about client Internships and Employment Services at The Arc San Francisco by contacting Kristen Pedersen,

HealthMeet Screens
Show Disparity in Care

San Francisco adults with developmental disabilities show a significant disparity in health and health care access according to data compiled two years into a three-year study.
Part of The Arc's nationwide "HealthMeet" program, the study reflects results from 195 assessments that showed a higher number of falls, poorer diet, lower BMI and increased dental deterioration among participants. While the numbers are sobering, advocates say they are not surprising.
"The Arc San Francisco clients who are part of our Health and Wellness program are getting the care they need because of our Health Advocates who support their regular checkups, medication monitoring and overall wellness," says Jennifer Dresen, Director, The Arc San Francisco Center for Health and Wellness. "By contrast, the people we screened who don't have advocates suffer. That's why we referred so many of these individuals--over 96%--for follow-up care. Many hadn't been to a doctor in years and this results in a host of health problems."
To learn more about this study or our Center for Health and Wellness, contact Jennifer Dresen at

ReadySetFly 61915
The Sui Family says "cheese" at Ready Set Fly.
"Ready Set Fly" Kicks Off with Unique Air Travel Workshop

The Arc San Francisco and SFO hosted a special air travel workshop recently for individuals with autism and developmental disabilities and families--just in time for summer. Clinical anxiety-reducing strategies, family security lines and onboard tools and tips from behavioral experts made for a great session that will be repeated again in the next Air Travel & Disabilities Workshop on August 21st. Plus, in September we'll be offering an Onboard Experience in partnership with SFO and a select carrier. Thank you SFO for making this event such a success and to our families for your participation and input!

REGISTER NOW for August 21 Air Travel Workshop at The Arc San Francisco.

A Google volunteer demonstrates good interview skills for Arc Employment Development students.
Google Giving Back by Design

Let's give a big shout-out to our friends from Google who have been on-hand at The Arc supporting our clients throughout the past month. From mock interviews with our client job seekers to gardening support and after-hours recreation, the Google team is serious about adult learning, sharing and community-building. 
Next Up: We're looking forward to the Google Reach local team who has designs on improving systems and tech access for people with developmental disabilities. Volunteer with us. Contact Kelsey Hermann, Volunteer Manager, at

AntiBulSFDC Thx
Michael (c.) cracks up making video to thank co-workers at Salesforce who support Arc Allies.
Crowdfunding Campaign for Arc Allies Catches Fire
Arc Clients at Salesforce Make the Difference

 Arc clients working at Salesforce pushed an already successful fundraising campaign into the stratosphere recently through personal GoFundMe pages that made an appeal for the Arc Allies program, The Arc's leadership training curriculum that teaches conflict management, decision-making and peer support to address bullying. (LISTEN: KALW interview with CEO Glenn Motola, Course Instructor Lance Scott and Arc Ally Gabby.) The campaign raised over $45,000 in just four weeks.
"The success of our clients and the many donors who supported this effort will help us train 14 new Arc Allies in the next 16 weeks. I couldn't be more proud of our clients who work at Salesforce. Their commitment and that of our other individual fundraisers shows what a community that works together can do," said Marti Sullivan, Chief Development Officer. 
Thank you to all our individual fundraisers who make sustaining our Arc Allies program possible. Your generosity transforms lives! To learn more about our Anti-Bullying Program, contact Nina Asay, Director of Educational Programs:
Upcoming Events

Make a note! Save the date! Lots going on that you won't want to miss at The Arc San Francisco.

Ready Set Fly SFO/Arc Workshop, August 21
Onboard Experience at SFO (Sept date tba)
Arc Angel Breakfast, October 15
Friends Like Me, weekly
We Gotta Dance & Family Coalition, third Fri of month
Show Listings and Sales

The Arc San Francisco | 1500 Howard St. SF, CA 94103 | 415.255.7200 |
OUR MISSION To serve people with developmental disabilities by promoting self-determination, dignity and quality of life.