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In this issue
Immigration Reform Bill Passes US Senate
What the Experts are Saying
Marty Castro: MEX talks
Real Talk bout Real Costs
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Immigration Reform Bill Passes US Senate
Yesterday the US Senate voted 68-32 in favor of the Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act. Both Illinois Senators Durbin and Kirk voted "yea."  
While the prospect of reform brightens the outlook for many families--brought to light in Senator Durbin's speech on the floor before yesterday's vote--there is also cause for great concern, as escalating enforcement at the United States' southern border represents the price of that reform.   
Now the bill moves on to the House of Representatives, where we expect the greatest fight. While there is speculation that  the House will not adopt the Senate bill, the hope is that the House will produce a piece of legislation that can be reconciled with the Senate version. 
Follow Latinos Progresando for ongoing updates, and start contacting your representatives today to let them know how important immigration reform is to you.  

What the Experts are Saying
Leading up to yesterday's vote on the Senate immigration reform bill, Robert Milla, an immigration attorney in private practice and friend of Latinos Progresando spoke with WBEZ about potential implications and the current immigration environment.

A Second Look: Marty Castro at MEX talks
In last week's newsletter we shared the first in a series of videos from Latinos Progresando's inaugural MEX talks event, which took place Wednesday, June 12th at DePaul University. We wanted to give you a second look at the introduction of MEX Talks by the event's moderator Silvia Rivera of Vocalo, and a chance to listen once more to Marty Castro's take on the history of Mexicans in Chicago. Look for even more videos in the weeks to come! 

    Watch Video �   
Real Talk about Real Costs

Congratulations are in order for Donors Forum and all of the members of their Communities of Practice cohort, which includes LP's own Luis Gutierrez. Last week, chief executives from GuideStarBBB Wise Giving Alliance and Charity Navigator published a letter reassessing the value of using administrative expenses as the measure of nonprofit performance. This is the first time that leaders from these agencies have stepped forward to challenge the use of the "overhead ratio" as the means to determine efficiency or effectiveness. 
This is a major step forward for nonprofit organizations and no doubt a testament to impact of Donors Forum's Real Talk about Real Costs campaign. 

Juan Jose Almaras | Adam Alonso | Jose Alonso | Elkin Arredondo Jesus Barragan Maria de las Nieves Bola�as Monica Briseno | Carmen Caicedo Josette Heredia-Carmona Jeanette Castellanos Butt Oscar Chacon Miguel & Esmeralda Chavez | Arianna Cisneros | Ariel Cohen | Nancy Corral | Veronica & Alberto Cortez | Edmundo Cuevas | Daisy De La Cruz | Chris Ann Delgado Laura Delgado | Norma Delgado | Yaritza Desimoni Diana Derige Sarah Diaz Leslie Dimas Maricruz Dominguez Patricia & Lenny Dominguez | Tom & Janet Doyle Joan & Howard Friedman Dan Fulwiler Gilberto Galicia | Marisol Gallegos | Joe Garcia | Jorge Garcia | Aurora Gonzalez | Carmen Gonzalez | Fabiola Gonzalez | Maria Gonzalez | Francisca Grado Benny's Grill | Wendy Guyer | Edward Gutierrez | Guillermo Gutierrez Jose Gutierrez | Maria del Rosario Gutierrez, honored by Deyanira Gutierrez Maria del Rosario Gutierrez, honored by Luis Gutierrez | Maria del Rosario Gutierrez, honored by Virginia Martinez | Claudia Guzman Lucy Hall Luzelena Hernandez | Reyna Hernandez | Moises Hernandez Vanessa Herrera Kevin Hogan | Jesus I�iguez | Bertha Jimenez | Connie Jones | Sisters of St. Joseph | L Productions | John LaMonica | Adrienne Lange Daniel & Carey Lange Jim Lange Mary Jo Lange | Gerardo Lara | Kathy Lee Steven and Deanna Levin Laura Litwiller | Jose Lomeli | Laritza Lopez | Luis J. Lopez | Paul Lopez | Gloria Macias | Leo Maldonado | Erica Martinez | Fernando Martinez | Leonard Martinez | Virginia Martinez | Sara McElmurry | Gustavo Medina Sofia Mendez Romelia Mercado | Dion Miller Perez | Alex Montgomery | Claudia Montoya | Adriana Moreno Nevarez David Moreno Michelle Musielewicz | Suneel & Jennifer Nagda | Alfredo Nambo | Christine Nicpon | Andrew Nieland | Jennifer Nuez | Alfredo Oropeza | Juan F. Orta | Stephen Parkes Jacob Perez Marianne Philbin Elizabeth Ptacek | Harvey Popovich | Marcos Popovich | Gardenia Rangel | Maria Raymundo Veronica Reyes Gina Reynolds | Daniel Rico Silvia Rivera | Alma Rodriguez Diana Rodriguez | Yesenia Romo Jorge Roque St. Augustine College North Campus | St. Augustine College South Campus | Mike Salazar | Catarina Salgado Jose Salinas | Salvador Sandoval | Laura Seago | Ibrahim Serrano, honored by Pablo Serrano | Al Shaw | Joel and Beth Spenadel | Larah Tannenbaum | Osvaldo Torrez Carlos Tortolero | Thomas Trauger | Alison Leff | Giovanna Valdez | Olivia Villegas Elizabeth Villareal Carol Waldman | Nach and Maron Waxman | Sarah B. Waxman | Estela Weber | Analy Zaragoza | Lilibeth Zaragoza |