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October 24, 2013
Volume 7, Issue 20                             




Create Federal Use Database to Support Monitoring   

EWA filed comments
in response to NTIA's Notice of Inquiry seeking information regarding a proposed 10-market monitoring study intended to identify Federal government spectrum that might be available for shared use by non-Federal entities. EWA noted that FCC efforts to rely on monitoring for purposes of identifying usable spectrum have proven less than effective over the years. EWA suggested that the first step toward this objective would be to create a reliable database of Federal government spectrum utilization against which any monitoring data could be compared. In other comments, Microsoft was optimistic but T-Mobile was less than enthusiastic about the potential benefits of a monitoring program designed to facilitate wireless carrier use of Federal spectrum on a shared basis. Of note, neither Verizon nor AT&T participated in this opportunity to file comments.

LMCC Board Reviewing 800 MHz MOA  

The LMCC Board of Directors is reviewing an updated version of a proposed Memorandum of Agreement that will introduce frequency coordination processes designed to address and resolve mutually exclusive applications in the 800 MHz Expansion and Guard bands. Consensus approval for these processes from participating frequency advisory committees will be necessary prior to implementation. 

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No Change to October 29 Sprint Vacated Spectrum Filing Date 

The FCC confirmed that the October 29th filing window for additional "Sprint Vacated Spectrum" in the 809-815/854-860 MHz band (Channels 231-470) will not be extended as a result of the government shutdown.  However, the October 29th date reflects an "opening" of the filing window rather than a filing deadline. EWA understands that the Commission plans to issue a revised Public Notice making this clarification.

FCC Again Extends 800 MHz Application Freeze 

The Commission announced in a Public Notice that it has once again extended the 800 MHz application filing freeze for Canadian Border Regions 21, 33, 43, and 55.  The freeze is intended to preserve vacant 800 MHz channels for licensees that still are retuning their systems.

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FCC Nominations   

Sen. Ted Cruz blocked Senate approval by unanimous consent of the nominations of Tom Wheeler and Mike O'Rielly as, respectively, FCC Chairman and Commissioner. Cruz previously had stated that he would "hold" Wheeler's nomination unless he is satisfied with Wheeler's views as to whether the FCC has the "authority or intent to implement the requirements of the failed Congressional DISCLOSE Act." When this issue will be resolved and the nominees approved and seated at the FCC is unknown.

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Wireless Solutions Center Webinar Series

Subject:          TETRA Digital Trunking
Date:                November 6, 2013
Time:                2:00 pm (Eastern)
Registration:  Register here 

Hytera will host a free 60 minute webinar about TETRA technology where participants may learn:  

  • TETRA background and basics;
  • Optimum TETRA markets; and  
  • Frequency coordination and FCC licensing requirements.
For more information about products and services offered by Hytera, visit the Enterprise Wireless Solutions Center® here!

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2014 Wireless Leadership Summit





"Ila, Thank you for your hard work on this license, and I hope to work with you again."

Dalen Miller - Northwest College

"Thanks Nancy! We are currently a member of EWA and are very pleased with your company. Tell Adrienne to keep up the great work! Thanks again!"

Frank J. Buttafarro, III - Eagle Radio Technologies

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Commercial Sound & Communications - Narvon, PA

Kuhn's Radio Communications LLC - Palmyra, PA

Send Us Your Comments 

Members are encouraged to contact EWA  with their comments and recommendations regarding the Alliance's services or newsletter content.

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