July 26, 2013 Volume 7, Issue 14
Public Safety Should Share with Public Safety
EWA has asked the FCC to confirm that the following standards should be used when Industrial/Business (I/B) coordinators consider requests from public safety frequency advisory committees to use I/B spectrum below 470 MHz. First, PS applications for non-trunked systems do not qualify for waivers to access I/B channels, but should be coordinated for the most appropriate shared PS frequency. This not only is consistent with the FCC rules, but promotes optimal PS communications by having entities with more similar operational characteristics share with one another. MORE |
EWA Supports State of Maine Paging Waiver
EWA filed Comments supporting the State of Maine's request for a waiver to use a paging only Public Safety frequency for two-way voice operations at a site within their statewide system. Specifically, EWA commended the State for its diligence in investigating all potentially available Public Safety frequencies rather than seeking additional I/B spectrum for its network. |
EWA Urges FCC to Quickly Resolve 800 MHz Licensing Dispute
Upon discovering that several entities are engaged in a rather testy application dispute associated with accessing 800 MHz Expansion Band and Guard Band spectrum, EWA sent a letter to the FCC noting that since this spectrum is the first "new" spectrum available for I/B and SMR applicants in many decades, the FCC must ensure that all applicable rules and coordination processes are followed scrupulously. MORE |
FCC Clarifies TETRA Rules
The FCC responded to a Petition from Motorola Solutions clarifying that TETRA could be deployed on all channels in the 809-824/854-869 MHz band, and that the rules permit deployment of any technology that meets the technical criteria adopted in the Report and Order, whether or not it is TETRA technology. |
900 MHz I/B Spectrum Now Available
As a result of a recent FCC decision, the 900 MHz I/B pool is back in business for new system applications. While consent to use channels is still required from Sprint Nextel, it is anticipated that all such requests will be approved. Contact EWA Spectrum Solutions department for further details. |
Do You Know Where Your Children Are?
Fellowshipworld, a licensee of a noncommercial educational FM radio station licensed to operate in Knowelsville, New York was repeatedly warned, verbally and by a Notice of Unlicensed Operation (NOUO) that they were transmitting 36 miles from their authorized location in Buffalo, New York and were transmitting at signals which exceeded the maximum permitted level for non-licensed devices. MORE |
Are you attracting the right candidate with your recruitment advertising?
EWA Wireless Career Connection will help ensure your recruitment advertising efforts attract the hard to reach candidates you seek. Here's how . . .
- Posting jobs to niche sites like EWA's Wireless Career Connection exposes them to highly qualified niche professionals instead of the unqualified masses.
- Upgrading your job listings to ensure they appear high on search results drives significantly more views, clicks and applies.
- Supplementing job postings with banner ads can help build your brand as a desirable employer and attract the best candidates.
To learn more about job posting and banner advertising options email Employer Support at employersupport@jobtarget.com.
It Takes More than Technology to Stay Ahead
Although wireless technology is a huge driver for your business, you are probably aware that it is not enough. Your business must function flawlessly on so many other levels including marketing, sales, maximizing profitability and attracting the right talent. So where do you get your new ideas? The 2013 Wireless Leadership Summit, October 2-4 at Union Station Doubletree Hilton Hotel, St. Louis Missouri is the annual event that is guaranteed to provide insights and strategies you need for a successful 2014 in the changing wireless environment. The event is co-hosted by EWA and USMSS and features: - Fresh ideas and insights in a two-part Super Session called Wireless 2.0 with topics including: B2B social media, managing Millennials, hiring the right wireless tech talent, preparing for Obamacare, valuing your business for sale or succession, the business opportunities that come with spectrum shifts and much more.
- The "Big Questions Roundtable" chaired by three dynamic industry leaders who will share their competitive secrets.
- Keynote address by Morgan O'Brien, co-founder and former chairman of Nextel Communications who will discuss his perspective on evolving opportunities in our industry.
- Two days of exhibits from industry leading vendors.
- Networking opportunities with the industry's leading wireless providers, manufacturers and resellers and more.
Why would you miss this opportunity? Check out the program and get to know the speakers scheduled for an event custom designed to move your business ahead in ways that will delight your customers and surprise your competition. Find out more here. Don't wait -- register today!
Delta Airport Consultants - Harrisburg, PA
Integrated Wireless Technologies, LLC - Bay Shore, NY
Mic Talk - Holmdel, NJ
Saugerties Central School District - Saugerties, NY
WS Electronics, LLC - Xenia, OH
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