January 16, 2013 Volume 7, Issue 1
EWA Provides Narrowbanding Applications List
EWA notified the FCC on January 3 that more than 1500 applications for narrowbanding had been received late December 2012 and would be processed expeditiously for certification to the FCC. The official notification complied with a Land Mobile Communications Council requested process approved by both the Wireless Telecommunications and Public Safety & Homeland Security Bureaus December 7, 2012. The process, according to the FCC, would recognize "licensees that have completed narrowbanding, or will complete narrowbanding by the January 1, 2013, deadline, but have not yet had their applications coordinated and will not have had their applications coordinated and submitted to the Commission by the deadline" and therefore being in compliance of the deadline. MORE
EWA Coordinating Vacated Spectrum Requests
In accordance with FCC Public Notice DA 12-1839 for the assignment of spectrum recently vacated by Sprint Nextel, EWA has been processing requests and will be filing certified applications on January 17. EWA reported in December that FCC-certified frequency coordinators may file applications on this date on behalf of public safety applicants for channels in the 809.5-815/854.5-860 MHz band, which were relinquished by Sprint Nextel in twenty-one (21) non-border NPSPAC regions. MORE
T-Band Waivers Denied
The FCC recently denied two requests for waivers for new T-Band stations. Both applicants had requested waivers of TV station protection criteria, but seemingly because the FCC was relying on outdated information regarding the locations of the TV stations entitled to protection. MORE
And Another T-Band Waiver Denial
The FCC in December 2012 denied a waiver request from Offshore Marine Towing for a new 470 -512 MHz (T-Band) private land mobile radio (PLMR) station in Miami, Florida. Offshore requested the waiver because it proposed to operate a mobile relay station in the vicinity of protected co-channel television station WSEC-TV. However, because of the FCC's suspension of certain T-band applications, due to the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act, it denied Offshore's request. MORE
The End of Rebanding in Sight
In its January monthly report to the FCC, Sprint Nextel advised the Commission that 99.83% of 1-120 rebanding was complete and that nationally, with the exception of the Mexican Border region, 99% of NPSPAC incumbents had signed Frequency Reconfiguration Agreements. MORE
More Narrowbanding Waivers
Not surprisingly, a substantial number of narrowbanding waiver requests were filed in December 2012, primarily by public safety entities. It is reported that some waiver requests by the FCC are still pending, including ones filed earlier in 2012. The FCC's Public Safety & Homeland Security Bureau did grant extensions to the Cities of New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago on December 26. MORE
FCC Commissioner Appointment
Commissioner Mignon Clyburn was confirmed by the Senate for her second term. The major question now is when will Chairman Genachowski leave and who will replace him. There are plenty of rumors, as is the case with a Washington DC political appointment, but nothing official as of yet. MORE
Tentative Agenda Released for FCC Open Meeting
FCC Chairman Genachowski announced a tentative agenda for the Open Meeting scheduled for Thursday, January 31 at 10:30 am. Learn more
American Time & Signal
EWA is still awaiting a response from the FCC to our December 18 letter requesting clarification about how the American Time & Signal (ATS) system is to be treated for frequency coordination purposes, what monitoring obligations it has, and whether FCC approval of ATS as the licensee is a policy that would be extended to other entities .
Commission Upholds $20,000 Enforcement Ruling for Untimely CPNI Filing
Long distance carrier USA Telport, Inc. (USAT) was issued a Notice of Apparent Liability and Forfeiture for $20,000 for failing to submit CPNI Certification for calendar year 2007 in a timely manner. Per FCC regulations, carriers and interconnected Voice over Internet Protocol (VoiP) service providers are required to file annually on or before March 1, certifying that they have "established operating procedures sufficient to ensure compliance with the Commission's CPNI rules." MORE
Great Lakes MSS - Spring Meeting
● Loews Don Cesar, St. Pete Beach, Florida
● Jan 30 - Feb 2, 2013
Learn more
Motorola Channel Partner Expo
● Aria Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada
● Feb 17-19, 2013
International Wireless Communications Expo 2013
● Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada
● March 11-15, 2013
Learn more
EWA and USMSS Co-Hosting 2013 Wireless Leadership Summit
The 2013 Wireless Leadership Summit will be held in St. Louis, Missouri at the Four Diamond Union Station Doubletree Hilton Hotel, October 2-4. Mark your calendar for a great opportunity to network and explore business and technology opportunities with exhibitors, presenters and fellow wireless professionals. The 2012 event this past October had a sell-out exhibit floor featuring exciting technologies and services and there were outstanding reviews of the Keynote, Dr. Ted Rappaport, and the thought-provoking educational sessions.
Monitoring FCC Licensing Activity Yields Sales Leads
Imagine this - every Monday you receive an emailed report that can potentially increase your sales opportunities for the week ahead. This report allows you to assist your customers in making informed decisions of specific spectrum activity such as identifying which potential customers are active in your market by reporting new, renewed, modified or terminated licenses. Interested? It's the Market Area FCC Licensing Report, one of EWA's Premier Reporting Services.
This report may also be customized to suit your preferences, for example, license activity data may be reported frequency band (30- 900 MHz), licensee name and contact information, affected frequencies, FCC application dates, purpose (new, renewal, modification, construction notice) and by pending FCC file number. For detailed data, you may simply click a link that takes you directly to that application in the FCC's Universal Licensing System.
The Market Area Report is just the start. EWA also offers additional Premier Reporting Services that, for example, identifies potential exclusive use frequencies, identifies non-narrowbanded compliant systems, and identifies new licensed systems that may potentially impact incumbent systems. EWA can also manage your FCC radio licenses, so you never miss a construction deadline or renewal.
Visit EWA at www.enterprisewireless.org for more information and to see what we can do for you, or contact Nancy Gruen, Membership Development Director, at nancy.gruen@enterprisewireless.org.
Marcus Communications LLC
Manchester, Connecticut
One Source Wireless Communications, Inc.
Huntersville, North Carolina
PowerTrunk, Inc.
New York, New York
Valley Radio Center
Harlingen, Texas
WF Communications LLC
Moab, Utah
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Contact EWA about the new Membership Incentive Program, a way to bring in new EWA members and commissions for your company.
"Kathy... You are a Godsend. We all appreciated your personal and immediate attention."
Ted Betz
ESS, Inc.
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