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October 5, 2012
Volume 6,  Issue 20       




EWA Supports NYC's Narrowband Extension Request        

EWA filed Comments supporting the Somerset County, New Jersey T-Band Waiver Request stating that "[T]he wisdom of and necessity for imposing a freeze on all spectrum in all T-Band markets almost a decade before the reallocation mandated by the Act, at best, is questionable.  MORE 

EWA Comments on Vehicular Repeater Request      

In this proceeding, COJFD seeks a waiver of the rules to permit the use of 172.225 MHz for a vehicular repeater system (VRS).  APCO has supported the waiver, and FCCA has opposed the waiver request. In recently filed comments EWA took no position on whether the waiver requested by the COJFD should be granted in light of the Federal Government's primary jurisdiction over the Frequency in areas east of the Mississippi River. However, EWA urged the FCC to address the broader issue of VRS spectrum availability by taking action promptly on the pending Pyramid Petition. 

LMCC Board and FCC Discuss Rule Changes         

The LMCC Board of Directors recently met with staff members from the FCC's Wireless Telecommunications and Public Safety & Homeland Security Bureaus to discuss FCC progress toward adopting rule changes suggested by the LMCC, in particular amendments to FCC Rule Section 90.187 that were submitted in June 2011; and the ACCV table recently submitted to the FCC that the coordinators agreed to use to identify exclusive use (FB8 channels) in the VHF and UHF bands.  MORE

New Scam - Construction Notice Solicitations        

When the FCC issues a new license, or a modification to an existing license to add new frequencies or new locations, they normally allow one year from date of grant for the licensee to construct and place the new frequencies and/or sites into operation. This deadline is listed on the license under "Construct Date."  When the system is constructed, licensees advise the FCC that they have met their construction requirement by submitting a Form 601 Schedule K to the Commission.  MORE

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Orange County and Friends Pushing Back        

The FCC has approved rules authorizing the deployment of broadband technology on 800 MHz ESMR spectrum.  The decision was in response to a request from Sprint Nextel to deploy CDMA technology in the 800 MHz band.  MORE

FCC Unleashes TETRA        

The FCC finally released its Report and Order amending Part 90 of the Rules to permit the certification and use of Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) equipment. TETRA may now be used within the 450-470 MHz band and Business/Industrial Land Transportation 800 MHz channels (809-824/854-869 MHz) that are not in the National Public Safety Planning and Advisory Committee (NPSPAC) portion of the band.  MORE

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Wireless Microphone Registration System Launched        

An unlicensed wireless microphone registration system which allows qualifying parties to register event venues with TV bands database systems "so that operations of unlicensed wireless microphones and other low power auxiliary station devices at specified times will be protected from potential interference caused by other unlicensed devices" has been launched by the Office of Engineering and Technology and Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. General information on the registration system and guidance regarding registration is in the Public Notice and the registration system is available online at http://www.fcc.gov/uls/login. Now we just need to make sure everyone registers.

FCC Receives 800 MHz Guard Band Petition        

On September 21, the Utah Transit Authority and Janus Spectrum LLC jointly submitted a Petition for Rule Making that would permit the licensing of the 800 MHz "Guard Band" spectrum throughout the country. With the belief that Sprint will be vacating this spectrum in the immediate future, the principals of Janus stated that they "plan to acquire and utilize channels within the Guard Band to offer low cost mobile broadband services on a small scale in selected markets."  MORE


FCC Issues Incentive Auction NPRM 

On October 2 the FCC released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) seeking comment on issues relating to the implementation of voluntary incentive auctions aimed at repurposing broadcast television spectrum for mobile broadband use.  While it is unclear why it is particularly relevant to America's spectrum policy, the FCC announced that this "will make the United States the first nation in the world to implement incentive auctions."  MORE

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How Much is Too Much?        

On September 28, the FCC adopted a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to review its policies governing mobile spectrum holdings.  The FCC's current case-by-case analyses has come under fire both from proponents of a liberal spectrum acquisition and transfer policy that argue the FCC's approach lacks predictability and timeliness and by those who believe the FCC has allowed excessive consolidation in the wireless marketplace.  MORE

Equipment Narrowbanding Delay Requested - Late        

Ritron, Inc., a manufacturer of wireless products, has filed a Petition asking for an indefinite delay in implementing the narrowbanding rules which requires that all new VHF and UHF equipment authorizations after January 2013 support 6.25 kHz capability.  MORE

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Last Day to Register Online!
There is still time to register for the Enterprise Wireless 2012 Leadership Summit, October 10-12 at the Loews Vanderbilt Hotel in Nashville, TN. During these economic times, you may be tempted to skip an event, but don't miss this one!

What business opportunities are coming your way in 2013? Join fellow wireless leaders in a two-day event filled with insights on the business strategies, regulatory issues and technology innovations that will move and shape our wireless future.


Connect, exchange ideas, get inspired, and learn about new technologies, services, and ways to drive your business in the coming year.

Register today and don't miss a moment of a conference designed so you'll come away with practical ideas:

Program Highlights:

  • Keynote from wireless pioneer Ted Rappaport: Tomorrow's Leaders and Future Technologies
  • Red or Blue? How Regulatory Issues Will Be Affected by the Presidential Election
  • Fall meetings for the EDMSSA, GLMSS, SEMSS, WMSP regional groups and the national USMSS meeting.
  • Over 30 exhibitors
  • TETRA and DMR Tier III System Trials and Operator Experiences
  • Back this year by popular demand:  Operators candidly share their experiences with NEXEDGEŽ and ConnectPlus systems.


Take a look at the full schedule of events and make your plans to travel to Nashville, TN October 10-12.


Online registration closes on October 5, so register today!


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EWA Members, Get A Member  


Contact EWA about the new Membership Incentive Program, a way to bring in new EWA members and commissions for your company.


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Send Us Your Comments 

Members are encouraged to contact EWA  with their comments and recommendations regarding the Alliance's services or newsletter content.

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