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September 18, 2012
Volume 6,  Issue 19        




EWA Supports NYC's Narrowband Extension Request        

EWA filed comments supporting New York City's narrowband extension request, noting that the City has undertaken a substantial effort to comply with the January 1, 2013, date at a cost to the City that will reach more than $88,500,000. This effort has included replacing substantial numbers of subscriber radios and fixed infrastructure, including T-Band radios that the FCC recently determined would be exempt from the narrowband requirement.  MORE 

EWA Endorses Revised Fee Assessments         

In recently filed comments, EWA endorsed the FCC's goal of adopting a regulatory fee program that allocates the burden fairly among regulates and "provides sufficient flexibility to preserve an equitable distribution in a constantly evolving industry."  EWA also acknowledged that the FCC already had taken steps in this direction by reducing the regulatory fees for PLMRS licensees in 2012.  MORE 

LMCC Delegates Meet with FCC         

This past week, LMCC Board members met with representatives from the FCC's Wireless Telecommunications and Public Safety & Homeland Security Bureaus to discuss the LMCC's recommendations regarding trunked system frequency coordination and licensing rules.  MORE 

Woodbridge New Jersey Granted T-Band Waiver        

The Township of Woodbridge, New Jersey received a favorable grant of its waiver request to swap T-Band frequencies to enable it to avoid interference to its public safety communications system. EWA had filed comments in support of the City's waiver request back in early August 2012.  Order 

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Proceeding May Foreshadow T-Band Repurposing        

A proceeding that EWA suspects will address the implementation of the T-Band repurposing provisions that were contained in the February 2012 Spectrum Reform legislation was put on FCC "circulation" by the Public Safety & Homeland Security Bureau this past week.  MORE

FCC To Launch Incentive Auction Proceeding        

On September 7, FCC Chairman Genachowski circulated a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing rules for "incentive auctions" consistent with the 2012 spectrum legislation.  The NPRM is schedule to be voted on at the FCC's open September 28 meeting.  MORE

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"Measuring Mobile America" Initiative Tests Mobile Broadband Performance        

The FCC's Measuring Mobile America program initiative, the first nationwide mobile measurement program will, according to Chairman Genachowski, "extend the program to smartphones and other wireless devices. It will empower consumers and encourage improvements in mobile networks and programs, benefiting millions of Americans".  MORE

Commission Modifies 700 MHz Rules 

In a Report and Order modifying its 700 MHz public safety broadband rules, the FCC set the stage for the transition of all 20 MHz of public safety spectrum to FirstNet, including eliminating the PSST's status as licensee of the original broadband allocation.  MORE

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Unauthorized Portables Means Fine for Hospital        

Bryn Mawr Hospital has been held liable for forfeiture in the amount of $8,000 for operating portable radios on unauthorized frequencies. The hospital was requested by the FCC's Enforcement Bureau is to submit a written statement within thirty days from the release of the NAL indicating that operations of its radio transmission equipment are consistent with the Commission's rules.  Order 

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Circle These Dates: 

  • September 30 - the deadline for first time attendees to save 20% on registration. Visit event page for details
  • October 5 - last day to register online (onsite registration thereafter) 
  • October 10 - the start of the most exciting Leadership Summit EWA and USMSS have ever hosted   

Program Highlights:

  • Keynote from wireless pioneer Ted Rappaport: Tomorrow's Leaders and Future Technologies
  • Red or Blue? How Regulatory Issues Will Be Affected by the Presidential Election
  • Special Friday October 12 Sessions:  Surge Protection Seminar and Motorola TURBO Session
  • TETRA Beta Test and DMR Tier III Operator Experiences
  • Back this year by popular demand:  Operators candidly share their experiences with NEXEDGEŽ and ConnectPlus systems.


Note:  We expanded the exhibit hall to accommodate last year's demand for space, and the exhibit hall swiftly sold out. Contact Conference Director Elaine Walsh to secure sponsorships at 520.620.0063. Only the Leadership Summit offers you quality time to meet with these innovative companies.   


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Contact EWA about the new Membership Incentive Program, a way to bring in new EWA members and commissions for your company.


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Members are encouraged to contact EWA  with their comments and recommendations regarding the Alliance's services or newsletter content.

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