                                                                         FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
                                                                         Media Contact:                           
                                                                         Jason Wright
                                                                         678-242-2523 (office)
                                                                         404-861-9271 (cell)
Note: In an effort to provide the most up-to-date information for Milton citizens, the Communications Department sends pre- and post-City Council meeting updates informing the public about events at City Hall and their outcomes. Following is the agenda for the Monday, March 17 City Council regularly scheduled meeting.

City Council meetings normally take place at City Hall, 13000 Deerfield Parkway Suite 107 Milton, GA 30004 (click here for directions) the first and third Mondays of the month, barring a holiday or special-called meeting. Work sessions are normally held the second Monday of the month.

For a full list of all city sponsored meetings, click here to see the calendar. You may also click here to access the packet for the City Council meeting, which explains each regularly scheduled agenda item in detail. To stream archived meetings, click here (for mobile devices, use the MP4 link).

Persons needing special accommodations in order to participate in any city meeting should call 678-242-2500.
March 17 Council Meeting Wrap-up


 1. Consideration of RZ13-20 - 16340 Birmingham Highway with Additional Frontage on 
New Bull Pen Road Containing a Total of Approximately 66.40 acres by Christopher  
Perry to Rezone from AG-1 (Agricultural) to CUP (Community Unit Plan) to Develop 52  
Single Family Residences.  
(Agenda Item No. 14-060)  
(First Presentation at March 3, 2014 Regular Council Meeting)  
(Kathleen Field, Community Development Director) 
Motion to withdraw without prejudice by applicant approved 6-0 
Note: Councilman Burt Hewitt absent
2. Consideration of RZ13-21 - 975 Birmingham Road and 15755 Birmingham Highway  
Containing a Total of 22.3 Acres by Acadia Homes and Neighborhoods, LLC to Rezone  
from MIX (Mixed Use) and AG-1 (Agricultural) to CUP (Community Unit Plan) to  
Develop 55 Single Family Residences.  
(Agenda Item No. 14-061)  
(First Presentation at March 3, 2014 Regular Council Meeting)  
(Kathleen Field, Community Development Director) 
Motion to withdraw without prejudice by applicant approved 6-0 
3. Consideration of ZM14-01 - 13660 New Providence Road, Mill Springs Academy to  
Modify the Site Plan Submitted on November 5, 1996 to a Revised Site Plan Submitted  
on February 4, 2014.  
(Agenda Item No. 14-062)  
(First Presentation at March 3, 2014 Regular Council Meeting)  
(Kathleen Field, Community Development Director)  
Approved 6-0
1. Consideration of an Ordinance to Adopt Amendments to the Fiscal 2014 Budget for Each  Fund of the City of Milton, Georgia Amending the Amounts Shown in Each Budget as  Expenditures, Amending the Several Items of Revenue Anticipations, Prohibiting  
Expenditures to Exceed Appropriations, and Prohibiting Expenditures to Exceed Actual  
Funding Available.  
(Agenda Item No. 14-063)  
(First Presentation at March 3, 2014 Regular Council Meeting)  
(Public Hearing at March 17, 2014 Regular Council Meeting)  
(Stacey Inglis, Assistant City Manager)
Approved with 
modifications 6-0
1. Consideration of A Resolution Appointing A Member to the City of Milton Planning  
Commission by Appointing a Board Member for District 2/Post 1.  
(Agenda Item No. 14-078)  
(Mayor Joe Lockwood) 
Approved, Noel Carpenter 5-0 
Note: Agenda Item No. 17-078 was moved by motion and vote under approval of agenda to before First Presentation.  Councilman Rick Mohrig was absent for the vote.
2. Consideration of A Resolution for Crowne Castle's Application for Utilization of City of  
Milton Right of Way for Telecommunication Facilities, as Authorized by Law.  
(Agenda Item No. 14-079)  
(Ken Jarrard, City Attorney) 
Approved 6-0
3. Consideration of an Application for the Abandonment of a Portion of Holly Road.  
(Agenda Item No. 14-080)  
(Carter Lucas, Public Works Director)
Approved 6-0