Three Moon Ocean


9 Aug 2014 / Greetings! The Full Moon in Aquarius (with the Sun in Leo) is upon us, occurring Sunday August 10 at 2:10pm EDT. This Full Moon is the second of 3 Supermoons this summer, and it is 'more' super than the other two. (Click here to read my previous newsletter on the July Supermoon

With the Sun in the fiery sign of Leo, and the Moon in the electric sign of Aquarius, combined with the especially high tides of the Supermoon, the energy this weekend is High Voltage. Scroll down for more information. And to brush up on the energy of Leo, click here to read my previous newsletter describing the planet Jupiter's recent entry into Leo


My big news for you under this Bright Moon is that I have created some new offerings for you, to better meet your needs. See below for details!

And don't forget - the Astrology Coaching Session Birthday Special continues for LEO and is now available to VIRGO as well! If your Sun, Moon or Ascendant are in the sign of LEO or VIRGO, you have until September 30, 2014 to purchase your session at the discounted price. Click here and you will find the Paypal button on the right hand side of the page to purchase your session. 


As I'm sure you are aware, we are on quite a journey here in 2014, and it has been ongoing for some time, each leap forward taking us into a more beautiful spiritual presence. For a review of our journey of consciousness since 2007, click here to read back issues of this newsletter:  Eclipses, The Cardinal Cross and 12-21-12 and many other portals in time are explored in detail. 

Also, I truly appreciate your sharing of my work with others as it helps me to stay in business. So, thank you so much! When you share information from this newsletter, please do keep in mind the copyright information underneath my signature and at bottom of this email. I appreciate your support and honor of my work!


Continuing our Journey...




Carol Ann Ciocco, Astrologer


newsletter archives:



Copyright 2014 by Carol Ann Ciocco. All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. // This newsletter was written and designed by Carol Ann Ciocco www.threemoonocean.comI do appreciate your sharing the information in this newsletter! Please do forward this email to others, in its entirety, with my contact information (my name and a link back to my website) intact. If you would like to post this information on your blog, website or FB page (etc.) please link back to my website at this address: and clearly identify with my name. Thank you very much for your support and honor of my work!


New Offerings!




NEW!  I am happy to let you know that I am now offering various levels of Astrology Coaching Packages, as well as a Referral Program, and Follow-Up Sessions in order to better meet your needs. 


Click here to read about my new offerings!


First, I am now offering a Referral Program. If you refer a friend who purchases an Astrology Coaching Session, you friend will receive the Referral discount (a fee of $110 - a $15 savings from the fee of $125). And your next Astrology Coaching Session will also be at the Referral discount of $110.



Click here to read about my new offerings!



I am also now offering 3 levels of Coaching Packages. You may choose a package of 3 Astrology Coaching Sessions over 3 months, 5 Astrology Coaching Sessions over 6 months, or the Apprenticeship Program - 12 Astrology Coaching Sessions over 12 months, wherein we study both your chart, and astrology in general, over that period of time. Each Coaching Package (of 3, 5 or 12) will have a theme or focus according to your needs, and will include an in-depth exploration of your natal chart and all on-going transits and progressions.




Click here to read about my new offerings!

In addition, I am now offering Follow-up Sessions for those who have had an Astrology Coaching Session with me and have one or two questions for follow-up. This type of session is strictly limited to one-half hour on the phone, and concerns questions about important features of the natal chart, as well as influences by transit and progression. NOTE: The Follow-Up session is not a substitute for the Birthday Special session, which is more in-depth and is recommended each year around the time of your birthday



Click here to read about my new offerings!

And don't forget that the Birthday Special is now available to both LEO and VIRGOIf you have your Sun, Moon or Ascendant in the sign of LEO, you qualify for the special through September 30, 2014. You will save $15 off of the usual fee for an Astrology Coaching Session. Click here and you will find the Paypal button on the right hand side of the page. 



ordinary moon vs supermoon

On Saturday August 10, 2014 at 2:10 pm EDT we will experience the Full Moon/Supermoon with Sun in LEO and Moon in AQUARIUS (18�02' of each sign). This is the second Supermoon in a row - the first occurring on July 10, and one more to follow on September 9. 



The astronomical term for a Supermoon is a Perigee Moon. Perigee means that the Moon is closest to the Earth compared to other lunations. (See a video by NASA on the three Supermoons here:



The August 10 Supermoon has an extra sense of immediacy to it: the July 12 and September 9 Full Moons will occur on the DAY of Perigee, but the August 10 Full Moon will occur at the same HOUR of Perigee. Simply put, August 10 will be a powerful day. We are in the portal of this energy now.



The 'Super' Moon is, of course, an optical illusion - the Moon never changes size. But due to the change in distance between the moon's farthest and closest points, a full or new moon can be 'Super' and can appear as much as 14% larger in the sky and 30% brighter to our eyes than at minimum size and brightness. 



Optical illusion or not, the Supermoon is a psychological phenomenon that affects our lizard brain - the ancient part of us hooked into the primal tides of this planet. This is because an extra-close new or full moon causes higher-than-usual tides. At those times, EarthSky writes:


"Our planet is stretched slightly, along a line between the Earth and moon. The body of the Earth is fairly rigid, so it does not stretch much, but the oceans are much more easily moved. Thus the effect piles up water on both side of Earth, and these piles of water - created by the differential gravitational effect - are the tides." 


Metaphysically, water is symbolic of EMOTION. As the water of Earth's oceans piles up, our emotions pile up as well. We are stretched, and more easily moved. This is an opportunity for us to cleanse our deepest painful emotions. The key is to let go of the emotions without getting into drama with others. 


With the Sun in Leo, drama could be the name of the game. We may clearly see our self-esteem issues, as well as areas where we are not living according to our heart's desire; and the light may reveal blocks in our body where the Light is blocked from shining. 


Make sure to 'own' your projections, i.e. if you think someone doesn't like you, ask yourself if it isn't actually you who doesn't like yourself. Leo reminds us that we are all sovereign children of a Creator which emanates so much Love that we can never really comprehend it. Like the Sun, the Divine shines on us all, all are loved deeply and eternally. And that is the goal for how we are to love.


Lack of self esteem is so rampant, and it blocks the ability to love others. Here is a chance to embrace a more expansive view of our unique and beautiful selves. With Jupiter in the sign of Leo right now, the opportunity to expand in Love is even greater. Breathe in the Light, Breathe out emotional energy that is tied up with your lack of self-love.


With the Moon in Aquarius, change is more possible than usual. This change requires our opening our vision and seeking wisdom about our ongoing path of evolution here on Earth. That is why the Full Moon in Aquarius is sometimes referred to as The Vision Quest Moon. (See the next section for more on The Vision Quest Moon.)


After these three Supermoons are behind us, ending on September 9, we then find ourselves looking into the rabbit hole of a Total Lunar Eclipse (TLE) which occurs at the Full Moon on October 8. This TLE is the second in a series of four TLEs in a row, known as a Tetrad of Eclipses, and relatively rare. Click here to read about the Tetrad, which began on April 15, 2014 within the Cardinal Cross portal: The Tetrad extends through September of 2015. We are in the trajectory now.


The three Supermoons this summer are like pool balls cued up, propelled by the Cardinal Cross and discharging into the Total Lunar Eclipse and Eclipse portal in October. The cleansing of our emotional bodies serves us well during this time. 



In April we experienced The Cardinal Cross within an mind-boggling Eclipse Portal, beginning the Eclipse Tetrad. Between that time and the June Solstice (June 21, 2014) we were integrating, constantly, and dealing with confusing retrograde influences among the most personal planets - Venus, Mars and Mercury - see my previous newsletter here concerning this: We have emerged from the confusion and now we bathe in the ocean of lunar energies, preparing the Way - the Way toward the end of the Cardinal Cross in 2015


And with the Leo energies abounding lately, don't forget to play this weekend under this Moon. We do have a bit of a sobering influence with Saturn squaring the Moon and Sun which is why the emotional clearing will be so essential, but Leo does bring joy and Full Moons bring the Light to play in:)




Our finest teachers are our once and future selves. @portablesera, instagram

"THE AQUARIAN DISPENSATION: All life forms should have the right and the opportunity to have an existence, which is endowed with the freedom to produce the maximum amount of probable lines of reality, in an evolving direction by choice, without repression of awareness, or manipulation of physical, mental, or spiritual aspects." - The Aquarian Dispensation ideas were researched and authored by Daniel Giamario



This is the time to venture into the wilderness of your Soul and Knock on Heavens Door, seeking answers. With the Supermoon and the electricity and light of Aquarius/Leo at our fingertips we are literally amped up to download information and then declare as we come down from the mountain, 'asked and answered'.


In Aquarius you seek freedom, you seek to do things in your own peculiar way, and you seek to see the future and use that mind-blowing vision to revolutionize the world forever.


Do you feel that you are making a unique contribution to Life? Have you found a group of likeminded people who 'get' you even though you are weird? You have rights and your only responsibility is to shake off the shackles of your repression - perpetrated by YOU - and make all things new. It has to be new. The tired and the worn out simply won't hold water, and there is a lot of water flowing under this Vision Quest Full Moon.


Break free! What are you waiting for? Your brain is packed with untapped technology. You are able to communicate telepathically. You are able to travel to parallel universes. Your DNA is sleeping, WAKE UP! Change now!


The thing about Aquarian energy is that the power to change in one hot moment of lightning striking your core IS REAL. One moment you are the way you are, the next you are something so completely different as to seem alien. And your world will never be the same.


Even though this is a Full Moon which usually is a time of outward activity, take some time to quest for a Vision now. It is waiting to descend. GROUND YOURSELF and grab a hold of the bolt. 


The Supermoon is going to make this Aquarian experience really charged, high voltage. What happens when something huge and emotional and oceanic and watery and overwhelming is surged with electrical charge? The old ways are fried and new metal is melted, forged. Like paddles applied to your Leo heart, new life!


This is a Moontime to Knock on Heavens door. // Bright Blessings of the Full Moon to you, and may you have a visionary weekend. 


Bob Dylan - Knocking on Heavens door (Movie version 1973 - Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid)
Bob Dylan - Knocking on Heavens door




Copyright 2014 by Carol Ann Ciocco. All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. // This newsletter was written and designed by Carol Ann Ciocco I do appreciate your sharing the information in this newsletter! Please do forward this email to others, in its entirety, with contact information (my name and the links back to my website) intact. If you would like to post this information on your blog, website or FB page (etc.) please link back to my website at this address: and clearly identify with my name. Thank you very much for your support and honor of this work!