October 28, 2015

Carnegie Vanguard High School
eNews from your CVHS PTO

In This Issue
Prez letter
Peer tutoring
BBQ tickets
Picture re-takes
Parent gatherings
Magnet Tours
Employee of the Month
Friends and Family
Upcoming dates
CVHS Quick Links

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PTO News
A message from PTO President Joan Khosla:

We had a great October meeting with Ms. Chapman presenting key facts about college search, applications, scholarships, and more. Mr. Frau presented the facts about stress in students and adults and how to watch for signs that stress is becoming a danger.

Then Anna Blome and Sarah Yu, two CVHS juniors, gave parents tips they learned about reducing stress. We hope to have both talks available via webcast soon!

Our next general meeting won't be until January, when we have CVHS alumni talk about the transition to college. We are altering our course for Nov. and Dec. and moving toward socials. Nov. 12th is our BBQ night (which is almost full!) and see the list below of neighborhood socials that are ongoing.

We are over half way to our Friends & Family goal and really need your help to finish the race. Every donation counts no matter how large or small, so please help us reach our goal and put a cover over the outdoor theatre.

Keep Calm and Rhino On!
Joan Khosla
Rhinos helping rhinos

The CVHS National Honor Society is proud to offer tutoring to all students. Due to high demand for tutors though, the NHS volunteers are moving from individual tutoring to small-group tutoring sessions. Any student who would like tutoring may come to Ms. Alcoriza's room during SSEP every week, according to the schedule below:

Pre-AP Biology
All Math up to Algebra II
Spanish 1-3

AP Physics I
AP Human Geography
All Math up to Algebra II
French 1-3

AP and Pre-AP Biology
All Math up to Pre-Calculus AB
AP World History

AP Human Geography
All Math up to Calculus AB (and AP Stats)
Pre-AP Chemistry
AP U.S. History

Pre-AP Biology

All are welcome!All your student has to do is come by, and they will receive any help they need in any subject listed. If they need help in a subject not listed here or have any questions, email NHS at cvhs.nhs.rhinos@gmail.com.

Get your BBQ tickets TODAY!
Join fellow Rhino families and friends at our upcoming BBQ dinner at Karbach Brewing Co. Thursday, Nov. 12. A $25 donation gets you a 9-oz. souvenir glass, four beers, and Officer Fyles' EXCELLENT BBQ and fixings. This is a great opportunity to meet fellow parents, teachers, and friends-of-Rhinos.  

Although you must be 21 to attend, you don't need to be a CVHS parent, so invite your friends, neighbors, Uncle Bob, etc. This will be our first social of the year and a great opportunity to mingle with parents and friends.

Presale is here. A limited number of tickets will be available at the door for $35.
CVHS Theatre presents Frankenstein
Article Subtitle

Make sure to get your tickets for Carnegie's production of Frankenstein on October 30th at 7pm. Get your tickets by emailing Mr. Savage
ssavage1@houstonisd.org<mailto:ssavage1@houstonisd.org>, or by contacting a student involved in theatre.
CVHS collecting for good
Contribute to holiday baskets 

The school will be collecting canned goods and nonperishable items for CVHS families in need. Any donations can be turned in to Ms. Alvarenga in the attendance office. All donations will be distributed prior to Thanksgiving and Winter break.  
For more information, contact Ms. Alvarenga.
Hooray for our volunteers!

The PTO would like to extend a big THANK YOU to all of our registered volunteers for completing the VIPS registration process.  See you on campus!
School picture retakes Monday

Rhinos who missed picture day in September can still be immortalized in the 2015-16 yearbook. 

Re-takes have been re-scheduled for fourth period on Monday, Nov. 2 from 11:15 a.m. to the end of lunch. Seniors will go first then underclassmembers. The latter can have their pictures taken after 12:45 p.m.

The most efficient way to receive your school pictures is to order online per the instructions in the proof package. You may also turn your picture money into Ms. Paget in the library by Friday, Oct. 30. Retakes may be purchased after you see the proofs.

See Ms. Paget in the library if you have any questions or e-mail her at apaget@houstonisd.com
CVHS Theatre trip to Scotland
Join us at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival

We are going to SCOTLAND! Carnegie has been invited to perform at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August, 2016.  The Fringe Festival is world's largest arts festival, and this is a fabulous opportunity for our students.  Want to learn more about how you can come support us this summer in Edinburgh, Scotland?  Info can be found here.
Parent gatherings

Looking for more ways to meet Rhino parents? Several new neighborhood Rhino Parent Network gatherings are in the works.

These are free format, no RSVP needed, get-together opportunities. If you live in the neighborhood or passing by during the times and locations below, please stop by and say hello to other parents.

If you would like to start a Rhino Parent Network in your neighborhood please contact Reva Mohapatra to help get it going at revacmohapatra@gmail.com.

Upcoming meetings: 

Cedar Creek Cafe Bar & Grill, 1034 W. 20th St.
Thursday, October 29, 5 p.m.
Contacts: Allison Blazek owlblazek@gmail.com or Reva Mohapatra 281-673-5238

Pedigo-Maulsby Residence, 2315 Bartlett, between Kirby and Greenbriar.
Sunday Nov 8th, 4-5 p.m.
Contact: Stephanie Pedigo 713-552-4198
La Madeleine, 4700 Beechnut St., Meyerland Plaza
Monday, November 9, 7 p.m.
Contacts: Maneesha Sharma 704-968-7480 or Reva Mohapatra 281-673-5238
Inversion Coffee and Art, 1953 Montrose Blvd.
Wednesday, November 11, 11 a.m.
Contacts: Jacqueline Keus 281-658-0315 or Reva Mohapatra 281-673-5238

We will post information on upcoming events as they become available.
National Geographic Resource for CVHS

Carnegie Vanguard is now the only school in Houston ISD to have available the National Geographic Virtual Library. The library contains every magazine since 1888 scanned in full text including maps. 

To use this resource go to the Infotrac website 
and type in the password "astros" to get access.

This is a wonderful research tool and is available for use to everyone in our community from grade school on up. 

Thanks for this Ms. Paget!

Magnet Tour help needed
A parent perspective is crucial for prospectives

Thursday afternoon magnet tours have begun!  Thank you to the parent volunteers who came last week to help. We had about 150 parents and students visit on the first week, and it was an intense and informative two hours.   
Magnet tours will continue on Thursdays at 1 p.m. through Dec. 3. There are still volunteer slots available.

Tours will include a presentation in the CVHS Theater in the Fine Arts Building followed by student-led tours. Parent volunteers are needed to accompany and assist with these weekly tours. Magnet tours are an excellent opportunity for potential students and their parents to get better acquainted with Carnegie's magnet program and our wonderful CVHS community, and the parent perspective is an important 

You may sign up for as few or as many dates as your schedule allows. If you would like to help, click the Magnet Tour Volunteer link here to sign up or for more information.
Employee of the Month
Nominations being taken for November
Do you know a Carnegie Vanguard employee that has gone above and beyond? Do you want to honor someone at CVHS for their stellar service? Nominate that CVHS employee by filling out the form here.
Friends and Family Campaign Donors

Thank you to all who have contributed to our 2015-2016  Friends and Family Campaign.  Together we have raised over $11,000 to date, and are well on our way to our goal of $40,000.  
Still want to contribute?  Click here!

Carnegie Champions
Laurel, Cole and Steve Agris
Madhavi and Darshan Anandu
Yu Yuan Chen and Hong Ngo
The Jiang Family
The Redding Family
Jeffrey and Elizabeth Spike
John and Denise Stoneburner
Principal's Circle
Joan and Deepak Khosla
 Maneesha Sharm and Manoj Devashish

Courtyard Cadre
The Bailey Family
The Clavijo Family
Laura Dew and Paul Revilla
The Hussein Family
Kilby Hoskins and Paolo Passaro
Patrick and Katie Hwu
Joyce and Steve Sandweiss
Craig Vollmers and Katherine Timmins-Vollmers
Balcony Bunch
Kansara and Rupal Dushyant
Hilda and Brian Hendrix
Andrew and Maria Keene
Allison and Mark Levine
The Ma Family
Goroh and Jo Ann Numata
The Odegard Family
The Bruce Smith Family
Joan and Drake Terrell
The Tetzlaff Family
 Maria and Theodore Yang

Green Roof Gang
Erin and Martin Brau
John and Anne Cheek
Thu Hang Dao-Jeanjean
Lynne and Roger Goddard
Robert and Julie Goodfriend
Theresa Gregory and Martin Hajovsky
Yoginder and Anshu Kak
Lawler-Kelly Family
The Maislin Family
Allison McLean
Susana Monteverde and William Grimsinger
Colleen Morris and Douglas Coleman
The Parris Family
Heather and Ari Purcell
The Registe Family
The Rice Family
The Sezin Family
Beth Ann Volz
Catherine and Patrick Waites
Cathy  and Ronnie Winter
Jun Yun and Yaquin Bao

Upcoming Events

Oct. 29
HISD magnet tour 1 p.m.

Oct. 30
Fall Fest, 4 p.m. 
Theatre Department production of "Frankenstein" 7 p.m.

Oct. 31
Theatre Department production of "Frankenstein" 7 p.m.

Nov. 2 
Picture retake day 

Nov. 13
Fourth Annual International Festival, after school

Nov. 25-29
Thanksgiving break