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In the News
This month the Opportunity Collaborative published Baltimore's first ever Regional Plan for Sustainable Development. This bold plan addressing housing, transportation, and workforce investment was created through a three year collaboration between public and non-profit partners. Now it's up to us to determine how we can help further the goals that the RPSD puts forth for our communities. Find out more here.
Upcoming Events

You can find St. Ambrose staff and services at the following events:
July 11th 10-3pm: Mondawmin Mall Resource Fair
August 4th 3-8pm: National Night Out  at Calvert Street Park
Help us Recruit!
St. Ambrose is looking for single parents with a child to participate in a Homesharing expansion program. Homesharing is an affordable rental option in a supportive environment. If you, or someone you know wants to try Homesharing 
call: 410-366-6180 
We would like to thank the following organizations:

Maryland Legal Services Corporation

Bank of America

There is no us without YOU!
321 E. 25th Street
Baltimore, MD 21218

June 23, 2015
St. Ambrose Staff  Celebrate NeighborWorks Week

Here at St. Ambrose, June means NeighborWorks Week and National Home Ownership Month! In this newsletter you'll find our tribute to both: 

Talk to St. Ambrose: From the Blog
Joseph Butler recently purchased a newly renovated home from St. Ambrose in the Belair-Edison neighborhood. Fifty-seven years old and a first time home buyer, Butler said that he was looking ahead to retirement and wanted something to call his own, "anyone can own a car, but a home- that's something special." Read more.
St. Ambrose Volunteers for YouthWorks
This June St. Ambrose 
celebrated NeighborWorks Week alongside 250 other community organizations across the country. We teamed up with NHS of Baltimore to volunteer hours at the YouthWorks office in the Mayor's Office of Employment Development. Staff members stuffed envelopes, put training packets together, made copies, and did filing to help lighten the load for the hardworking folks at YouthWorks. With a goal of placing an unprecedented 8,000 youth in summer jobs, YouthWorks was happy for some extra hands, and St. Ambrose staff enjoyed the chance to help our neighbor. Our contributions helped YouthWorks place 4,700 youth in summer jobs (only 3,300 to go!). 
Workshop Opportunity