Feminist Women's Health Center
Feminist Advocacy Network (FAN) Alert

Thursday, January 29, 2015
FAN Alert: Let's Stop Georgia's License to Discriminate Bills Before they Start!

Last year we fought a tough battle against the erroneously named "religious freedom bills," and we and the LGBTQ community won! We defeated the bills that would open the floodgates of discrimination and harm everyday Georgians. Unfortunately, once again Pandora's box has been opened. 


Representative Sam Teasley's Preventing Government Overreach on Religious Expression Act (HB 29) gives businesses another avenue to deny essential health benefits to employees, like birth control, emergency contraception, in vitro fertilization, and other reproductive health services. Sounds a lot like Hobby Lobby, right? We oppose any legislation that allows businesses to interfere in their employees' health care decisions.


Senator Josh McKoon is re-introducing his Preservation of Religious Freedom Act. We are waiting to analyze the exact language of the bill, but we expect that it will provide a broad platform for individuals and businesses to discriminate against LGBTQ folks and refuse services to others. In a state where many Georgians, rural Georgians in particular, already struggle to access health care, many will have no recourse if their pharmacist refuses to fill their birth control prescription or their doctor opposes the use of IUDs on religious grounds. 


McKoon and Teasley are refusing to add any exceptions to this law, refusing to acknowledge the discriminatory consequences it will have for women and LGBTQ folks, and refusing to hear reason. But that won't stop us from making ourselves heard.

We are joining with other organizations, businesses, and individuals who don't believe this kind of blatant discrimination belongs in Georgia. You can find out more at Georgia Unites Against Discrimination, where you can sign their petition "urging Georgia lawmakers to reject this harmful, ill-conceived legislation" and stay up to date on actions related to this bad bill.


Thank you for being a part of our FAN network and a part of the movement. Stay tuned for updates and alerts! 

For more information, email Kwajelyn or Molly or call us at 404.248.5445.

Until Justice!

The Feminist Women's Health Center

Voice Beyond Choice Advocacy Program Team



Help us put the ACT in Activism!


Religious Refusal Bills mean Real Harm for Real Georgians 

Bills like these allow individuals, and potentially corporations, to simply ignore any law they deem to be in conflict with their religious beliefs. This has already happened in several other states, causing problems related to:

-Reproductive Justice
-Health Care access
-Child Welfare
-Domestic Violence
-Public Safety
-LGBTQ People
-State & Local Government


With your help, we are confident that we can defeat this legislation again!


RFRA is not good for Reproductive Health, 
Georgia Businesses, or Georgia Families!

You can like Georgia Unites Against Discrimination on Facebook or follow them on Twitter for more updates and ways to help!

Join us for our next Advocacy Day

on Tuesday, February 24th, 2015 at 9am

9am - 1pm on Tuesday, February 24th, 2015
And Every 4th Tuesday throughout the 2015 Legislative session.


Coverdell Legislative Office Building, Room 328
18 Capitol Square SW, Atlanta, GA 30334

Please bring a Picture ID and dress in business attire. Training and light breakfast will be provided from 9-10am. Please RSVP online or contact us at 404.248.5445.  Directions can be found on our website. 

Thank you for helping us protect reproductive health, rights and justice in Georgia!