Feminist Women's Health Center
Feminist Advocacy Network (FAN) Alert
Monday, March 3, 2014  - Part 2 
F.A.N. ALERT:  Keep SB 377 off the Senate Floor for a Vote  



If you opened our Alert earlier today, you know today is Cross-over Day, the last day that legislation can be passed to "crossover" to the other chamber. There is immense pressure right now to the Lt. Governor's Office urging him to give SB 377 a vote. Please read this AJC article for an update. 


In an effort to get this alert out quickly, we are including information from our partner, Georgia Equality.  


Many of you have been unable to get through to Lt. Gov. Cagle's office due to the high volumn of calls.  Please do still attempt to call but if you are unable to get through, take action by sending an email message using the link below. 

We must continue to have our voices heard. Call the Lt. Governor's office RIGHT NOW and tell him that you oppose SB 377 (Religious Discrimination Act) and he should adhere to the rules of the Senate and keep SB 377 off the floor.  Be respectful but urgent.    
Lt. Governor Casey Cagle:
(404) 656-5030



Until Justice,  
Janelle & Kwajelyn  

Feminist Women's Health Center's  

Advocacy Team  


For more info, please email Kwajelyn or  Janelle or call us at (404) 248-5445.




SB 377:  


We value the rights of individuals to exercise their religious freedom, free from discrimination.  However, this bill is even more alarming -- it would allow corporations to claim religious objections to discriminate against and deny  health care to large numbers of Georgians.

Stop SB 377. 


Check out the PolitiFacts of Senator Josh McKoon's (sponsor) statements on SB 377, where he outlines his intentions of the bill to impact women's access to reproductive health services.