Feminist Women's Health Center
Feminist Advocacy Network (FAN) Alert
Please don't delay -- this is the last day of session. 
Thursday, March 28, 2013
URGENT F.A.N. ALERT:   Calls Needed Today - Stop Senate Amendments to HB246 Restricting 
State Employees' Abortion Coverage

Dear , 
Today is the last day of the legislative session -- please keep calling the Speaker and also now -- call Governor Deal -- details below. 

On Monday, the Georgia State Senate passed amendments on HB 246 which would ban insurance coverage of abortion for state employees
This amendment is patently unfair to the 650,000+ people covered by the state health benefit plan. To tack it on to a completely unrelated bill without giving the proper hearing and consideration is unfair to the individuals who will be affected by this amendment. To strip benefits from state employees is a serious consideration, and to do so without public input and a fair hearing is just plain wrong. 

We need your help with this action now -
this vote can be called up at any time on Sine Die, the last day of the session.
Please contact Governor Deal and House Speaker Ralston with this message: "Don't put the Senate amendments on HB 246 on the House floor - don't rush this through! Women deserve at least for a bill of this magnitude to pass through the committee process. "   
For more information or questions, please feel free to email Betty or Janelle or call us at 404.248.5445.

Please don't delay -- help us stop this last minute attack.  Your voice and action are vital.

Until Justice!

The Feminist Women's Health Center

Voice Beyond Choice Advocacy Program Team



Restricting coverage for safe, common, and sometimes critical care denies employees and their families the comprehensive coverage they need and exposes them to unanticipated additional costs.

There wasn't a hearing -- no women or families affected are allowed to testify to its effects.  This is simply deplorable to the 650,000+ people covered by the state health benefit plan.
Legislators need to stop picking on women and thinking that they can cherry-pick health care services for women banning abortion coverage regardless of personal situations, forcing her to pay out of pocket for healthcare that is covered in the private market.

Call the Governor and the Speaker to let them know we have had enough!
URGENT Action:
Call Speaker Ralston at 404-656-5020 and Governor Deal at 404-656-1776
with this message: 
Don't put the Senate amendments on HB 246 on the House floor!  Don't rush this through!  Women deserve at least for a bill of this magnitude to pass through the committee process."