Discount Gold and Silver Trading

American Survival Newsletter:
Combining the World of Finance, Health & Politics

American Gold

A weekly newsletter brought to you by
Discount Gold & Silver 800-375-4188
Edited by Alfred Adask
Friday, August 14, AD 2015
Between Friday, August 7AD 2015 and 
Friday, August 14, AD 2015, the bid prices for:

Gold rose 1.8 % from $1,093.80 to $1,113.70
Silver rose 3.0 % from $14.81 to $15.25
Platinum rose 3.0 % from $961 to $990
Palladium rose3.0 % from $599 to $617
Crude Oil fell 3.8 % from $43.82 to $42.14
DJIA rose 0.6 % from 17,373.38 to 17,477.40
NASDAQ rose 0.1 % from 5,043.54 to 5,048.23
NYSE rose 0.2 % from 10,763.20 to 10,782.20
US Dollar Index fell1.1 % from 97.56 to 96.47

"Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold
if the market shut down for 10 years." --Warren Buffett 

"If the markets shut down for 10 years, what investment would you dare to hold-- 
other than gold"? --Alfred Adask

'Tis an illiquidity that blows no good

by Alfred Adask

Financial and economic news increasingly report on the term "liquidity" and its antonyms "low liquidity" and "illiquidity".
For example, Business Insider ("This week's gold crash reminds us of a much scarier risk in the markets") warned that on Monday, July 20th,
". . . gold crashed by more than 3% in just a matter of seconds. . . . [E]xperts are still trying to come to a consensus over the cause of the stunning move. . . . But all of these theories are more or less tied to one theme . . .: low liquidity. . . .
"Current concerns in the financial markets center around the absence of liquidity and the effect it might have on future market prices," Janus' Bill Gross said in June.  "In 2008/2009, markets experienced not only a Minsky moment but a liquidity implosion . . . .
"Liquidity is a concept that is universal in the markets. And sometimes it will just vanish without warning. . . ."
"Low liquidity is bad almost any way you look at it."
OK, OK, OK-the concept of "liquidity" is "universal" and, like a magician's assistant, it can mysteriously vanish or appear at any moment.  "Low liquidity" is universally bad and therefore an "ill" liquidity-or, for short, "illiquidity". 
We get that. 
And we sure don't want another "liquidity implosion"-do we?
In fact, we're all united in our adamant opposition to "low liquidity"-but what th' heck is it that we're all opposed to?
What, exactly, do the terms "liquidity" and "illiquidity" mean?


*  The Telegraph quoted the IMF as defining liquidity as,
"The degree to which an asset or security can be bought or sold in the market without affecting the asset's price.  Liquidity is characterized by a high level of trading activity.  Assets that can be easily bought or sold are known as liquid assets."
Say whut?
I didn't quite get that.  The definition was a tad too professional for me.
*  Business Insider defined "liquidity" as follows:
"Broadly speaking, liquidity measures how easily traders and investors can buy and sell an asset in the market without seeing big price dislocations. When liquidity is low, selling can cause prices to plummet."
"Oaktree Capital's Howard Marks offered a . . .  philosophical definition: "The key criterion isn't 'can you sell it?' It's 'can you sell it at a price equal or close to the last price?'  For them [investments] to be truly liquid in this latter sense, one has to be able to move them promptly and without the imposition of a material discount."
"Deutsche Bank's Peter Hooper said, '. . . there is no single best metric for the level of liquidity in a market."
Maybe, "liquidity" is like obscenity:  economists can't exactly define it, but they know it when they see it. 
 "Not only is liquidity underappreciated, but it's also much more complex and nuanced than in the above definition."


Everyone seems to agree that low liquidity or "illiquidity" is a problem (even a threat), but there doesn't seem to be much agreement on what "liquidity" and its antithesis "illiquidity" really mean.
However, "in broad strokes," adequate liquidity describes market circumstances where sellers can:
1) Easily sell whatever investments they're holding; and
2) Not cause the price of their investment to fall as a consequence of the sale.
As an hypothetical example, suppose I owned $1 million in GM stock and I wanted to sell it.  In a highly liquid market, I could "easily sell" my stock for the full price (more or less the $1 million I'd invested in GM)-and, the stock's market price would stay at $1 million.  
But if the market was illiquid, I'd have a hard time finding a buyer at any price, and when I found one, he'd want a significant discount.  I.e., he might offer me only $800,000 for my $1 million in stock.  Illiquidity would cause me to suffer a big loss.
More, illiquidity is contagious.  If I accepted that $800,000 offer in a low liquidity market, the stock's former price of $1 million could "officially" fall to $800,000 for all subsequent sales of that stock.  Thus, in an illiquid market, if I accepted $800,000 for my $1 million investment, and if you'd also invested $1 million in GM and wanted to sell, you would also have to accept the $800,000 price (and $200,000 loss) that I'd previously accepted.  By accepting $800,000 I could have caused the market price to fall by 20%.
Worse, if low liquidity persisted, the next guy who tried to sell what had formerly been $1 million worth of stock, might only hope to sell at $800,000.  When he tried to sell, the few buyers who'd consider his offer might refuse to pay more than $600,000.  (That's a 40% loss.)
Being contagious, illiquidity can not only cause dramatic price declines, it can thereby precipitate panic among those still holding the GM stock.  When the price is falling dramatically, everyone will want to sell.  Almost no one will buy.  The last guy to sell his $1 million in GM stock might be lucky to get $100,000. 
It's not so hard to provide a description of how illiquidity operates, but we still don't have a workable definition.

Meet the PPT

The "Plunge Protection Team" (PPT; Working Group on Financial Markets) was created during the Reagan administration to protect the markets against the dangers of illiquidity
During a period of illiquidity, if market prices started to fall, no one would be willing to buy at or near current prices and market prices would tend to "plunge" further towards annihilation.  To stop such sudden and catastrophic episodes of illiquidity, the Plunge Protection Team (PPT) would enter the market and start purchasing the falling stocks with government funds.  By purchasing the falling stocks, they'd provide liquidity (it would be easy to sell stocks without causing further prices declines) and stop the panic.
During the A.D. 2007-2009 Great Recession, the Federal Reserve stepped into falling markets to purchase "toxic assets" at full face value and thereby prevent the prices of those stocks or bonds from crashing.  By making it "easy" for investors to sell (dump) their "toxic assets," the Fed provided market liquidity that prevented the markets from remaining illiquid and crashing.
The concept of government providing "liquidity" is a great idea. Investors are thereby protected from catastrophic crashes that almost totally destroy investments' value. The PPT acts as the markets' insurance agent.  They virtually "guarantee" that investors can't lose everything during a market decline.
*  However, there's a problem.  By establishing the PPT in A.D. 1988 (when the DJIA was about 2,100 points), the government created an artificial support for the markets. That support removed much of the risk in investing by implicitly guaranteeing that the markets could not fall significantly. 
As seen in the market crash of A.D.2007-2008, that "guarantee" hasn't been foolproof. 
Still, given the PPT's and the government's determination to provide market liquidity, we're left to wonder how much of today's 17,000 points in the DJIA is real (due to free market fundamentals) and how much is illusory and due to market manipulation (artificial support) by the government, Fed and/or PPT. 
The DJIA is up about 15,000 points since the creation of the PPT.  How much of that 15,000-point gain would've taken place without the PPT?   Without the PPT's 27 years of protection against market illiquidity and market price crashes, would a truly "free" (unmanipulated) DJIA still be 17,000?  Or would it be 8,000?  Or, maybe, 5,000?
So long as the PPT is on guard, stocks can't (usually) fall. The inability to fall can be expected to have caused stocks to rise irrationally.  From that perspective, government's guaranteed liquidity programs provide artificially, irrationally high market prices. 
Over-priced stocks are a hallmark of investment "bubbles". 
Government's and the PPT's effort to inject artificial liquidity into the markets result in large, perhaps massive, "bubbles".
Illiquidity, on the other hand, pops bubbles and pushes market prices down from artificial highs to levels that may be at or even below, rational free-market prices. 
From this perspective, maybe it's not true that ""Low liquidity is bad almost any way you look at it."
Maybe illiquidity sometimes pushes us back towards reality and truth
*  In October, A.D. 2007, the DJIA peaked at 14,198.  By March, A.D. 2009, the DJIA had lost 54% of its value and hit a market low of 6,443.  That's evidence of illiquidity.  But, was that fall completely irrational?  Or did it reflect the fact that the markets had been irrationally supported by the PPT for the previous 20 years and, as a result, the 14,000 Dow was 54% higher than fundamentals and the free market could justify?
Did 20 years of "Plunge Protection" protect us from a score of free-market mini-crashes that might've held Dow down around 7,000?  Did the Dow therefore rise artificially to 14,000?  Did the weight of all the mini-plunges that had been prevented by the PPT "accumulate" until they broke loose in a major crash in 2007-2009? 
Since A.D. 2008, the Federal Reserve has injected over $3 trillion into US banks. It's called Quantitative Easing (QE).  It's fairly common knowledge that most of that $3 trillion has gone into the stock markets.  That $3 trillion has guaranteed market liquidity and pushed the Dow up from 6,443 to over 18,000. 
How much of that 11,000 point rise was real and due to an economic "recovery"? 
How much was illusory and based only on the PPT's and Fed's proviso of artificial liquidity where it might not otherwise exist?
*  Can our central planners "fool Mother Nature" indefinitely by injecting unlimited, artificial liquidity into the markets?  The central planners act as if the answer is Yes. 
But, isn't it obvious that there must be an objective limit to how large our liquidity "bubbles" can grow before they pop?
When the liquidity "bubble" inevitably pops, will that be a bad thing?  Lots of investors will scream as they watch their "fortunes" disappear.  But, did they really have a "fortune"?  Or did they only have a paper illusion that was provided courtesy of the PPT's and government's promise that there'd always be market liquidity and so the market prices would always rise?
Illusions are lies.  Destroying illusions may be painful, but is it wrong? 
Aren't we all better off if we return to some semblance of truth?

Ask a silly question

We've seen some examples, descriptions and consequence of "liquidity" and "illiquidity".  We've even seen some definitions that may be technically correct, but still seem hard to understand.
So, let's see if I can provide working definitions of "liquidity" and "illiquidity" that might not be precisely accurate, but might still be useful.
The best way to find out what something mysterious is or means is to ask questions.  If you can frame and then answer the right questions, they'll tend to lead you, step-by-step, to a workable explanation or definition.
For example, as Business Insider opined, the most accurate definition of "illiquidity" may be too highly "complex and nuanced" to ever be truly understood by the great unwashed.  But, for a simple country boy like me, a few questions can push us towards a fairly understandable and workable definition. 
Let's start with Business Insiders' "broad" definition of "liquidity" as a premise and see if we can pick it apart with some questions:
"Broadly speaking, liquidity measures how easily traders and investors can buy and sell an asset in the market without seeing big price dislocations.  When liquidity is low, selling can cause prices to plummet."
Q:  Why can't people easily sell their investments during a time of "low liquidity"? 
A:  Because the potential buyers prefer to hold their cash rather than buy that particular investment.
Q:  Why do potential buyers prefer to hold their cash?
A:  Because the value and purchasing power of their cash is rising.
Q:  Is there a commonly-understood, economic term that signifies circumstances when the purchasing power of cash is rising?
A:  Yes-"deflation".
Implication:  "Low liquidity" and "illiquidity" are simply esoteric terms used to describe periods of deflation.
"Deflation" is usually a characteristic of an economic downturn, recession or, especially, a depression
It follows that periods of "illiquidity" are consistent with deflation and economic depression.
Q:  Are brokers and economists going out of their way to provide multiple and esoteric definitions of "illiquidity" because the concept is so complex, subtle and confusing?
A:  I doubt it.  I suspect that the absence of a single, clear definition of those terms is evidence taht brokers and economists provide confusing and imprecise definitions of "illiquidity" to avoid saying the "D-words":  "deflation" and, by implication, "depression".
So long as the definitions of "low liquidity" and "illiquidity" are "complex and nuanced," they're unlikely to be understood by 99% of the American people.  So long as the majority don't understand those words' meanings, use of those words is unlikely to cause much panic.
If the public understood that "illiquidity" simply meant or implied "deflation" (and "deflation" was a hallmark of economic depression), every time the central planners said "Illiquidity," the public would be more likely to panic, sell their stocks, and collapse the markets.  
*  Economist's use of words like "illiquidity" reminds me of parents in the 1950s who spoke in "pig Latin" to prevent their kids from knowing what Mom and Dad were up to.  "Pig Latin" was achieved by moving the first letter of a word to the end of the word and attaching the "ay" sound.  For example, the word "dad" became "ad-day"; the world "mom" became "om-may".  Parents might ask each other, "Ow-hay . . . oon-say . . . an-cay . . . e-way . . . ut-pay . . . e-thay . . . ittle-lay . . . onsters-may . . . o-tay . . . ed-bay?"  The kids wouldn't understand and start whining about going to bed.
Similarly, today's brokers and economists don't want to scare the kids (investors) by saying the dreaded "D-words" 'cuz that might sap investor "confidence".  Sapping confidence is bad for "bidness".  Therefore, brokers and economists instead use the "pig Latin" of economics to talk about "iquidity-lay". 

My definitions

It may be true that professional definitions of "liquidity" and "illiquidity" are far more "complex and nuanced" than the ones I'm offering.  Still, it's also true that, in broad strokes, my definitions seem relatively simple (perhaps oversimplified) but understandable and workable:
"Liquidity" implies a period of inflation when prices are rising, dollars are losing value and people are happy to spend their cash on investments that will protect their wealth from inflation.  If the price of a new Cadillac is $50,000 today and likely to rise to $60,000 in the next quarter, you'd better buy that car now.  That's inflation.  That's liquidity.  For most practical purposes, "liquidity" means "inflation".
"Illiquidity" corresponds to a period of deflation when prices are falling, dollars are gaining value, and people therefore refuse to spend them on investments that will expose their wealth to deflationary losses.  If the price of a new Cadillac is $50,000 today and likely to fall to $40,000 in the next quarter, you'd better hang onto your cash and postpone buying for a while.  That's deflation.  That's illiquidity.  For most practical purposes, "illiquidity" merely means "deflation".
What's in a name, hmm? 
While "deflation" might cause panic, its apparent synonym-"illiquidity"-might not. 
Q:  Was "pig Latin" invented by an economist?  Or was it a lawyer?
A:  Hard to say.
Q:  Are there any economic fundamentals--or is it all just word games?
A:  There are fundamentals that are powerful, irresistible and inevitable-but they're obscured by the economists' and government's word games and won't be manifest until the word games have been exposed and defeated.
Q:  Is "illiquidity" bad?
A:  It might be painful, but it's not necessarily bad if you like free markets and truth.
A Death Cross, Wild Market Swings And A Currency War - And We Haven't Even Gotten To September Yet

 By Michael Snyder, on August 12th, 2015
Things continue to line up in textbook fashion for a major financial crisis by the end of 2015.  This week, Wall Street has been buzzing about the first "death cross" that we have seen for the Dow since 2011.  When the 50-day moving average moves below the 200-day moving average, that is a very important psychological moment for the market.  And just like during the run up to the stock market crash of 2008, we are starting to witness lots of wild swings up and down.  The Dow was up more than 200 points on Monday, the Dow was down more than 200 points on Tuesday, and it took a nearly 700 point roundtrip on Wednesday.  This is exactly the type of behavior that we would expect to see during the weeks or months leading up to a crash.  As any good sailor will tell you, when the waters start getting very choppy that is not a good sign.  Of course what China is doing is certainly not helping matters.  On Wednesday, the Chinese devalued the yuan for a second day in a row, and many believe that a new "currency war" has now begun.
So what does all of this mean?
Does this mean that the time of financial "shaking" has now arrived?
Let's start with what is happening to the Dow.  When the 50-day moving average crosses over the 200-day moving average, it is a very powerful signal.  For example, as Business Insider has pointed out, if you would have got into stocks when the 50-day moving average moved above the 200-day moving average in December 2011, you would have experienced a gain of 43 percent by now...
The Dow Jones Industrial Average has been on an unrelenting upward trajectory since its October 2011 low.
The signal that convinced many traders that the market was now moving with a bullish bias was when the 50-day moving average of the index price rose above the 200-day moving average a couple of months later at the end of December.
Since then the market rallied 6,200 points to a high of 18,333 before pulling back to last night's close of 17,404. That's a gain of around 43% even though the market is 5% off its high.
But now a cross is happening in the other direction.  That is why it is called a "death cross".  It is quite understandable why a lot of investors are freaking out about the fact that the 50-day moving average has moved below the 200-day moving average for the first time in four years.  Every major stock market in history has been preceded by a death cross.
Of course no indicator is perfect.  Sometimes these death crosses come just before market crashes, and other times nothing much seems to happen.  The following comes from MarketWatch...
The 50-day moving average (or "MA") crossed below a rising 200-day MA on July 7, 2010, when the Dow closed at 10,018.28. The Dow's closing low for 2010 was actually hit two sessions earlier, at 9,686.48.
But the Dow fell another 5.9% over six weeks after the Aug. 24, 2011 death cross, and tumbled as much as 50% over 14 months after the one appearing on Jan. 3, 2008.
And keep in mind that when the January 2008 death cross appeared, the Dow had lost just 7.8% from its Oct. 9, 2007 peak. That means the bull market was still firmly in place, as the rule of thumb is a bear market is defined by a decline of at least 20% from a significant peak. In addition, the 200-day moving average didn't turn lower until two weeks after the death cross appeared.
But this is not the only indicator pointing to trouble ahead.  Even while we have many stocks hitting 52-week highs, we also have an extraordinary number hitting 52-week lows.  This is called a "split market", and this is a very ominous sign.  In fact, according to Peter Boockvar 62 percent of all stocks on the New York Stock Exchange are already trading below their 200-day moving average...
Peter Boockvar, market strategist at Lindsey Group, said he believes the market is in a correction that began a few weeks ago, starting with commodities names getting hit. The small-cap Russell 2000 was also a leader of the declines. "The key is it's infecting other areas of the market. You have every headwind and every reason to continue this correction," he said.
"Going into today, 62 percent of the NYSE stocks were trading below the 200-day moving average," said Boockvar. "More and more companies are dropping out of the bull market."
At this point, we have already had more than 50 "split days" this year.  King World News has just released an article which has pointed out this has only happened four times before, and a major stock market crash has followed each occurrence...
The only other times in history we've seen more than 50 split days during the past year were March 1968, August 1972, October 2000 and July 2006.
After all four of those, stocks lost more than a third of their value at some point during the next two years.
Are you starting to see?
A stock market crash is coming.
Another thing that has investors concerned is the fact that we have seen a large divergence between high yield credit and stocks.  As Bloomberg has pointed out, when this happens a significant stock market decline follows more than 70 percent of the time...
While not without precedent, instances when anxiety in bonds didn't seep into equities are rare. More than 70 percent of the time since 1996, as spreads widened as much as they have since April, the S&P 500 has fallen, with the average decline exceeding 10 percent, data compiled by Bloomberg show.
"This is something that sooner or later is going to impact the stock market," said Russ Koesterich, global chief investment strategist at New York-based BlackRock Inc., which oversees $4.7 trillion. "Credit market conditions have not been benign and easy as where they were last summer."
On top of everything else, it looks like a global currency war could be erupting.
According to USA Today, this desperate move by China to devalue the yuan may indicate that the Chinese economy is in far worse shape than most had thought...
One, China's move suggests that its economy is in worst shape than believed. "It highlights the fragility of the global economy," says Donald Luskin, chief investment officer at TrendMacro. Second, a weaker yuan means a stronger dollar, and a stronger dollar means U.S. products sold in China are more expensive, which means fewer sales of Apple iPhones, hotel rooms offered by Wynn Resorts and computer chips made by Micron Technology.
Lastly, there is a fear that other nations will respond to China by devaluing their own currencies to stay competitive.
"When people start talking about 'currency wars,' it's never a good thing," says Michael Farr, president of money-management firm Farr, Miller & Washington. "China's move to devalue its currency could be the first shot across the bow towards a wider currency war."
As I discussed yesterday, it seems like the phrase "currency war" has been thrown around a lot lately.
But what would that look like, and what would that mean for the global economy?
Well, former IMF economist Stephen Jen is suggesting that we could soon see major currencies all over the planet being devalued by up to 50 percent...
[The] devaluation of the yuan risks a new round of competitive easing that may send currencies from Brazil's real to Indonesia's rupiah tumbling by an average 30 percent to 50 percent in the next nine months, according to investor and former International Monetary Fund economist Stephen Jen.
Volatility measures were already signaling rising distress in emerging markets even before China's shock move. An index of anticipated price swings climbed above a rich-world gauge at the end of July, reversing the trend seen for most of the past six months.
The surging U.S. dollar combined with crashing prices for commodity exports has already created a state of crisis in South America.  If emerging markets such as Brazil are forced to devalue their currencies to stay competitive with nations such as China, that is going to just exacerbate the problems.
For a long time, things in the financial world were pretty quiet.
But now events are beginning to accelerate.
A lot of people are extremely concerned about what is going to happen in September, and I think that there are very good reasons to be concerned.
Throughout our history, the majority of our stock market crashes have happened in the fall.  Just remember what happened in 1929, 1987 and 2008.
Now we are approaching that time of the year once again, and things are lining up perfectly for a major financial crisis.
Phyto Power
by Herbalist Wendy Wilson

Most of us have some basic understanding of nutrition and in particular the role of protein, carbohydrates and fats in foods. People usually don't hear that much about the phytonutrients in our foods and herbs unless they study nutrition or receive an informative newsletter such as Health Quest. So, why do we need phytonutrients and what do they do for our health? Let's take a look.
Phytonutrients are found in plants and are chemicals which have few or no calories. If you want your body to receive vital amounts of these organic plant chemicals we have to eat plants. The phytonutrition in plants is essential if we expect our immune system to be healthy and working to fight off or prevent disease.
More medical research is being dedicated to the essential role phytonutrients play in keeping us healthy. One important discovery was made that these chemicals in plants offer us anti-mutagentic and free-radical protection. This is impressive especially when you also conclude that phytonutrients also empower the immune system function. Research tells us that our phytonutrient-rich plants contain anti-oxidants, plant sterols, tannins, pectin, cellulose, mucilage, acids, enzymes, non-starch carbohydrates and lecithin.
When you ingest phytonutrients from plants and their anti-oxidants you make it harder for disease such as cancer to take hold. The anti-oxidants inhibit the cell mutations caused by free- radicals to develop and you can prevent cancer. Your cells have receptors and free-radicals can damage the receptors and the cell's DNA. The anti-oxidants in plants bind to the cell receptors and block the mutation. An additional benefit is if you already have free-radical damage and cell DNA mutation occurring, the anti-oxidants can reverse this damage. Here are some names of anti-oxidants; flavoinoids, anthocyanins and poly-phenolic. Organic fruits, vegetables and herbs will have phytonutrients like this with plenty of anti-oxidants such as:
carotene foods (carrots, spinach, oregano)
lycopene foods (tomatoes, grapefruit, watermelon)
resveratrol foods (grapes, berries, peanuts)
anthocyanin foods (broccoli, kale)
Vitamin A, E and C anti-oxidants in large amounts (herbs, vegetables and fruit)
The sterols in phytonutrient plants block absorption of too much cholesterol and assist the glands, with respect of testosterone especially with regard to the prostate. For women the sterols can help reduce the risk of breast, uterine and ovarian cancers. The pectin, tannins, mucilage and fibers in the plants also improve colon transit time and help prevent the re-absorption of toxins and the likelihood of colon cancer. This works by protecting the mucous membranes and reduces the risk of cancer.
Let's take a look at a few herbs rich in phytonutrients.
Dandelion root has an abundance of antioxidants. It is known to be a natural laxative and has been used for weight loss and for managing cholesterol in blood. The bitter compounds are the chemicals with the most action in the body. Bitter compounds move body fluids such as bile. Dandelion has sufficient vitamin A (338% RDA per dose) to improve the condition of eyes, skin and mucous membranes. Research has supported dandelion's ability to ward off cancer due to its vitamin rich sources especially vitamin D. It is also rich in minerals to help with blood pressure and the manufacturing of healthy blood cells, which is why it is beneficial for cancer such as leukemia. Dandelion also contains manganese which is used in the body to foster antioxidant enzyme action (superoxide dismutase). Dandelion has vitamin C & E offering more antioxidant power to defeat cancer. The extra benefit is dandelion also has vitamin K (650% RDA) to protect bones from osteoporosis and help with dementia and Alzheimer's. Some other nutrients in dandelion are vitamin B6, B3, iron and calcium. Not bad for a backyard weed.
Thyme leaf is well known for its disease-fighting capabilities. It contains oils called thymol which is scientifically proven to work as an antiseptic and anti-fungal agent. In addition, it also contains phenolic antioxidants with high antioxidant action. You will find an abundance of vitamins and minerals in thyme leaf essential to support body fluids, heart rate and blood pressure. The iron in thyme helps support healthy red blood cells. Other nutrients are vitamin B complex, beta carotene, vitamin A, K, C and folic acid all help to ward off infections. The phytonutrients in thyme have been used for hundreds of years to fight TB and whooping cough. There have been reports suggesting the cancer is a fungus. I would not hesitate to use dandelion, thyme and garlic for a deeper anti-cancer defense.
Ginger root is another herb rich in phytonutrients and is known for its anti-inflammatory and pain-fighting action. Ginger offers key nutrition for better health such as; vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and B5 (pantothenic acid). Other nutrition in ginger such as copper, potassium and magnesium help the body have strong cells with balanced fluids. Ginger also offers antibacterial action as well as gastrointestinal analgesics. It reduces inflammation, soothes tissue and calms nerve endings.
Peppermint leaf is more than just menthol. It is a well known analgesic (painkiller) and local anesthetic. The compounds offer a cool sensation as the oils offer cold-sensitive receptors a stimulant when applied to skin, mouth or throat.  Scientific research shows that the compounds in peppermint relax intestinal walls and sphincter muscles and works like an anti-spasmodic. This explains why it is beneficial for those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Peppermint has antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins such as B6 and minerals such as calcium. If you are looking for a source of vitamin K there is nothing better than natural peppermint. 
Science is aware that with the right phytonutrients you can extend your life. Keep in mind that natural phytonutrients in plants are whole-based compounds working together when they are not isolated. Beware of nutraceuticals which are either isolated compounds or synthetic copycats.
Pharmaceutical companies are investing heavily in the supplement market but they are not interested in providing the nutrition the body is starving for. They employ plant profilers to dissect the plant compounds and list them in what are called monographs. These compounds make the pharmaceutical companies more money when they are synthetically manufactured. Many times you will see product labels listing the plant compounds as "bio-active", which means a compound that is found in plants but may not be organic. You should also be aware that the integrative medicine area relies heavily on the Natural Standard authority, which are a group of plant profilers working for the pharmaceutical industry. It has never been the aim of the pharmaceutical industry to offer whole-food medicine because you already have that in foods and herbs. Therefore their goal is to isolate plant compounds, find the therapeutic effect and take that part to make a product. This enables them to make a drug from these compounds or to rewrite the standard on what these compounds should be and in what form. It is the aim of this industry to isolate the complex phytonutrients in plants and herbs and sell them back to various industries so they can reassemble them to comply with their industry standard. This is truly an insane notion and will pass the expense of this process onto the consumer.
It is truly a shame that parts of the world have been standardized by powerful industries and stripped of their God-given right to organic, whole-food phytonutrient plants and products. If you live in the European Union you can't touch a majority of the herbs available in the US without doctor's permission. I get calls at Apothecary Herbs where people outside the US want to cleanse away toxins and improve immune function but can't find any products where they live. The American people are fortunate to be able to have the use herbs for improving and protecting their health. We need to defend this right and keep it from being turned into a privilege by authorities. Our Creator tells us that when a law is ungodly and tyrannical that we are not obligated to obey it. God is standing with you on that. Let's stand tall and demand all of our God-given rights and be well. For information or to order your phytonutrient-rich, organic, whole food herbal formulas call Apothecary Herbs 866-229-3663, International 704-885-0277, where your healthcare options just became endless.
Herbalist Wendy Wilson on Herb Talk Live
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7 am EST on GCN
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7 pm EST on AVR
Shortwave show 8 pm EST WWCR 4840
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 at Apothecary Herbs

MORE HERB SECRETS IN THE POWER HERBS e-BOOK. By popular demand The Power Herbs e-book is available with symptom/herb reference guide, information on organ cleansing and how to make your own herbal tinctures plus a whole lot more. You must have email to order and receive the e-book a PDF version of The Power Herb book for just $14.99. At this time, we do not offer this title in hard copy. The book is now available in KINDLE and IPAD formats. Select the book you need on the drop down.

Try Dandelion Root Tincture for inflammation, blood purification, respiratory infections, digestion and cancer protection at Apothecary Herbs 866-229-3663 
MALE & FEMALE ORGAN CLEANSES KITS - Don't give disease a foothold. You will have the power to cleanse the bowel, urinary, liver, gall bladder and blood system with this cleanse package. For added cleansing, ask about how you can upgrade your order to include the prostate cleanse for men or the Kidney/Bladder cleanse for females.  Go to or call their 24-hour live customer service line 866-229-3663, International 704-885-0277. 
The information contained herein is not designed to diagnosis, treat, prevent or cure disease. Seek medical advice from a lincensed medical physician (if you dare) before using any product or therapy. 
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