The Twentieth Sunday in Pentecost       
World Communion Sunday
  • 9:45 am - Weekly series "Dreaming The Church" with Rev. Dr. Brett Younger
  • 9:45 am - Children's Breakfast Club.  More info
  • 9:45 am - Children's Choir. More info
  • 11:00 am - Worship & Communion (Childcare every Sunday)
  • 11:00 am - Children's Sunday School
  • Following Worship - Fellowship Hour
  • 12:30 pm - Confirmation
  • 12:30 pm - Children's Choirs
  • 12:30 - 4pm - Underground Thrift Store

Sunday Notes

            The religious quest, the spiritual pilgrimage is always taking us into new lands where we are strange to others, and they are strange to us.  Faith is a venture into the unknown, into the realms of mystery, away from the safe and comfortable and secure.  When we remain in the security of family surroundings, we have no need of faith.  -Parker Palmer

11am Worship and Communion
Sermon    Luke 16:1-13 
"Taking Chances" 
Rev. Dr. Brett Younger, Senior Minister

The pita bread being served at communion is being made by the youth.

Brass last week, and timpani drums coming up this week.  The featured choir music will be African Mass by Norman Luboff celebrating the unity of Christians around the world.  The music is based on African drumming and worship traditions. 

Communion Offering / Plymouth Shelter
We give our time and talents as hosts of the shelter for 5 weeks.  Many are giving of their time by cooking awesome dinners and staying the night with our guests.  This communion offering defrays the direct costs of breakfast and basic supplies.  Even if you didn't get to sign up to help, you can stay connected with your talents.  Make your gift using the mission offering envelope on Sunday or make your gift online to the mission fund here.

Dreaming the Church @ 9:45 am
Join the more than 40 people who have participated in this adult series over the past two Sundays.  It is not necessary to have attended the first two parts.  No catch-up assignments.  Come, share and enjoy.  There is breakfast club for the children at the same time.  There really is something for everybody.
Celebrating Covenant and Installation

A picture is worth a thousand words.  Here are thousands of words in pictures from the Covenant and Installation Sunday.

Rev. Dr. Amy Butler delivered the sermon at the installation service. 
Listen to "You've Got Mail."
Read "You've Got Mail." 
Welcome Plymouth's New Assistant Minister
Welcome to Liz Coates

We are delighted that Elizabeth Coates has accepted our invitation to serve as Plymouth Church's Assistant Minister. Liz will be a great addition to our congregation. 
Liz loves the church, loves people, and makes good things happen. She is a genuine Christian who will help us be a more genuine church.
Liz's decision to be a part of Plymouth says good things about our congregation. We are blessed to share church with Liz.
Plymouth Community

Blessing of the Animals / Tuesday, October 4 @ 3:30 pm
An old tradition comes to PlymouthDon't miss it, and don't let your pets miss it either.  They'll love you even more for it.

Meet, Greet and Eat / October 15
Plymouth knows how to eat and Plymouth knows how to talk.  When we eat and talk at the same time, it's amazing.  We are looking for hosts and guests to participate in Plymouth's first "Meet, Greet, and Eat."  We will put together Plymouth members with common interests and backgrounds.  They will meet at the home of a Plymouth host where they will greet other members, engage in conversation and eat a meal with Plymouth friends (old and new).  Hosts can provide dinner or coordinate a potluck. 
RSVP here

Plymouth Church School 
Our school blog is up and running. The first post features our teachers, so you can learn a bit more about our wonderful teaching staff.  Check out our classroom blogs  

Get a fast pass to Plymouth Church School 
Plymouth members and siblings of present enrollees have a November 15 priority deadline to apply.  Here is one item to get checked on your to do list.  Get started with your application right here.

Catch the Underground on New Yorker Radio
On the New Yorker Radio Hour last week there was a story on the new-ish Colson Whitehead book on the Underground Railroad.  The interview gave a large shout out to Henry Ward Beecher and Plymouth Church.  The interview was recorded in Plymouth's underground (basement).  This episode is 12 minutes near the end of the hour.  You can catch the episode by visiting the website.  

Plymouth Shelter / September 25 - October 27  
Harvest Dinner - Get it on your calendar for November 5
Start dusting off your pie recipes and sharpening your peelers. We will have drinks and appetizers, a seasonal meal and our famous apple pie contest. It's a great time to catch up with old and new friends, introduce new friends to Plymouth and---eat pie!  Details to come, but mark your calendars now! Volunteers are needed. Contact Caroline Koster  at to volunteer to organize the drinks, the appetizer course, the pie contest, decorations or other tasks.
Plymouth Pulpit  - "In This Together"

Together we are Christ to one another.  Independence is empty.  We become God's people when we see that we are in this together.

Listen to Brett's "In This Together"
Read Brett's Sermon (printed copies are now available at Plymouth)
New Members to be Received

  At their September meeting, the Church Councl approved five people you probably know for membership. 

Brett, Carol, and Caleb Younger come as regular members from the Northside Drive Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia.  The Youngers have been a part of Plymouth since Brett became the Senior Minister on
June 1 this year. 

Jill and John Scibilia come as associate members.  They will maintain their membership with St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Manhattan, even as they serve with our congregation.  The Scibilias have been at Plymouth since  October 1, 2013 when John became our Executive Administrator.

These five will be received into the membership of the church on All Saints' Sunday, November 6. 

Consider joining these five.  On October 16 & 23 @ 9:45 am there will be Discover Plymouth sessions designed for those who have been at Plymouth and may be interested in membership.  The sessions are a dialogue and not talking heads handing out lots of papers.  Hattie Bollerman, Kate Kincaid, Greg Keilin and John Scibilia will host the sessions.  Want to learn or talk more?  Great.  Contact John Scibilia and get the conversation started.  
Good Stuff Coming Up

September 25 - October 27 / Plymouth Shelter 

October 4 / Blessing of the Animals (Sunday School and Church School)

October 9 @ 9:45am / "The Way We Worship" series begins

October 13 / Men's BBQ with shelter guests

October 16 & 23 @ 9:45am / Discovering Plymouth

October 21 @ 5:30pm / Children's Movie Night
Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown

November 5 - Family Day (Sunday School and Church School)
Yankee Fair is taking a break this year. 

November 5 - Harvest Dinner
In Case you Missed it
Check-Out our Kickin' Kickoff Sunday Pics

Imagine a Sunday offering of $25,000 (all cash, no plastic)?  That is today's value of the $900 raised at Plymouth on February 5, 1860 to liberate Pinky from slavery. There was also a gold ring in that same overflowing collection plate which was presented to Pinky by Rev. Beecher.  Learn more on our website and enjoy viewing "Pinky's Freedom Ring."  And, PS., you can see Pinky and her ring in the Plymouth arcade.

Plymouth Pulpit
You can always catch up on past Sunday sermons.  Available to hear or read at
About Us

Plymouth Church
75 Hicks St.
Brooklyn, New York 11201

A complete list of Council, Committee and Ministry members.