Eighteenth Sunday in Pentecost              
  • 9:45 am - Weekly series "Dreaming The Church" with Rev. Brett Younger
  • 9:45 am - Children's Breakfast Club.  More info
  • 9:45 am - Children's Choir. More info
  • 10:00 am - Brooklyn Delivers
  • 11:00 am - Worship (Childcare every Sunday)
  • 11:00 am - Children's Sunday School
  • Following Worship - Kickoff BBQ
  • 12:30 - 4pm - Underground Thrift Store
  • 2:00 pm - Brooklyn Interfaith Youth
Sunday Notes

Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?
 - Lucy Montgomery
"Starting Again"
Rev. Dr. Brett Younger, Senior Minister

And, the winner is?
Well, it's really not a contest to see whose salad dish is empty the quickest at the annual Kickoff Sunday BBQ this Sunday.  But, you could always claim bragging rights!  Get in the action.  Bring your most awesome salad or desert on Sunday and let the BBQ games begin.

Interfaith Youth Service Program  
Roll up your sleeves and join us! The Brooklyn Heights Interfaith Youth Service Program is an opportunity for young members  to perform community service.   
This Sunday we are painting outside areas near the Underground Thrift Shop, a ministry that benefits anti-slavery and human trafficking organizations.  Supplies and tools provided.  Snacks will be served (like, of course).  
Brooklyn Delivers
Brooklyn rocks, and so does Brooklyn Delivers, a grassroots project of Plymouth members.  They organize ordering, packing and delivering food to residents of the Baruch Houses on the Lower East Side.  Brooklyn Delivers depends on volunteers to help one Sunday a month.  It will only take a few minutes before church. 

September Mission Offering - Disaster Relief in Louisiana 
Matthew 25 Ministries (M25M) is delivering desperately needed aid to our neighbors in Louisiana who have lost homes.  Lets do our best so they don't lose hope and know they have friends.  Use the special envelope on Sunday or give online (Fund: Mission Offering).  
Dreaming the Church

The biggest issue facing our church is whether we will be content to be content or whether we will live with God's goodness. God's grace offers an agenda that will not let the church stand still...

Read Brett's Blog (and learn how it's not about Luxembourgers or Velcro) 
Plymouth Community

Plymouth Shelter / September 25 - October 27 
A guest commented last year, "This feels just like home."  And, for many nights in the fall Plymouth is home to a dozen men.  Help make them feel at home by lending a hand.
Volunteer cooks
Prepare a meal at home for our 12 guests and 2 overnight volunteers and deliver it to Plymouth by 7 p.m.  
Two overnight volunteers spend the night at the Shelter. Two people may sign up together or an individual will be paired with another volunteer.  Volunteers arrive at 7:00 pm and leave by 7:00 am in the morning. Each morning volunteers get the most sincere thank-yous.
Click here for more info and to sign up now as a cook or overnighter. Small acts of kindness do make big differences in the lives of our guests. 
National Association of Congregational Christian Churches (NACCC) 
Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts 
Scouting fills in the blanks they just don't teach in school. 

Boy Scout
Troop 815 begins meeting this fall on September 16 at St. Paul's on Court Street at 7:30 pm.  Interested boys can also register that evening.  Contact Tim Malefyt if you'd like more information. 

Girl Scouts are also active at Plymouth and Brooklyn Heights.
Click here for online info, or contact Joan Ventriglia at the Girl Scouts of Greater New York. 
Plymouth Pulpit  - "Another Day"
Feeling the frailty of our lives can help us hear God invite us to recognize that no day is to be taken for granted. We cannot be certain of tomorrow. We should be grateful for this day, for the opportunity to live in the goodness of God.
Listen to Brett's "Another Day"
Read Brett's Sermon (printed copies are now available at Plymouth)
Good Stuff Coming Up

September 15 / First Day of Plymouth Church School
September 16 / Sunday School Movie Nite @ 5:30 pm  Milo & Otis

September 25 Installation and Covenant Sunday
9:45 pm - Dreaming the Church continues
11 am  - Worship and Celebration of our Covenant
12:30 pm - Festive Brunch
2 pm - Service of Installation (Rev. Dr. Amy Butler, The Riverside Church, preaching) 

September 25 - October 27 / Plymouth Shelter 

 September 27 / Women's Book Club
In Case you Missed it
Where were you on 9/11?
There are events of great importance that we mark in our memories by remembering where we were when ...  Read John Scibilia's 9/11 blog

Plymouth Pulpit

You can always catch up on past Sunday sermons.  Available to hear or read at plymouthchurch.org/sermons.
In Memoriam
Dimitri "Coach" Gerou, long time friend of Plymouth, died this past Friday. Read about Dimitri here.

About Us

Plymouth Church
75 Hicks St.
Brooklyn, New York 11201

A complete list of Council, Committee and Ministry members.