Summer Sunday Worship begins at 10am
During the past week it has become clear that our country still has a long way to go.  We thought we were farther along.  Our hearts have been broken again ......We will not find easy answers, but ........
  Read Brett's Blog - "No Easy Answers"
Ninth Sunday in Pentecost              
  • 10:00 -- Worship  (Childcare every Sunday)
  • 10:00 --Children's Sunday School
  • Following Worship - Fellowship Hour
  • 11:30 -- History Tour
Sunday Notes:
The more passionate we are about our work, the more important it is to renew our own spirits and our commitment to serving others - to reconnect who we are with what we do.
~ Parker Palmer
"At Jesus' Feet"
Luke 10:38-42
Rev. Dr. Brett Younger, Senior Minister

July & August Mission Offering for a Small Giant 
Rockland Sister Cities, a small Rockland Country organization, collects donations of clothes, toys, school supplies, musical instruments, bicycles and building materials and sends them to the needy in two cities in Nicaragua. The Rockland organization may be small to us, but is a giant to the people in those cities.  Please use the envelopes available on Sunday or make your gift online to support the small and giant Rockland Sister Cities.
Habitat Shines a Light on Faith Partners

We'd like to express our appreciation for one of our most cherished faith partners, Plymouth Church of the Pilgrims in Brooklyn! Plymouth Church, which has a long history of community service, has supported Habitat NYC for more than 15 years. The parishioners and staff have provided vital funding and much needed volunteer hours for the majority of the 208 homes that we have built in Brooklyn. For touching the lives of countless hard working New York City families, and for being a truly loyal and beloved partner, we say thank you!
Click here to watch our thank you video on YouTube.
Plymouth Church is a place of Firsts
Plymouth Church was indeed a trend setter.  Did you know the first hymnal to have words AND music on the same page was the Plymouth Collection.  Other denominations followed suit "in the manner of the Plymouth Collection."  Plymouth was the place with the largest pipe organ in the U.S.  You betcha.  Well, until a larger instrument was installed in Salt Lake City.  Wow.  Learn more about Plymouth's music trend setting.  
If you haven't seen the first three, go ahead and mini-binge. 

Remember visiting some cool places when you were young and how much you learned from those awesome tour guides?  Well, you can be one of those. 
The History Ministry needs a few good.....tour guides. 
The Plymouth Pulpit - Better Sorry than Safe
...You and I have indeed been on the Jericho Road. We've been the wounded one in the ditch. A Good Samaritan has picked us up. God has compassion on us, pours oil on our wounds. God is the Good Samaritan.

Good Stuff Coming Up

Tonite @ 6 pm - Summer Family Playground Night

July 28 - Men's BBQ -  
Click here if you need more info

 August 8-12 / Vacation Bible Camp - Register Here  
Deep Sea Discovery - God is with me wherever I go!

About Us

Plymouth Church
75 Hicks St.
Brooklyn, New York 11201

A complete list of Council, Committee and Ministry members.